By Jewells
Ipswich, Suffolk,
United Kingdom
my mum has had a peony plantede in her border for its third year and she still is awaiting a flower i am a little at a loss as why this has happened. can anybody shed any light on this please?
1 Jun, 2008
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I know Peonys can sulk for years but usually give in in the end & flower, so be patient.
1 Jun, 2008
The peony hates being moved. Dont be tempted to shift it. It can sit sulking for years as Poppy says - but it will be getting bigger and forming a clump. Once they start flowering nothing much stops 'em - they flourish in totally overgrown, neglected gardens (truly infuriating!) - until you try to split the clump!
1 Jun, 2008
I think Ann has it... would add that also correct...what is seen as sulking is just the time it takes for the plant to grow up through the excess soil over it's head. and it likes some organic matter in its soil.. The bud eyes should only be 2 inches below the surface, when dividing clumps, do it in late summer/early fall and 3 to 5 eyes to a section. they should be given lots of room, at least 3 ft. apart. hth...
2 Jun, 2008
Is yours getting enough sun?
5 Jun, 2008
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If it is planted too deep it won't flower. Also if it had a flower forming there is always a chance the frost got it.
1 Jun, 2008