Quake and Tsunami
By ptarotuos
Not garden related, but I just wanted to let people who might be wondering that I (and my fmaily) are all okay after todays’ terrifying shock. We were in Tokyo when the ground just began rolling for what seemed ages. No idea what has happened at Shadowlands, but that’s not important compared to the many hundreds that have lost their lives in Miyagi Prefecture. The after shocks continue regularly, and are disconcerting, as is the problem at one of the nuclear plants. regards, ptarotuos
11 Mar, 2011
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Thanks for your message Michaella. The most sobering thing was when we picked my three year old son up from day care he said, 'did the nursery move?'. Tough times ahead for the Japanese. Rgs, ptarotuos
11 Mar, 2011
I echo all that Michaella has said. Take care.
11 Mar, 2011
Good to hear from you ...
I had been wondering today if you and your family were safe ...
11 Mar, 2011
Very relieved that you are all ok....the news reports get more alarming with each passing hour...such devestating consequences for the Japanese nation. You are so much in our thoughts.
11 Mar, 2011
so good to hear from you thanks for taking the time to tell us how you are and I'm so relieved you are all safe.....
11 Mar, 2011
I echo Pam - thanks for letting us know you are OK. I've been watching the news aghast - the fires seem even more terrible than the earthquake and the tsunami. And I hope the nuclear reactor can be kept in a safe condition. Thinking of you all. Blessings....
11 Mar, 2011
pleased you are ok I hope that the aftershocks are not too severe.
take care
11 Mar, 2011
I'm New to GoY joined in Feb, but my sentiments are the same as all above.
11 Mar, 2011
glad to hear that you are well. Take care.
11 Mar, 2011
Pleased that you and your family are OK, Ptarotuos. The people of Japan must be suffering terribly. Our love and blessings to you all.
11 Mar, 2011
The TV imagines we are receiving here are jaw dropping, I can not imagine what you, your family and wider community must beig going though. Glad you're safe and take care.
11 Mar, 2011
so glad you and your family are ok and it must be so frightening seeing whats going on over there, we all hope it ends soon and you keep safe.
11 Mar, 2011
I'm glad to hear that you are all O.K.
11 Mar, 2011
Glad you are ok my prayers are with you in this terrible time.
11 Mar, 2011
Thanks everyone for your kind messages. It reminds me of what a terrific community we have here on GoY. Will be on again in a few days when things settle down. Kind regards, ptarotuos
11 Mar, 2011
So glad you are all safe and sound.
Take care Ptaro.
11 Mar, 2011
Best wishes to you and your family and friends. Its absolutely horrific and my prayers are with all of you. The planet is alive and showing it's most terrible and awe inspiring power. Makes you realise just how vulnerable we all are in the face of nature. Blessings, Karen :))
11 Mar, 2011
So pleased to hear you and your family are safe and well take care.
11 Mar, 2011
How terrifying for you all - the media pictures just look so awful and I do hope that the UK and many other countries send a lot of aid to your stricken land.
My very best wishes to you all and I hope God will give you the strength to bear all the hard times that will no doubt lay ahead until your country gets on its feet again..
12 Mar, 2011
I add my best wishes to those above for all the people of Japan in this terrible time.
12 Mar, 2011
best wishes to you & your family,take care...
13 Mar, 2011
8.9! That is some earthquake Ptaro. I do hope you have not lost any one, they are saying up to 1700 are dead and over 10,000 missing! Its unbelievable, do take care Ptaro. and know that we, here, are all thinking of you.
13 Mar, 2011
Once again everyone, thanks for your thoughts and kindness. Things seem quite normal here in Tokyo now, except for the odd shudder. Of course elsewhere the true devastation is coming to light. Horrible. I had my hair cut today with my usual barber: he's from Sendai (bayside) and has not heard from any of his relatives or friends there. And he's still cutting hair like nothing has happened - such fortitude and courage. rdgs ptarotuos
13 Mar, 2011
Lovely to have your update and to know you are safe and well. The news reports here are showing so much devestation and it's weird that you say things are quite normal now in Tokyo. I suppose because the populus are geared for earthquakes it is a little easier for them to resume their lives if there is less damage in their areas.
I do feel so sad for those, like your barber, who are not able to have assurance that family & friends are ok and have survived.
Take care, Ptarotuos. Will there have been any damage at Shadowlands or is that far enough removed from the area affected?
