United Kingdom
I am looking for a climbing plant to grow up and along the length (20ft) of my garage. I need to plant in a large pot, as the area is paved. The area is in shade all day and only gets late afternoon and evening sun. I would also like a plant that is frost hardy. I hope you can help me. Cannot send a photo as my camera is on the blink.
Regards ... Stan
26 Mar, 2011
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shade container plants
Added to GoYpedia Shade Container Plants..
26 Mar, 2011
Many thanks for your advice 'Bamboo'
26 Mar, 2011
There also one or two clematis that prefer a position out of full sun. 'Guernsey Cream' and 'Nelly Moser' would both be quite happy on your garage wall
26 Mar, 2011
Good point, Andrew - Clematis Hagley Hybrid would be okay too.
27 Mar, 2011
what about virginia creeper ? it can be trained into a few pots and looks lovley hanging down round the edge .
27 Mar, 2011
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I'd suggest you need at least 3 pots, 2 feet deep by 12 inches wide minimum - any climber contained in a pot won't reach its full potential and cover a large area such as you've mentioned, so placing 3 pots with climbers would probably be necessary to achieve better cover. You're also restricted as to what you can successfully use as its so shady. Suggestions for plants include Hydrangea anomala; Schizophragma integrifolia; Garrya elliptica (not a climber, but a wall shrub); Hedera helix varieties. All of these prefer shade.
26 Mar, 2011