By Green_finger
United Kingdom
I have a cacti that I am curious to know the name of. I think Hywel will be the one to ask about this.

18 Dec, 2015
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desert plants
I agree - Notocactus leninghausii.
It is native to the southernmost province of Brazil - Rio Grande do Sul.
Keep it cold and dry in the winter. It will eventually form a column, and produces yellow flowers in summer time :)
19 Dec, 2015
Oh thank you so much, Tug & Hywel. My OH bought it from the co-op a few Christmases ago, it had a little Santa hat on & was called the Santa cactus ....... (I knew that couldn't be right, lol) so it's good to give it it's proper name.
It has grown quite a bit, there was only one column originally.
19 Dec, 2015
I'll show you a photo of mine. It's about 30 yrs old lol
19 Dec, 2015
Look forward to seeing it, Hywel.
20 Dec, 2015
I'll take a photo tomorrow :)
20 Dec, 2015
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Notocactus leninghausii is my guess.
19 Dec, 2015