13 Mar, 2011
Thanks for your e-mail Whistonlass. If the trains and buses are running I'm going up to Shadowlands on Tuesday on my own. The quake would certainly have been felt in Hakone, but probably a little less than Tokyo. I did hear that after the main shock centred off the cost of Sendai, that there was a large aftershock affecting Kanagawa Prefecture, which includes Hakone - so we shall see. The main concern I have is that behind the main house, about 2 metres away is a 4 metre high concrete wall butressing an earthen bank above. I hope no cracks have appeared or that the integrity of the structure has not been compromised, else it would be too dangerous to stay there. I must confess to being a little apprehensive going there on my jack - a two hour train ride, 30 minutes bus ride - then a hike up into the moutains for about 40 minutes. At the moment we have no TV or landline phone there. The mobile network is still largely down, and should a siren go off, my Japanese would break down instantly, and I would probably head up-hill when I am supposed to be going down. But, up there I shall go. Rgds, ptarotuos
13 Mar, 2011
Oh Ptarotuos, please be careful if you attempt a trip up to Shadowlands....it does sound a bit precarious. When you do get there I hope there are not any nasty surprises with damage, especially the concrete wall.
Keep us updated. You are fortunate to be in an area of Tokyo where things are not so bad. News reports we are getting say that all the transport is down, phonelines not working and people are preparing to evacuate Tokyo. It's also reported a large aftershock is expected in the next few days. Is this the news you are hearing too, P.?
13 Mar, 2011
I do hope you manage the trip Ptarotuos, and that you find all in order when you get there. At the moment they're saying no trains are running, but in two days' time - who knows? Good luck.
13 Mar, 2011
More or less, yes. 70% chance of a mag 7+ in the first 3 days after the super quake (which nows seems to have been upgraded to 9.0). There is a shortage of bread in the shops in Tokyo (I tried 5, but couldn't get hold of any type of bread), this is probably because some of the factories are in Tohoku which was badly affected by the quake, and also because people are, quite naturally, buying more than usual when they can. Toilet paper - to lower the tone - also seems to be flying off the shelves...it seems likely that their will be controlled power outages next week, but we shall see. rgs, ptarotuos
13 Mar, 2011
Good luck Ptaro. do take care and hope you find all's well at Shadowlands. x
13 Mar, 2011
good wishes from me too-- the tv coverage here shows apalling scenes and moments almost of despair at the brutality of the Tsunami which it seems has caused the majority of the destructions the brave japanese people were well prepared for --even the magnitude reached of the quake-- but nothing could prepare for the tsunami......
do take care my dear and thankyou for keeping us informed xxx
14 Mar, 2011
Thanks Pamg and everyone,
I've had to postpone my visit to Shadowlands tomorrow as there are still no trains running that way. There supermarkets are almost barren in Tokyo. No eggs, milk, bread, all the dailys. I wouldn't say there are shortages, because supplies still seem to be coming in okay - just as soon as they arrive, everyone buys. Can't get hold of diapers anywhere at moment. We are due to move all our stuff from our Tokyo apartment to Hakone on the 22nd but whether that will be possible remains to be seen. Of course the situation witoo. Rrgs, ptarotuos
14 Mar, 2011
my thoughts and sympathies are with you and all of Japan Ptarotuos . this disaster is so horrific . take care :o) on a lighter note -hope diapers will be available soon lol
14 Mar, 2011
I am relieved to hear that you have to delay your trip to Shadowlands....it did sound a precarious journey. I know you will want to get there asap to survey the property but with all the disruption and the uncertainty of further earthquakes etc. it will be a waiting game for you.
The nuclear power stations seem to be of great concern at the moment....but I assume you are well removed from the danger zone as it seems to be more northerly to Tokyo.
I hope you are able to get what supplies you need....it will be lots of improvisation if you can't get a supply of diapers. Wishing you well, Ptarotuos. Pleased to get your updates :)
14 Mar, 2011
thanks ptaro-- thoughts are with you and your family xxx
14 Mar, 2011
Hi All, as per my previous update, no trains heading in the direction of Hakone from Tokyo, so no chance of getting up there. Radiation levels in Tokyo have apparently begun to rise - according to some sources now 21 times the normal level. Not much we can do about it though. ptarotuos
15 Mar, 2011
It is scary to know there is radiation leakage and I so hope the repurcussions from this will not lead to a lot of long-term health problems or worse for the Japanese people. It's difficult to know whether to believe the news reports we are getting so I am pleased you are updating regularly, Ptarotuos.
