Update on my new part of the allotment.
By rose1949
For those of you who know about all the work I’ve landed myself with, I thought I’d let you see the progress I’m making. I’m sure old Jack is up there having a good laugh!
Just as a reminder, I will show you what it was like…..
Weeds , weeds and more weeds! If you look at the back of the tree, you will also see everything except the kitchen sink! lol. The allotment skip arrived and if you want to get to it before its full, its a case of getting up just as it arrives , as a couple of hours later, its full to bursting. So, at 6.45am , I heard it arrive and I shot out of bed, very quietly so I didn’t disturb hubby as he wasn’t feeling too good , and would you believe it , it was already being filled. I know we live on the site, but do these others ever go to bed! I took 8 barrow loads that morning . We also previously had gone to the local tip in the car with another 8 big dustbin bags full.
Making a start in this area , which as its shaded by the beech tree will just have woodland plants in.
This area is going to be a wild flower garden. I wanted the whole of this side to be low maintenance , but also to bring the beneficial insects in. Its took alot of sleepless nights deciding how to landscape this land , but my hubby thinks , once I start, it will all come together. My one worry with this wild flower area , was the timing of it. The seeds, which I sent for from a very good company , mentioned in “The Field of Dreams” had to be sown by the end of this month. I also wanted a little grass path leading into it , using wild grasses. These, I also got from this company who I must add have been very helpful. I also found another source of help via a meadow web site , where I also got alot of good advice. I was getting really excited about this project and every waking moment has been on there weeding away as no weed seedlings must remain. So there I am, getting on like a house on fire , when all of a sudden all this rain is forecast! Luckily, this area is light soil and being on a slight hill , drains well. But I’m starting to panic now! What if it never stops raining! Well, I know you will all think I’m absolutely nuts, including hubby, but yesterday was going to be the only dry day of the week, so at 5.30am, I was up, had my cuppa and bran flakes and was out there , apart from lunch until 5pm .By 4pm , the land was ready to be sown. I’d had to weed big clumps out and then rake it all .So basically, it was a case of weed , rake, weed rake! When I got to that stage when my back wouldn’t take it anymore, I finished! Yippee! I then proceeded to do that silly walk across the land, have any of you ever done this? Don’t you feel silly. Then I started to sow the seeds just as the rain was threatening to come, so did this very quickly, too quickly. I had put canes through the garden to sow the special grass seeds which made 2 sections for flower seeds. Because I was rushing to get this done, one side got more seeds than the other. I also had to do another little dance across to bed them in. Today, I had to order more to finish the other side, but as the rain has started I don’t know when these will be put in. Rome wasn’t built in a day!
The next job is to start digging and weeding the remainder of the land and landscape it. I have already bought one pear tree , with plans to get another next week from our great local nursery. £7 for each tree! You can’t get much better than that, can you.
I have an idea of making an archway of the two pear trees.This one is called “Beth” and as I can’t get “Conference”, the other one will probably be “Concorde”.
So watch this space! Sorry this has been so long. I hope you are all still awake!
25 Apr, 2012
Previous post: For my old pal Jack.
Next post: The garden in April
That's a huge task Rose, however as Terra says It will look wonderful eventually. Good luck.
25 Apr, 2012
Thanks Terra, the committee and their friends all know well in advance when the skip is coming and put it all to one side . Its a bit cheeky as the rest of the allotment holders don't get a look in, and the council only send 5 a year now. Cutbacks!
Thanks Ginellie for your lovely comments. Its going to be a slow job as Jack hadn't dug or weeded for years.
25 Apr, 2012
5 skips a year doesn't seem many ...
25 Apr, 2012
I`ve just realised, with you living there your allotments are a lot safer surely as regards break ins Rose, my son is always getting robbed as are his neighbours.. Anyway nuff of that, lol.
You have really worked hard as shown by your pics, you sure have a lot of early birds by the sounds of it, you included, lets hope we get some more days like yesterday so you`ll be able to get back out there and continue with your plans, made me smile at you doing the soft shoe shuffle across the worked area, lets hope its not long before the seeds show themselves...
Watching with interest.....
