indoor watering can!
By richardpeeej
I made an indoor watering can today from an old plastic milk bottle, and some odds and ends and put a picture on ‘thrifty fun’ .(My post and pic is about half way down the page.) The link to it is below:-
28 Aug, 2009
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is it a straw
28 Aug, 2009
Um... what is wrong with a jug or a normal wee watering can?
28 Aug, 2009
all my jugs have disappeared and are in his garage or shed or hidden, so a milk bottle it is for me too. and as for my small watering can i havent seen that for months either.
28 Aug, 2009
Oh well...
28 Aug, 2009
i know but i do love him and i have aquired some of his things like cable ties.
28 Aug, 2009
Thats it then
28 Aug, 2009
??? SBG
28 Aug, 2009
when i was at a village show you could get tops to put onto bottles etc which had holes like a watering can so you get a fine sprinkle for seeds etc, would have been great for milk bottle like this
28 Aug, 2009
Thanks for the comments - I love recycling things as you can probably see. (I could have used a plastic straw on the end drc726,) I put a plasic tube on the end as I had one lying around Moongrower because it is much easier to fill up vases when there are flowers in them, and directing water into small pots etc in the house. ( a wee watering can is OK but it saved me from buying one lol !
You gave me an idea Sandra I'll have to make a little sprinkler on the end for when I'm in the greenhouse!
28 Aug, 2009
glad to be of help richard :o))
28 Aug, 2009
Good recycling there Richard.
28 Aug, 2009
Thanks Bobg
28 Aug, 2009
What a brilliant idea thank you for that Richard when you find a way of a sprinkler will you do another blog so I can make one too. thanks
28 Aug, 2009
I used the bottom half of a pop bottle as a funnel in my planters as a slow watering thing so all I had to do was to keep filling them up.The planters themselves are my old recycling boxes
28 Aug, 2009
I love the ingenuity of that!
I'm usung catfood tins for all sorts of jobs, yogurt pot for flower pots & egg boxes (cardboard ones) as seed trays! I'm also going to use the loo & kitchen roll inners as cuttings pots! They rot into the soil & you get your plants just where you want them, & no fiddling about to get them out of plug pots!
29 Aug, 2009
Best ones for seeds or little plants are inner of a toilet roll and it bio degradable so you dont have to disturb the plant when needing to plant in garden,just fold the one end in
29 Aug, 2009
Great idea :o)
29 Aug, 2009
Isnt that what i said?
29 Aug, 2009
yes but for got the toilet rolls lol:D
29 Aug, 2009
I planted a whole load of Sweetpeas last autumn in toilet paper tubes & planted out the tubes in the spring. The Sweetpeas did very well & the tubes didn't dry out too much nor rot before I put them in the soil. I had them all stacked together in a couple of seedtrays all winter on my balcony.
I have a whole load of 2lt mineral water bottles that I have used for years now to water the plants on my balcony. Some days they have been used twice a day, especially for the hanging baskets. This year, to cut down on the watering, I bought some water retaining crystals so, except for 1 or 2 days, I have been able to water them just once a day!
29 Aug, 2009
The reason I asked if it was a straw was because I thought a bendy straw would be more flexible?
29 Aug, 2009
Thanks for your comments Maorgana and Hywel
Oh I see now Drc726- yes it would bend then, but mine is straight tube-doesn't bend.
I will be trying that with my sweet peas this year Balcony.
Some good ideas there Marie-what do you use empty cat food tins for may I ask?
Mavisc52- my neighbour freezes the 2litre bottles filled with water, and then upturns them and leaves them in her hanging baskets-provides a drip feed. (It is also more economical to fill up any empty space in your freezer with frozen water bottles, rather than have spare space inside)
29 Aug, 2009
I use the cat food tins for anything from storing bits & bobs to tealight holders, plant pots, paint cans, you name it, I'll try it out! I even made a pair of tin-can stilts once!
Good tip about the frozen water bottles! Havent tried THAT!
29 Aug, 2009
If you cut both ends off the tins Marie would they be any good for putting around young plants to stop the slugs munching them ?
29 Aug, 2009
Surely the slugs would just climb over the barrier, R!
That's not a bad idea your neighbour has of the frozen bottles of water, R! Shame you hadn't mentioned that at the start of the summer!
30 Aug, 2009
I think that would only work if you used Oddbillie's trick of a copper band around the rim!
Might try it for my baby trees! Theyre only a few inches high at the moment!
30 Aug, 2009
I thought about the slugs climbing over the top Balcony but thought they would like the sharp edge - they don't like the sharp edges of egg shells, slate, gravel etc -it may work perhaps? Copper band Marie?
30 Aug, 2009
Yes, he's found some self-adhesive copper banding (on ebay) that he put round his pots to save his plants from slugs, & it worked!
30 Aug, 2009
That sounds a good idea Marie wish I'd have heard of it before the slugs went a munchin this year!
30 Aug, 2009
So do I! He put up a link, I'll see if I can find it!
Found it!
GoY sell them too tho!
30 Aug, 2009
My daughter grew some vegetables for the first time ever this year. She had read about their care on the internet & read about slugs, too. She bought some some copper band to put around them but the slugs got to them anyway & ate quite a bit of her young plants! Whenever she found a slug she would throw it away as far as she could then the birds would come down for a free meal. Only problem was that one of her 3 little dogs is an expert at catching birds & she brought her catch into the house! This upset her so much that she has stopped trying to grow veg!
30 Aug, 2009
Thats really sad! I'm glad Smudge is scared of birds! If she does get one, its usually a baby & she brings them to me alive!
30 Aug, 2009
these days, one can buy various "toppers" for water bottles, or similar - sprinklers to make watering cans, spikes to upend and turn into drip-feeders, pump-handles to make a small pressure sprayer, even a bird feeder conversion kit.
Sadly, none of them fit the standard milk-bottle neck!
29 Apr, 2012
I wash out old plastic spray bottles thoroughly and use them as misters for my plants Fran...they work a treat!
29 Apr, 2012
Hi Richard ... Just found this.
Good one for GoYpedia :o)))
29 Apr, 2012
Thank you Terra :-)
29 Apr, 2012
29 Apr, 2012
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