More spring Colour..
By bloomer
This is my only shaded North facing border,so It’s mainly used for acid loving shrubs..although my soil isn’t naturally acid..I decided to try and see if certain plants would grow well,by just filling the planting holes with ericaceous compost,in the back half of the border,using the correct feed,and topping up with a mulch when necessary..
The front half was planted with other plants,adding my own compost and /or Multi purpose ..
Camellia, unknown,and unwanted by my neighbour,a few years ago,…Pieris Forest Flame,propagated from my other one…Heucheras and a White Dicentra at the front,which seems to be growing quickly,every day..
The gaps ,either side of the Dicentra will be filled with Begonia Semperflorens,and I also have a pink Astilbe ,split from another,on the opposite side to the Skimmia..
I’ll be happy when all the gaps fill up..but I shouldn’t be impatient,and just appreciate the spring, which has only just got going here ..:o)
17 Apr, 2015
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Thank you's mainly trial and error..I have had some weird combinations over the years..still learning :o)
17 Apr, 2015
Its all looking great Sandra, your Camellia is lovely a lot further on than mine which is only just budding. All looking so well cared for and carefully planned;0))
17 Apr, 2015
Gosh north facing?......its glorious and even your acid lovers are happy
I have one planted and give it an ericaceos feed if the leaves go a bit yellowy, its been a good year for it...
18 Apr, 2015
Hi Sandra ... looking colourful and lovely in that shady area :o)
.. added to GoYpedia.
18 Apr, 2015
Thanks Carole,I was thinking mine was late this year.I'm sure yours will be looking lovely you remember I had two 'Cliff Richard' Roses in that bed ? all gone ! I got rid of them a few weeks ago,so it should look better,when the Astilbe and Acer fill the gaps,and look more bushy....:o)
Thank you Pam..I think it's a good help,having the wall and a fence behind,for shelter..I never seem to have a problem,with anything I've grown there.,maybe a few of the flowers at the top of the Camellia get frosted,but the others are always ok..I fed mine yesterday too :o)
18 Apr, 2015
Hi Terra..It's nice to have a shady area for certain plants,and thank you for adding to Goypedia.:o)xx
18 Apr, 2015
Hi Sandra ... added to Shady Containers too ... might give folk some useful ideas :o) x
18 Apr, 2015
Looking great Sandra . . . your idea is working brilliantly!
18 Apr, 2015
Hi Terra..thank you..It really is useful at times,when it's hot weather..I stand my pots of Fuchsias on the patio,next to this border,and they seem to be much better there,with some shade..I move my other pots there too,when we go on holiday..xx
18 Apr, 2015
Thank you seems to work well, all gardening,it's trial and error..:o)
18 Apr, 2015
Imagine your neighbour not wanting that camelia!
Your border is looking great - just shows what can be done with a north aspect!
18 Apr, 2015
All looking lovely and healthy too in your North facing border Bloomer, what a pretty Camellia :o)
18 Apr, 2015
Thank you Sue,my neighbour brought some with him from his last house,which were in pots,as they were only small,and realised he had too many..I was the lucky one :o)
Thanks Neena..I didn't think it was going to be as good this year,with the infestation of scale insects ,and ants attracted by their sugary secretions,as all the new foliage was curled and distorted,so I snipped them all doesn't appear to have suffered too much,but there haven't been as many flowers at the top as there usually worries,they would probably have been spoiled with frost and sun anyway :o)
19 Apr, 2015
That's all looking good Sandra. Your Camellia looks a lot like mine. You're very good at visualizing how things will look as they grow, I'm afraid I'm a bit of a 'bung it in and see' kind of person lol!
19 Apr, 2015
Thank you Julia..I've no idea what the variety is,but a lot look very similar,don't they? I do a lot of 'bunging in' too..and usually in the wrong place..It gives me something to do,moving them somewhere else ! Lol
Sending you a
19 Apr, 2015
That border looks a treat Sandra, I have a shady bed right at the bottom of my garden and it took me a lot of years and quite a few mistakes before I found out what would thrive down there, another one here that tends to bung things in and see what happens, like you if it don't work I move them yet again, lol, my Camellia is that colour as well, only had it a year and its not been potted on as yet but is doing well so far, don't think I dare put it in the ground as I might lose it....
19 Apr, 2015
Sometimes it's good to have a shady bit,Sue..I have had lots of different plants in mine too..some did ok,but got too it was back to the drawing board,till I looked at stuff that preferred some shade..My Camellia was in a pot at first,and did ok..but it's grown much better where it is now..go for it,when it's done flowering,I'm sure it will be fine..You can come over and crack me one,if it doesn't ! :o) x
19 Apr, 2015
LOL, if I pluck up the courage to plant it out I'll remember you said that, I did move my white Dicentra down there last year and its already improved on last years performance, however the Hellebores I'm gradually moving up the garden as they do not like the shade, some I've had in that spot for years have never flowered and the others nearer in the sunlight are having a fabulous year, live and learn is the name of the game...
19 Apr, 2015
Me and my big mouth ! Lol..My Dicentra was in full sun last year,Sue,and although it was lovely,it didn't last as well as I'd hoped..I just happened to read somewhere,that they prefer some shade..I was under the impression that Hellebores like shade too..maybe that's why mine didn't have any fact it didn't show at all this year,never mind have flowers..I've just planted a gifted one in that area,but reading about yours,I'm going to move it now..thanks for the tip :o)
19 Apr, 2015
Sandra that Camellia is a picture, and the Pieris ,well done, it is amazing what you can do with a North border...
22 Apr, 2015
Thank you was slow to start,but it was worth the wait.The hot sunshine has finished the ones at the back of it,with that being south facing,but as I can't see those,I'm not bothered,as I look at the front :o) The Dicentra is romping away too,so I'm happy :o) x
22 Apr, 2015
No need to be impatient, it is looking really lovely. We too only have a small area of acid soil, but you have certainly made the best use of yours.
25 Apr, 2015
Thanks Chris..I'm not impatient anymore,as the Pieris looks like it's on fire with all the new red foliage..usually,it gets burnt at the tips,but so far,so good :o)
25 Apr, 2015
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Very colorful Sandra. You have a good eye for design.
17 Apr, 2015