For my old pal Jack.
By rose1949
As you know, my lovely old gardening friend died recently who I shared the allotment with. I now am left with the job of clearing his side up and as a tribute to him , intend to make it a really lovely place , also adding a special little tree on it in his memory.
Jack was a hoarder, big time .You name it, he had it.
So I thought I’d show you what a big project this is going to be….
This is just a small selection of what he kept in all his bins.Each bin had assortments of carrier bags (hundreds!), garden netting, thick , thin and some very very long. One was nearly as long as the garden which is well over 60foot! Rolls and rolls of rope , garden canes by the hundreds and garden fleece, which I never saw him use! I opened his shed one day and quickly shut it as everything just about fell out of it. I bet he’s up there having a good old laugh at me! I will tackle this one day.
This picture is looking down the allotment. Jack and I were going to clear these raspberries this year as we both had new ones to replace them. Hubby and I did it between us and then I thought, I’ve only got to weed it!
I spoke too soon! In amongst the weeds were snowdrops and other bulbs which I had to remove before I could start to clear this bit. There, I found bramble and tree seedlings ( curtesy of the birds!) and that dreadful weed that sticks to you as well as chickweed.Further down the allotment was the biggest array of winter veg I had ever seen! None of it picked and all gone to seed. I set to, one day stripping all the leaves off to put in the compost and leaving the stems (thick as tree trunks) for the allotment skip when it comes. a very good allotment friend of ours is going to put weedkiller down and then in a couple of weeks rotavate it for me.
I eventually found the manure box under loads of bricks and glass doors.Twitch was growing in the well rotted manure , which I have to weed before I can use it. I have now built a fence in front of this area to hide it.Perhaps to put a trellis up also to grow clematis up.
Here comes Mickey. Is he going to help or does he just want my attention! lol.
My idea is to landscape this side as my other side already has the veg in.I would like it to be low maintenance and have always wanted areas with hot beds as I don’t get enough sun in our garden because of all the trees. This side will also get the evening sun which is going to be a bonus. So a seating area will have to be incorporated into it. Hubby is even thinking of incorporating a gate (hidden out of sight) into our garden.
This area is now nearly cleared and will be a shrub border. Hubby is planning to build a picket fence on the roadside as he can do this at his leisure. As he can’t do alot of the gardening work, due to his disabilities , doing this will make him feel included in this project.Then , the fun starts. I’m really excited about this as I intend to make it into something special and also as a tribute to dear old Jack to plant a special little tree in his memory. I have different ideas in my head, one of them being different shaped borders and a gravel flooring. Perhaps an obelisk in some of them for colourful climbers. My friend Elizabeth ( who you all know as Libet) suggested halving the length with an archway in the centre with perhaps little parallel borders each side .Get your thinking caps on, my goyer friends as any ideas are very welcome. I hope you are looking Karen as you always seem to have unusual ideas and you too Barbara.
To be continued…….
4 Apr, 2012
Previous post: Rain stopped play...or should I say work!
Next post: Update on my new part of the allotment.
what a lot to do Rose ..but it will be a fitting tribute to Twitch...:-)
4 Apr, 2012
Yes it is Lincs. There's just not enough hours in the day!
I do love it though.
Very funny Sandra! You know what they say, hard work never killed anyone!
4 Apr, 2012
i have been trying to dig all the perennials out of my new veg plot...and still they come...where does the dock root hide...and how did i miss soo many small potatoes last year...
4 Apr, 2012
My word Rose, you must be knackered!! It'll be worth it in the end
4 Apr, 2012
You'll get there Rose. One day at a wil be lovely when you've finished with it. :)) Jack will be ever so pleased :)
4 Apr, 2012
Good luck Rose. I spent 5 years clearing a double plot overgrown with Couch Grass and Brambles. Take your time, dont worry about doing it all at once. If its good ground its well worth the effort. R.I.P. Jack.
5 Apr, 2012
Well, first of all, you need to get yourself a few cans of spinach, to fortify your Popeye muscles, and then some good gardening weather! What a task. I hope you're up to it. We all expect progress reports with pictures.......;o)))) Just imagine your sense of achievement when it's all done.
