My back garden today. 29th April. 2010.
By Terratoonie

29 Apr, 2010
A few years ago I built the raised bed from recycled brick sections. I planted it with mostly aubrieta and heathers.
There are more photos of my back garden in my new blog... Gromit's Ground Force Team.
Comments on this photo
stunning Terra ;o))
29 Apr, 2010
This is so beautiful! I look out at my dry dirt patch and weep!
29 Apr, 2010
Your garden is simply gorgeous TT.
29 Apr, 2010
Thanks Denise, Sandra and Sue... :o)
Hi Gillian...
You'll create something wonderful from your Canadian "dirt patch" ...
... you have the talent. xxx
29 Apr, 2010
Its gorgeous Terra, I`d love to see more but how do I find your new blog?
29 Apr, 2010
Hi Sandra and Perry... Thanks.
If you click on my avatar pic, that will take you to my home page.
Then click on the heading "Blog" and you'll see titles of my recent blogs.
I hope this helps. :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Amazing! Perfect combination of bright colour, TT! Love your back garden...:)
29 Apr, 2010
beautiful TT
29 Apr, 2010
Thanks Uma and Eileen :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Wow!! Nothing else to say.
29 Apr, 2010
Thank you Tog :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Looks a lovely secluded area, TT, really beautiful, well done on all your hard work.
29 Apr, 2010
So lovely and a wonderful combination of colours TT .. :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Thanks Gee... This area of my garden gets a lot of sunshine.... It is the first part of my back garden to have sun in the morning, so it is tempting to work down there early in the day :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Hello Amy...
Thanks. The Pieris Forest Flame on the left, is a bit of a colour clash, but I inherited it from my mother's garden, so I allow it to grow next to the mauves and purples ! Lol.
29 Apr, 2010
You will treasure the Pieris TT in the same way that I treasure shrubs that I have from my Fathers garden , it's almost as though a part of them is still sharing your garden .. :o))
29 Apr, 2010
Beautiful TT, going to look at your blog.
29 Apr, 2010
This is lovely Terra you have inspired me to grow more like this :-)
29 Apr, 2010
Wow and then Wow again........
29 Apr, 2010
wow, that's beautiful! Love all the colors!
29 Apr, 2010
Super area TT!
Nice pic, recycling and lots of colour to boot....what more can a woman do? Oh, a cuppa would be nice LOL!
29 Apr, 2010
Really lovely TT a joy to sit in, do you have time? :o)
29 Apr, 2010
Simply beautiful ... what a gorgeous sight!
30 Apr, 2010
I love the way all the vivid colors are set against the background of the serene, restful green. Simply beautiful!
30 Apr, 2010
Aubretia are so rewarding Terra. You have a wonderful way with them too. What a good idea for a gardener with a bad back, or in a wheel chair. The little touches of yellow, as a complementary colour, set them off well. If I fuss over mine a bit they will bloom again, but they are used as edging, not so creatively as your use of Aubretia.
30 Apr, 2010
Yes, Amy. I know what you mean about plants from parents ... I do treasure the Pieris, and I even managed to grow a cutting from it, so I have a smaller version in my front garden. :o)
Hello Skillen, Richard, Dotty, Lauram, Oddbillie, Neellan, Bernie, Indiansummer and Dorjac....
Thanks for your kind words about my gardens ..
I don't sit still for long ...
... always see something which needs doing in the garden ! :o)
30 Apr, 2010
What a mass of glorious springy colours - you couldn't cram more in there if you tried TT - well done -
30 Apr, 2010
Thanks Terry60 ... :o)
30 Apr, 2010
That is so pretty TT :-))))
30 Apr, 2010
Hi Annella...
Thank you. I'm very busy in my gardens at the moment...
.. I guess it is the same for you.. :o)
30 Apr, 2010
Exlosure of colours..beautiful TT
30 Apr, 2010
Its brilliant TT, what fantastic colours.
30 Apr, 2010
Wow TT.... its wonderful................
30 Apr, 2010
Thanks Deida, Yorkshire and Holly :o)
30 Apr, 2010
Think you got away very lightly with that comment about women and tea Odd, you must love to live dangerously my friend!! Terra, your picts of your garden always stun me, and this is truly no exception~it is beautiful! I could fill a book just with photos of your garden and pets from my Favs alone, so you can guess where this one is going too ..............:~))xxx
30 Apr, 2010
Hi Flori...
Glad you like this one....
I made the back pergola with help from a friend. He had made two side panels as a gift, thinking I would make it into an arch, but I had other ideas, and designed the fan-shape top section, and then planted with the Armandii and Trachelospermum... Some time later, the white stone bird-bath statue was a recycled "freebie" from a friend's garden...
I like to build up an area a bit at a time...
Do you have a definite plan in mind when you work on an area in your garden, or are you like me... sort of make it up as you go along ? Lol. xxx
30 Apr, 2010
Everyone as taken the words out my mouth, your garden is stunning. xx
30 Apr, 2010
Hi Clarice and Homebird...
