By Lornachan
United Kingdom
I have this plant that come up the last two years and haven't flower.
Can someone tell me what is this plant please? Would it flowers or just like that yearly.

22 Aug, 2011
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I agree - a tree peony by colour of leaves. I don't know how old it has to be before it flowers.
22 Aug, 2011
Im sure i read on here, it could take 5/7 years before Peony flower! or did i dream it lol..
22 Aug, 2011
I was thinking the same ojibway93, if its tree peony then it takes a few years for them to mature, have got some on the allotment aprox four years old now and still not flowered.
22 Aug, 2011
Looks like a tree Peony, Paeonia delavayi, to me…
22 Aug, 2011
I was given one 4 years ago, when it was very small. It flowered this year for the first time - it had five flowers! :-))
22 Aug, 2011
Yes our yellow tree peony took about 5 years to flower
23 Aug, 2011
Blimey. I must be lucky then because I planted a small one last year and got three beautiful flowers this year.
23 Aug, 2011
Was it a herbaceous peony or a tree peony? The herbaceous ones do flower sooner.
23 Aug, 2011
If it is a tree one then don't cut it down. If you have been, then this may explain no flowers.
23 Aug, 2011
Once they are established you can cut back to the ground if need be - we had to after the heavy frosts of last winter destroyed all the top growth. Masses of new growth well over a metre in height.
23 Aug, 2011
Thanks everybody for the answers. I moved in here 3 years now and never know what it was and neither do I know how long it was there. Thanks
23 Aug, 2011
It is a tree peony Moon grower.
23 Aug, 2011
Then you were very lucky Digginfit.
24 Aug, 2011
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It looks like peony, if so did you plant it? non flowering could be down to the peony being planted too deep.
22 Aug, 2011