As always....you are in our thoughts....any sign of diapers or loo roll yet? lol
15 Mar, 2011
I agree--- very scary -- my thoughts are with you all.....
15 Mar, 2011
Pleased to hear you and your family are ok Ptarotuos. Its heartbreaking watching the news and seeing all that devastation and hearing of all those lives lost, no matter what we do it seems we are helpless against the forces of nature.
Take take care and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.....
15 Mar, 2011
A quick update - and by the way apologies for this not being garden-related. There was a strong after shock in Shizuoka Prefecture last night 6.6. This happens to be much closer to Hakone, so once again, I have no idea about the damage possibly inflicted. Radiation rates in Tokyo seem to be fluctuating, peaking yesterday. The government it seems to me is doing all it can to release information (there is now a website publishing radiation levels at different points), but it is historic, in the sense that a few hours matters. The other thing is it is hard to interpret the data. The information I saw showed a peak of about 20 times the usual level for a few hours, then falling leaving the daily average about twice normal levels. The wind is predicted today to help. About 50% of the people I see are wearing face masks - add them to the scarce list - but more or less life continues. There us a house being built close to us and the workers continue working outside with no masks etc. It is difficult to know if they are right to get on with things, or imprudent. I don't know of anytime when so many disaster (continuing) have hit a country at the same time. Japan is a proud nation and well equipped, but it does need help. I continue packing up the things for our (scheduled) house move on the 22nd March, but it feels as if it may be jumping from the fat to the fire. rgs, Peter p.s. - still no diapers (for the kids by the way, not me :)
16 Mar, 2011
It will be frustrating to be unsure of your plans to move to Shadowlands nor to know how your property has come out of this. I do hope you are able to continue with your planned move and we will be watching for updates as and when you can post them.
Has toilet training moved into high gear now for the kids with no diapers being available? It seems as if at least some of the population are carrying on with their normal lives (i.e. with the house building) and I hope the help needed is coming together as countries send aid workers.
Take care, Peter and all the best is wished for your family.
16 Mar, 2011
I wouldn't worry about it not being garden related-- its too important to worry about that--- I do hope that you are able to reach the countryside safely-- thoughts are with you all pam xxx
16 Mar, 2011
I agree Pam. we are all interested in what is happening over there Ptaro. so please keep keeping us informed. We here cannot begin to think how you are all coping and having no diapers for the children must be awfully hard work. I hope the move goes to plan ptaro on the 22nd. keep in touch and take care.
16 Mar, 2011
Like everyone else Ptaro I am thinking and praying for you and your family keep us up to date where and when possible please. take care
16 Mar, 2011
My thoughts are with you Ptarotuos and of course all the people in Japan, I cannot comprehend how you are all coping, nature can be so hostile. Keep safe and good luck.
17 Mar, 2011
Ptarotuos I am thinking of you and praying that the Japanese people and those of other nationalities who are sharing this disaster with you will be given the strength to get you through this terrible time. Your nation has shown the world a fine example of fortitude and courage in the face of adversity. God be with you.
18 Mar, 2011
im sorry i missed this blog ~ i was wondering how you were, ~ dont apologise for it not being about gardening ~ this is a 'community' so im sure we are all deeply grateful to hear that you are all ok. but it is also good to be informed about everything that is happening ~ it seems to me to be the worst disaster of modern times.
please keep in contact.
18 Mar, 2011
I would like to thank all the poeple who ahve sent there best wishes and expressed interest in my post over the last few months.
20 Mar, 2011
Recent posts by ptarotuos
- 'Kurume' Azaleas in full bloom at Shadowlands
18 May, 2015
- Volcanic Activity around Shadowlands - Owakudani
10 May, 2015
- Two surprises in the Garden: Japanese White-eye and Pipe Plant
30 Jun, 2014
- Return to Shadowlands
25 Jun, 2014
- Snowed in at Shadowlands (photos)
11 Feb, 2014
- Completely snowbound at Shadowlands, but thinking of Spring!
8 Feb, 2014
Hi ptarotuos. Thank God you and your family are ok. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family, your people and surrounding countries. I am following the news all the time. I pray it will all stop very soon. Look after each other.
11 Mar, 2011