Thanks :o) xxx
30 Apr, 2010
Hi Terra, well, I always start off with a plan in the begining.......then that heads west, and I make it up as I go along hahaha! I seem to be an ' Intuiative' gardener, the garden tells me what it wants, so I try and go with it.
I always struggle looking at designs on paper, but if I step into the garden,it seems to come together for me.........psychiatric help is on it's way as I write...........tee hee hee!! :~)))))xxx
30 Apr, 2010
really lovely TT. I love aubretia. you seem to have loads in your front and back garden.
30 Apr, 2010
That's really nice TT. It's so full of colour and interest. The Aubretia and hethers go well together. I love the pergola aswell ( if that's the right name for it lol) You have a pretty garden :o)
30 Apr, 2010
Thanks Helen and Hywel....
I explained above about making the pergola ...
... just above Clarice's comment..Lol.
The aubrieta and heathers go together even better than I hoped..:o)
30 Apr, 2010
Just dont know what to say, been staring at this foto for so long and cant get enough, a pretty small area it seems, but so many colours, also peaceful to look at. Just beautiful
30 Apr, 2010
Hi Titchy...
Thanks. Yes .. it is quite a small area... and the bed of stones I've created on my latest blog is also not vast ... but it is fun making up the designs as I go along :o)
1 May, 2010
WOW!! Amazing! I love it!
1 May, 2010
Hi Michaella...
Thank you... :o)
1 May, 2010
Pretty as a picture Tt....Thanks for this special treat!! Just love it....
1 May, 2010
Thanks Freesia...
Gardens are enjoying some welcome rain today :o)
2 May, 2010
Love the colors.
2 May, 2010
Thank you Angie :o)
2 May, 2010
This is stunning alter to beauty, I'd love to try something like this, gone to favs:-)
2 May, 2010
Thanks Bornagain..
It takes a few years for the plants to establish, but worth the effort and the wait :o)
2 May, 2010
Totally agree with everything above; don't think we can lavish enough praise on your garden, your photo and your talent. When I looked at the picture, I thought I'd stepped off into a child's fairy tale book! Lovely.
2 May, 2010
Hi Hmhb... Fairy tale book....
... what a lovely way to describe this part of my garden
... Thank you so much.. ! :o)
2 May, 2010
Hi Terra..i don't know how i managed to miss is magical...i can imagine how much effort was put into this...the result is admirable...stunning Terra regards Waheeda
2 May, 2010
Hi Waheeda...
The hardest part of making this was for me to lift the brick block sections... they were heavy ! There is another pic. of this from a slightly different angle on my latest blog.
Glad you like it. Many thanks.... :o)
2 May, 2010
That is very pretty.I wish I have something like that
2 May, 2010
Thanks Shahida.
Your garden is very beautiful :o)
2 May, 2010
really nice terratoonie so much colour already in your garden
2 May, 2010
Thank you Havoone ...
Springtime is a pretty season in gardens, isn't it....
2 May, 2010
This is stunning..a credit to you !
2 May, 2010
This looks beautiful! It was worth all the hard work with those bricks!!
3 May, 2010
Thanks BB ... that's the view I see when I sit at my computer...
Hi Pasuki ...
Thank you. The brick sections are extremely heavy... !
I hope your budgies are well ...
any new budgie photos please ? :o)
4 May, 2010
This is beautiful.
I can only dream of my garden looking anywhere close to this colourful.
At the moment I see mainly mud patches in mine LOL
4 May, 2010
Hi Blooming lovely.. Thanks..
Mud patches could mean there's good soil there ...
... just waiting to grow some wonderful flowers for you :o)
4 May, 2010
It is all muddy clay so packs solid in the sun but I hope to be able to sort it a little bit as I learn more ;)
4 May, 2010
Some plants do well in clay, once you have it sorted... You seem to have the determination, so I'm sure your garden will soon be looking fab. :o)
4 May, 2010
Is that a polite way to say I sound like a stubborn biatch ROFL
Determination is something I never seem to lack thankfully :O)
4 May, 2010
I just think you have sufficient interest and enthusiasm to make a success of your garden. ;o)
4 May, 2010
Thank you Terratoonie. GOY is most certainly helping.
I think I am now just as addicted to this place as I am the garden.
4 May, 2010
Lol.. there is no cure for either ...
... don't resist GoY or your garden ...
... just enjoy ! Lol.
4 May, 2010
I will, I will.
Not only have I borrowed DH's Camera but i've now convinced him I will need the laptop so I can do both LOL
4 May, 2010
:o) Lol.
4 May, 2010
Beautiful Terra. Haven't had a chance to look at GoY for a while but so glad I saw this particular picture.
4 May, 2010
8 May, 2010
Thanks Ginellie and Convr... :o)
8 May, 2010
Somehow I have missed this and only just found it! Just lovely TT, so pretty! :o)
11 May, 2010
Oh Wow....Tt......this is just fabulous! What a beautiful garden you have...well done!!
