Suitable Plants for Planters in the shade
United Kingdom
We've recently laid some decking down outside our french windows and I'm looking for a plant to put in a large planter outside the door. The only problem being that the sun doesn't shine directly on this area due to the house next door so I'm looking for a recommendation of a smart looking plant that will be able to survive there, any ideas?
7 Aug, 2008
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shade container plants
How big is the container? There is a grass called hakonechloa macra 'Aurea' (which is a bit of a mouthful and I don't why anybody hasn't come up ith a common name for it yet). Anyway, it is perennial, forms a cascade of narrow green leaves with yellow margins, doesn't get more than about eigtheen inches high or wide and is ideal in a pot and takes sun or shade and never needs much attention. Readily available at decent Garden Centres too
7 Aug, 2008
i would agree with David on the Hosta, they do have excellent wow factor and like semi shade, and growing in a pot is sometimes favourable to in the ground because its easier to control slug damage, which they are famously prone to. but as David said you would be looking at bare soil in the winter. if you wanted something evergreen you could try specked laural 'Aucuba japonica varigata' that has all year interest but sadly no flowers. another good choice for all year round interest would be a Skimmia japonica, it is an acid lover so be sure to plant in the right type of compost. it does well in part shade, not sure if it will tollerate full shade though. but it does have lots going on, flowers in the spring, berrys in the autumn and evergreen. but if it was me i think i would go for a selection of Heuchera, there are some many interesting varieties now. all colours some flower and some are evergreen. and they do well in shade. i have 4 varieties, if you want to see some pictures have a look on my garden page. i think they would be my choice.
7 Aug, 2008
Oh I really hope he`s right or else I`ll never have any red tomatoes!
7 Aug, 2008
LOL! Don`t ask me how this appeared here, it was suppose to be a comment on Irish`s blog about the weather!! (and now I can`t delete it!)
I`ll go post it there!
7 Aug, 2008
Thanks for all your ideas, I'm pretty new to gardening so will need to look at the photos to match the names I don't recognise! I like the sound of the Heuchera I will have a look at the photos now!
8 Aug, 2008
Cordyline Australis will survive *almost* anywhere although it won't grow as large as it would in a sunnier location. Not too wet, though ...
8 Aug, 2008
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Right now, quickly, I'm thinking about large-leaved hostas (but they lose their foliage in winter) or a large fern (but this would do same). I'm sure that GoY member Grenville will have plenty of ideas for you, however. Good Luck with the search.
7 Aug, 2008