By Charnwood
Hello! now that I've found out how to put up photo's
I,ll be able to explain exactly what I need advice on.
So here are a few, of my very shaded raised bed, I'm looking for tips on what to plant at the back and also to the front maybe something to tumble over the edge.
I have a large Rodgersia to the left its asleep at the moment. Many thanks.

20 Jan, 2014
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shade container plants
Perennials - hosta, epimedium, heuchera, campanula portenschlagiana (front edge), hellebore, gillenia.
Shrubs - sarcococca, skimmia.
20 Jan, 2014
Would also suggest dwarf bamboo, carex and festucas especially along the front there.....would also tie in with the Asian bust.
20 Jan, 2014
For a cascading habit at the front, how about Opiophogon (small black grass) or Hakenochloa macra (lovely green). Glad to see you already have Nandina!
20 Jan, 2014
I would also tuck some cyclamen in there - they enjoy dry shade
20 Jan, 2014
A fern would make a nice contrast too, and euonymus fortunii is a cheerful evergreen variegated shrub easily clippable to the size you need. This is a good time of year to buy a hellebore as in a week of two the ones in the nurseries will be in flower and you can choose one you like.
20 Jan, 2014
Thanks to all for your advice, will get some of the plants
mentioned, I did have Bamboo but it took over had to get it dug out, have kept some in large pots. looking forward to seeing what it will look like later in year.
20 Jan, 2014
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I posed a similar question a few days ago and, following suggestions from members, two of my choices are going to be Brunnera Jack Frost and Pulmonaria Blue Ensign. There is a supplier of both through this site. I love to know what you buy and see some more photos.
20 Jan, 2014