Why are my nasturtiums not flowering?
By Rosebud2
United Kingdom
I have grown nasturtiums from seed and have lots of healthy foliage not not a flower in sight. Any thoughts on what is wrong?
3 Aug, 2009
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are you using fertiliser? they bloom best on poor soils in full sun
3 Aug, 2009
give it time they will soon burst with colour and hum along with the sound of all those happy bees
x x x
3 Aug, 2009
You don't say if they're in the ground or in containers, but the rules with nasturtium are always the same - poor soil , no feeding and being largely ignored will give far more flowers. If you grow them in pots, don't feed and use spent compost! but they do require some sun or bright conditions, no good in shady spots
5 Aug, 2009
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I grow mine on the side that faces south so they get most sun - I do the same with Morning Glory now too, as mine never used to flower, could that be the problem?
3 Aug, 2009