Dahlia Seeds
By Jacque
Norfolk UK,
United Kingdom
Iv fallen in love with Dahlia Flowers this year after seeing so many GOY Members Gorgeous Shapes & Colours i now want some in my Garden :) Id like 2 grow some from Seed ! But how long b4 theyl flower? Many Thanx Jacx
24 Aug, 2009
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Thanx Bamboo the Buying Sounds like My Best Option as id really like 2 know what Colours/Shapes il be getting :) il give the Pound Shops a Look ,do u know what time of year theyl be in Shops/Nursurys 4 sale ????????:)
24 Aug, 2009
I'm just trying to recall whether its spring or autumn - better for you if its spring, you don't have to store them over winter. I think it might be spring, when things like lilies and gladioli are available in a similar form
24 Aug, 2009
Many Thanx 4 your Comments Bamboo :)
24 Aug, 2009
Yes, spring is the time for buying Dahlia tubers! Do be careful if buying from pound shops - have a really good look to make sure the tuber is alive and not one they've stored from last year! The staff at the one I go to haven't a clue about plants.....but are good for cheap pots and things! lol Good luck with it Jac :-)
24 Aug, 2009
Thanx Sarah il keep it in mind when i do start looking in Spring :)
24 Aug, 2009
Well it goes without saying that anything like that needs a good grope before you buy it! Especially in a cheapo shop.
24 Aug, 2009
Oh, now, now Bamboo - you'll have the shop security on you! lol
Not a fan of the pound shops at the moment - bought a climbing red rose from one in the spring, spent time training it in, feeding it, cossetting it and the darn thing turned out to be a right ugly thing - instead of the lovely tight red roses in the picture, I got these bluey-purply-greyish semi-double roses that only lasted about a day. Plus the bush itself showed every intention of completely taking over my garden. Spent an hour cutting it back the other day and I've still got to dig the root out..........sorry for the rant!
24 Aug, 2009
Sounds delightful, having shop security on me! Whilst I recommend heartily a bit of selective cheapo shop bulb buying, I would never recommend buying a rose in one. I'm not a fan of roses particularly, think they're a lot of trouble, but if I do need to get one, I'll be trawling through Hessayon's Rose Expert first and then going to the garden centre to see if they've got the one I want, or ordering it from them so I can see the plant before I pay. Not sure mail order roses are great either - not at all impressed with David Austin, for instance. And that's my rant finished!
24 Aug, 2009
So Plezd u feel better Bamboo :)
24 Aug, 2009
grrr i too have had a bad time with a type of roses, most disgusted with them (although not their fault)
have decided as I promised to do over a friends garden I would give them to her
may not be friends for long
x x x
24 Aug, 2009
Isn't that kind of gift called something - can't remember what, its not trojan horse or white elephant ,something else. Oh, exasperating, that damned filing clerk in my head needs sacking...
24 Aug, 2009
bless, blame the heat
my friend hates gardening and she wants things that just do what they want, so gonna give her my so called "cascading roses"
they have annoyed me
x x
24 Aug, 2009
With annual dahlias sow seeds in March in gentle heat and plant out in May they will flower the same year. Protect young plants from slugs I put a ring of broken egg shells round mine as they do not like to crossover them (slug pellets can harm frogs and other wild life so I do not use them).
You can get double or single in most colours. Check the final height or you may get very tall when you expected short. All dahlias are thirsty and require regular feeding.If you buy tubers these are planted out in April.
Tubers can be lifted before the frost and are stored upside down (helps drainage and stops rotting) to use again next year.
Green and black fly love them I do not spray with chemical I find a good burst of watering gets rid of them.
Ps I save my egg shells all winter just rinse and they will not stink.
24 Aug, 2009
Oh no, not the cascading roses (hand to brow, mock shock horror) Bet you'll be glad to see the back of them, I know I would be. I think your friend might eventually be very sorry...
24 Aug, 2009
cant handle it anymore, they are driving me crazy flopping all over the lawn
they will be happier with her
x x
24 Aug, 2009
Thanx Drc726 4 the Imfo :) im so grateful 4 all the Help uv all given Jac x
24 Aug, 2009
sorry Jacque
I took over
good luck with the dahlias
x x x
24 Aug, 2009
Dont be silly Mookins im glad uv got it of your chest :) lolx
24 Aug, 2009
No fear, Bamboo, in the future I shall be going to a garden centre to grope for roses! I just got seduced by the fact it only cost about £2.......it's not all bad tho - I also bought some raspberry canes from them and they've done quite well. No more roses tho!
24 Aug, 2009
Grope !!! LOL Its the Dahlias u Grope Sarah lol :) Mind Those Thornes :/
24 Aug, 2009
Hi Jacque....Ian always grows Dahlias from seed.....this year, Pompoms and ordinary garden Dahlias. They're very easy to grow, sowing them in Feb and keeping them warm till they have sprouted, then into the greenhouse, which we insulated with bubble-wrap and thats it really...potted on like anything else then i planted them into the garden about May time. They've been a great show this year, and when I dig them up, they will have formed tubers which I will save for next year, though Ian will want to grow some more! The two i bought as tubers were the dark red Karma Choc and peachy Alfred Grille. These both grew to a height of 4ft.
24 Aug, 2009
Hi Janey Love your New Member Pic :) Thanx also 4 the Advice/Comment :)
24 Aug, 2009
Thanks Jacque....:o)
24 Aug, 2009
Hello Janey - is that Ted with you?!
I remember not to grope the roses Jac ;-)
24 Aug, 2009
Hi Sid...yes this is Tedward, just manage to grab him as he passed by Lol!
24 Aug, 2009
this is my first year with Dahlias, gre mine from seed
have yet to experiment with the tubers
but definatly going to grow from seed again
x x x
25 Aug, 2009
Were They Annaul Dahlia Seeds Mookins ? Iv seen some lovely packets of those :)
25 Aug, 2009
Oh Jacque I have no idea they were the very first seeds I bought and sewed them all!!
hahahaha if only I knew then what I know now
x x x
25 Aug, 2009
Ul have 2 try & collect the seeds from Your Dahlia Flowers Mookins ? :)
25 Aug, 2009
i have collected some but dozy duck here kept them in a plastic bag!!
you can guess what grew in there
will try again this weekend
x x
25 Aug, 2009
Never mind we live& Learn Mookins :)
25 Aug, 2009
i have to say in defence of some cheap shops ie: QD in E.anglia i have bought lots of shrubs there and they all have grown well..also some from pound&99p shops have done good,i agree tho u do need to definately have a good look and touchy,feel before purchase..
5 Jul, 2012
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you can raise them from seed, but there is a problem- the results are variable, so you don't know what kind of dahlia you will get in terms of colour and flower form. If you have a heated greenhouse, its easy, but if not, start the seeds off in the late winter/early spring in an airing cupboard, and once they've germinated, hopefully it'll be warm enough to put them outside once you've potted them up, otherwise you'll have pots all over the windowsills. Doesn't say how long they take to flower, but you should get some flowers the same year, though much later than if you bought the tubers. You could just go and buy the tubers in a bag - they sell them with bulbs and packaged in a similar way, and its much cheaper to buy them like that than as a growing plant. I've seen some varieties packaged like that in the £1 shops...
24 Aug, 2009