what is THE most fragrant rose in the world?
By Bryony
United Kingdom
I would like to buy a very highly scented rose for a relative who is blind. Looking online, 'kazanlik' seems to be the most fragrant, is this correct?
kazanlik- http://www.classicroses.co.uk/roses/container/k/kazanlik.html
Any other recommendations?
It could be a climber or any other type, and the fragrance is a more important factor than the appearance.
Also, it would be nice if it could be grown in a container as it would be accessible for her. (My motives are not purely altruistic as I might pick up one for myself at the same time!)
26 Jun, 2009
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I'd recommend climbing Ena Harkness - a very old rose, and highly fragrant. Does tend to produce a major flush and then not much else though, so alternatively Whisky Mac, Typhoo Tea, Fragrant Cloud, all hybrid tea roses, all very fragrant.
Just a warning though - roses do much better in the ground than in a pot, and if you put it in a pot, don't get a climber, choose a smaller growing rose - whisky mac'd be my choice, but you'll still need a deep container.
26 Jun, 2009
Rose scent is a very personal thing. We all have differing senses of smell. For me the best smelling rose is Jude the Obscure....an aweful name but a beautiful soft yellow colour and an amazing citrus smell, all the time. It does get rather large so is not particularly suitable for a container....unless it is large too!!
26 Jun, 2009
I too was going to suggest Gertrude Jekyll (pink). It's got a beautiful, strong perfume.
Another is Alec's Red. One of the strongest smelling red roses and a beauty.
26 Jun, 2009
Rhapsody In Blue is spectacularly fragrant as is Arthur Bell.
29 Jun, 2009
The rose which is on my latest GoY photo is called Heartbeat.. Beautiful colour and wonderful scent....
Probably my favourite rose of those in my gardens. :o)
It forms a pretty bush, with the flower scent at nose height. Lol.
30 Jun, 2009
Even sighted people get scratched and clawed by rose thorns. I suggest you look for a near thornless rose, or better still a scented plant with non-physical defenses. Lippia citriodora, Hedychium coronarum, Pelargonium graveolens, Brugmansia suaveolens, Mandavilla laxa, Philadelphus coronarus ...
23 Oct, 2009
I know this mail is a year old, but I cant resist telling you about a fabulous perfumed and coloured rose. Its called Chandos Beauty. People have varying "noses" for perfume of flowers. My husband doesnt like the smell of flowers much..his nose is different to mine!! (Larger for a start!) However, most of my friends tell me what a fantastic smell this rose has..so a fair recommendation. Will post a picture.I have a large collection of roses on my terrace where we sit. They are all in pots. Will let you all know how they progress.
Fragrant roses I have are: Gertrude Jekyll, Margaret Merril, Fragrant Cloud, Velvet Dream, Souvenier de Doctor Jamain (difficult but worth it), L'aimant and Special Event (a lovely perfumed lavender rose). And, of course, Chandos Beauty.
17 Aug, 2010
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I would do as you seem to have done and look at a specialist grower's site, especially if the rose is going to go in a container, and then pick a highly scented one from those they recommend as being suitable for a container. My mother grew 'Gertrude Jekyll' successfully in a container for a number of years but she is meticulous about watering and feeding. This rose has a very strong scent.
26 Jun, 2009