5 Apr, 2012
Well I guess you won`t be running out of space then Rose, your ideas sound very good and if thats where the sun is especially into the evening as well then yes have your relaxing place there, that way you get to admire the achievements of a good days work( hopefully) in some lovely sunshine. I`ll be expecting some pics as you go along, lol, I think Jack will be keeping his eyes on you....
5 Apr, 2012
I keep finding potatoes Sandra.Thanks Sheilar and Karen, I don't know what I'll be feeling like when its done I'm shattered already! I'll bet Jacks laughing , Karen. Thanks Dianne and Gattina, there will be regular updates even if its just a picture of me fast asleep!lol. I can't wait Lincs for the seating area to get done as we lose the sun in our garden at 4.30 pm so this will be a treat.
Thanks all of you and Happy Easter .
5 Apr, 2012
Wow Rose that is some allotment, wish I lived closer, I would love to help you.
Jack will just love what your doing & will prob be right there with you when you sit admiring what you have done :-)
5 Apr, 2012
Wow that is a lot of work to be done, it will look good though when you have it all squared up and sorted out. Do not think I have any ideas for allotments, are you allowed to put up structures of any height on the ground, will try and think about it. Not too sure though I like to see things and walk around places and then I get ideas in my head. Never one for looking at pictures and seeing an idea in my mind I like to get a feel for the place and then put the work in, the plans are always in my head and never on paper. lol. You will come up (I am sure) with the right things to do for your friend Jack, I am sure he would not have asked you to do it if he thought you could not cope. He knew you would work it out and get it right. Good luck with it all Rose, try not to do it all at once though, take your time. Is your house backing on to these allotments if it is it will be fab for you to just walk through a gate and be able to pull and eat straight from the land. Keep up the good work. - B
5 Apr, 2012
That is one large area you've got there Rose. Good luck. .... It will be interesting to see it develope. And it will be a nice tribute to Jack aswell. Maybe a pond would be a good addition, seeing there are vegetables the other side - frogs etc would be of benefit. Don't now if anyone has suggested this already (I haven't got time to read the other comments.)
5 Apr, 2012
Who needs to pay gym subscriptions................?
5 Apr, 2012
Thanks Willinillie for your lovely comments. Feel free to come and help anytime you like.I'll just find a seat in the sun and watch you! lol. If I know Jack, he'll be saying, "what on earth are you doing that for. Its only an allotment!"
You can do virtually anything you like on an allotment as long as there is some veg and flowers there. One man who hadn't got much of a garden at home , has made his part allotment , part seating area , complete with decking and a play area with a slide and swing for his children. So Barbara , just think of it as a garden! Hubby would like me to put a wild flower meadow area in . This would be a great idea as it will look after itself and as Jack never seemed to manure or fertilise much, it will be ideal conditions. I've just got to figure out how to incorporate it with the rest of the garden. I would like to put in obelisks or an arch and as I have grown quite a number of rose cuttings, a rose bed.
I don't think I would be able to put a pond in here Hywel unless it was quite small, but thats another good idea, thankyou.
Gattina, I'm afraid I eat as hard as I work so I'm never going to be skinny!
Thanks all of you once again. I do appreciate it.
6 Apr, 2012
I think the wild flower meadow is a lovely idea, Rose, I was thinking that you could almost use it as a wild flower lawn, and as you said, cut paths through it, maybe run a curvy path under a nice rustic arch, and put a couple of your rose cuttings alongside to climb up the sides, if they're climbing roses of course! And then put your hot border up at the sunny end, maybe wrap the border around your sitting area, so you're sitting actually in your garden! Just a thought!
6 Apr, 2012
Brilliant idea Elizabeth. I think you'll have to me my own personal design. lol. x
7 Apr, 2012
Ohhh, Rose, flattery will get you anywhere! You're too kind! x, lol!
8 Apr, 2012
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Gor blimey Rose that is a lot of work as well as your own, is Jacks plot now yours as well?
4 Apr, 2012