By Royton
United Kingdom
I have two Camelias both of which were in flower when I bought them. I have had them for two years and they have never flowered in the two years
7 Jun, 2008
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spring colour plants
Put your used tea-leafs at the base of your Camelias,ever and ever. My Camelia gives me also fruits,like little apples (dont eat it),when they become brown and open put the seeds in a little container with the acidic soil and wait for a loooong time.Now I have 10 little Camelias, about 30cm. high
and 3 years old.
7 Jun, 2008
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They prefer acidic soil and never let them dry out or the flower buds will not form or if already forming will drop off.Try to water them with rain water if growing in containers.
7 Jun, 2008