13 May, 2010
Such a beautiful flower garden! I'm jealous! lol! : > )
14 May, 2010
Your garden is so beautiful TT :-)
15 May, 2010
Stunning......How old are yours Gardens....they are obviously well established.....and all the colours I love...
16 May, 2010
Thanks Pottygardener, Janey, Delonix, Sid and Crissue ...
These are all plants and structures which I've made over recent years...
raised bed, pergola etc... I added to the design a bit at a time..
I'm lucky how quickly the garden has started to look established :o)
17 May, 2010
Wow this is beautiful......Masses of colours and neat. Credit to you Terratoonie ........ :-)
24 May, 2010
Thanks Louis....
I'm pleased you like it :o)
27 May, 2010
Oh my... this photo is beautiful, I love Aubrieta's too, once established they are one of the most beautiful carpets of flowers, what a picture you have a wonderful eye :o)
5 Jun, 2010
Thanks Aygo...
... aubrieta stays in flower for a long while, doesn't it. :o)
5 Jun, 2010
I've had a few Aub's in my time, unfortunately the varieties I have bought have had a short flowering span and usually starting in Spring till about June maybe pushing July, how long does this patch of your garden bloom? I love this kind of look in the garden.
6 Jun, 2010
Very beautiful. Perfect combination of different colors and varieties.
17 Jun, 2010
Hi Aygo ~
Thank you... the aubrieta usually lasts till June and then other flowers are in bloom, such as campanula and lavender.
Thanks Geeta2311 ~
The springtime colours blend together naturally which makes the planting easy. I hope you are enjoying GoY. :o)
17 Jun, 2010
Simply lovely! Shows what one can do to create a place of beauty even if you have only limited smace!
21 Jul, 2010
just fabulous,how many years to achieve?
24 Jul, 2010
Thanks Rose Lady and S-Sheila...
Yes, smaller spaces can be made pretty .... and I guess the above could be achieved as an established planting in about 3 years ...
24 Jul, 2010
Thanks terratoonie for the correct name of my Bird of paradise. Amongst many others I love your planting and colour combinations in this photo . Well done
31 Oct, 2010
Thank you, Roseberry ...
I'm pleased you like this ... :o)
1 Nov, 2010
Wow that's gorgeous - great job!
2 Nov, 2010
Thanks, Paul.
Springtime is special, isn't it :o)
2 Nov, 2010
Nice to see this again Tt, so lovely:-)
3 Nov, 2010
your garden is very sweet and cute.
31 Jan, 2011
Thank you Bornagain and Thilak :o)
13 Feb, 2011
this is so pretty.
what do you do with alpines that have died off in the centre? i have a few like that.
3 May, 2011
Hi Sticki... Thanks :o)
... which alpines ? ....
The ones on the raised bed, or those in front ?
3 May, 2011
i dont think you have any TT ~ but i have several at the edge of my flowerbed ~ which is raised at that point ~ nearly 2 feet from ground level by a stone wall. they were ok last year but this is their second year and they have died back.
3 May, 2011
You could try putting a mix of soil and compost onto the "dead" central areas of the plants and giving them a general trim after flowering ... This should encourage new growth ...
3 May, 2011
ok, thank you for that. wasnt sure what to do and it does spoil the look ~ i wanted a nice bright show of colour like you have.
3 May, 2011
it must feel amazing to get such wonderful comments about yer stunning garden... ya really are talented... cant wait for mine to start growing now after seeing yours ....
4 Jul, 2011
Good luck Sticki and Lorraine with your gardening !
5 Jul, 2011
Thanks TT - some bits are getting better!
5 Jul, 2011
love it !!!!!
17 Jul, 2011
I remember yours was one of the first I saw, and I commented on 16th May 2010 as a new member...Going to lok at your blog...
17 Jul, 2011
Thanks Uswetwo and Crissue ...
You both joined GoY around the same time !
Pleased you are still here... :o)
18 Jul, 2011
It's beautiful... :)
26 Sep, 2011
Lovely to see it again TT...How about an update in Spring...:)))
26 Sep, 2011
Amazing! I love it!
13 Mar, 2012
Thanks Tantita, Mitch and Cris ..
Gardens look so happy in springtime, don't they ! :o)
13 Mar, 2012
What A Beautiful Garden.
30 Sep, 2013
Hi Lynda ... thank you for visiting my pic :o)))
30 Sep, 2013
another one I seem to have missed at the time. looks abosulotely stunning
18 Jan, 2015
Thanks Fran for reminding me about this photo ... that was a very good year for springtime flowers :o)))
19 Jan, 2015
GENIUS, that's all.
13 May, 2015
Hi Wells.. thank you :o)
17 May, 2015
I can't get over how wonderfully colourful everything is: I loe the overhanging curtains - well, love it all, could spend a long time if I had that in my garden. lol but by the time I'd worked as hard as you did to create it, I'd deserve a long rest
18 May, 2015
Pictures by terratoonie
70 of 257
What else?
Featured on: aubrieta climbing plants spring colour plants
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So much colour its lovely
29 Apr, 2010