The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Xavia

pretoria, South Africa

Hi i see there are manny snails in my garden , a often use salt and kombat , but ther are still manny snails and worms



I am afraid that is going to be normal. If you dont want to use chemicals to kill the snails then use things like beer traps or empty half skins of grapefruits etc. then you can dispose of them that way.
the worms are helpful so i wouldnt try to get rid off them.

24 Nov, 2009


Unless you mean slugs, not worms - worms are good, snails and slugs not so good if there are too many. We use slug pellets over here (if you're not worried about being organic) which they eat and which kill them. to be used with care where there are other animals around.

24 Nov, 2009


Good time now to find them hidden under dead leaves and under pots etc you can get rid of a lot like that?

24 Nov, 2009


now is to late there eggs are in the soil

24 Nov, 2009


I was using beer traps for a while but got sick of emptying up to 10 slugs from each trap every day, so I use the slug pellets now but only place them under my larger containers so the neighbours cats and hedgehogs don,t get to them.

24 Nov, 2009


There are many ways to discourage snails, they also work on slugs and that is to add either hair or sharp sand around plants. The grains and hair stick onto their bodies and they don't really it. Crushed eggshells sprinkled around the plants is another is another way, they have a tendency to cut the snail / slugs body.If you are growing plants in pots, spreading something like Vasaline on the underside of the pots lip. Snails and slugs can't slither over Vasaline especially if it's applied quite thickly. And finally if you grow plants in pots is a copper strip that runs around the rim of the pot. It must go right around the pot otherwise Slugs and snails will find the gap and use it a bridge so to speak. Slugs and Snails don't like copper, it gives then a type of electric shock.

Hope this helps

Oh yeah one more thing, try and encourage animals that feed on snails into your garden

24 Nov, 2009


Thanks , your advice will help a lot and have a lovely day.

25 Nov, 2009

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