Winter care for Dahlias
By Reem777
United Kingdom
I grew Dahlias for the first time this year, they are in pots. I've read that Dahlias should be lifted and stored in dry compost in a shed over winter. As mine are already in pots i've just cut the stems to just above the compost and put them in my shed as they are in their pots, is this ok?
28 Oct, 2009
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Many thanks, will take your advice then and dry them off and over winter in the house.
28 Oct, 2009
Dont forget to put them upside down to drain for a couple of weeks Reem
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks Drc...I forgot to mention the upside down
28 Oct, 2009
Mine rotted the first year because I didnt know Amblealice.
28 Oct, 2009
Thats a shame Drc......we live and learn.:)
28 Oct, 2009
Hi Reem777, I did a blog on over wintering Dahlias. Its called 'Putting Dahlias to bed', and was posted on I think 18 oct. it includes some photos, It might be useful to you.Frank
28 Oct, 2009
And very good it was Frank.
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks Drc726
28 Oct, 2009
Frank I will certainly read your blog, thanks all for the advice.
29 Oct, 2009
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I too grow them in pots. They will be ok left in their pots as long as the compost is bone dry, and they are kept frost free. If you' r shed is not guaranteed frost free you could try lagging the pots and hope for the best. They would actually be better taken out of the pots, the soil washed off; dried and placed in boxes of dry peat, kept in a cool place in the house Good luck!
28 Oct, 2009