25 Apr, 2012
What a great blog Rose! Thank you for up-dating us. Jack must be laughing his socks off at the sight of you doing your silly walks! You are doing a fantastic job there and I bet the bees will be so grateful to you .....it's still only April don't forget, so plenty of time for things to germinate and grow away well. It will soon be looking an absolute picture! :))
25 Apr, 2012
Terra, we used to have a skip every month until this council took over. Now the allotment holders are ignored. Our rent is one of the highest in the country. You get a little bit off if you are a pensioner, but that is still £61 per plot and Mine is classed as two! For this rent , we all virtually get nothing. When they took over , what they wasn't going to do! The land in front of us floods. We are on a hill, so we will never flood. All the allotment holders were moved on or just left as noone would drain the land. It has been an ongoing thing for years with the water board saying its not our job, and the council saying the same. So, what did they do, fence it all off, putting the fence too close to our gate so its impossible to get deliveries this side as there isn't even room to open a car door! They sold the top land to a private clinic which was built last year saying that all the money was going on repairing the roads , skips and helping the people who had to move , rotavating the land, giving them either a shed or greenhouse. What did they do. Absolutely nothing. Sorry, Terra, I bet you wished you'd never asked! This is a sore subject with all allotment holders.
Thanks Lincs, yes it is much better on here, but we still get the odd night where kids manage to get in, inspite of the locked allotment gate. After yesterday, I ought to be a stone lighter!
Thanks Karen. I know its still April, but when I want to do a job it has to be done , yesterday! lol. Its what I'm like and my hubby is always telling me off for overdoing it. Jack would have been laughing Karen. When he laughed, his whole body used to shake up and down. It was so funny.
25 Apr, 2012
Rose, I am exactly the same! :)))
25 Apr, 2012
.....and so is Oliveoil...it's a defective gene amongst the females in our family. The men don't seem to have it! :))
25 Apr, 2012
Doing a great job there, Rose. I'm sure Jack would be smiling happily.
I look forward to seeing it all develop. I just know it's going to be splendid.
25 Apr, 2012
Thankyou Ojibway93 , I like to think that he is.
And do the men know what you are saying , Karen? Lol!
25 Apr, 2012
LOL :o) Shush - they will hear you - LOL we cannot leave a job undone it must be finished even if we are on our knuckles and knees by the end of it. lol. definitely a genetic problem. although I have no idea where it came from Karensue. don't think Dora was like it. lol. she used to just issue orders and hope someone else did the work. lol.
Rose that was a super duper blog, good work, Jack will be very pleased with how you have sorted his allotment out for him. ***** five stars for excellent work. Give yourself a big pat on the back and enjoy the outcome I am sure it will be fab. Looking forward to seeing the wild flower border I love wild flowers. :o)
25 Apr, 2012
My hubby`s answer is always" Whats the rush" he refuses to understand, grrrrr...
25 Apr, 2012
Mine says exactly the same Lincs. They just don't understand , do they. Thanks Barbara for those kind words. Wow, 5 stars , I'm honoured. I'm hoping the flowers will be germinated and flowering by July. Well this problem , as you call it must just be affecting us women! I don't think men worry about finishing a job like we do. My apologies to you Hywel and any other men members who may read this! There are some exceptions to the rule! lol.
My friends hubby decided to build a brick barbecue one summer , over 20 years ago. He started it and left it unfinished. It stayed like this for years until his wife said finish it or knock it down! You guessed it, he knocked it down! But I'm pleased to say they're not all like this. I think I better stop talking before I put my foot in it even more! Hehee!
25 Apr, 2012
You must be feeling drained after all that hard work, but I would have been the same Rosie if an idea comes into my head I just have to get on with it.
I love the way you have it planned out with the pear trees making an archway - I did my plum trees like that and they are doing well.
Especially love the idea of a wild flower garden bringing in all the wildlife and look forward to the photos as it all springs into life.
25 Apr, 2012
Wow Rose you have done so much & there was me on my way up to help, Lol.
It really looks great. So glad you had a day to do the seeding. I can't wait to see it all in bloom.
So fed up with not being able to get outside, I've sat & ate a whole box of chocs, woops!
25 Apr, 2012
Yes I'm still awake lol .... it's been interesting to read about what you're doing .
I like the idea of a wild flower garden. I love them :o)
Good luck with your pears ....
25 Apr, 2012
Thanks Stroller. I've never done an archway with fruit trees before. Are there any tips you can give me about this.
Hallo Willinilli, don't let me stop you coming to help, feel free! Lol. Its nice to have a naughty treat, isn't it! Lets hope it doesn't continue to rain or the shop will have to restock all their chocs!
Hallo Hywel, hope you didn't mind the "men" comment! Lol. Thanks for your nice comments. I'm going to be so impatient now waiting for them to grow and flower. The pear archway is definitely going to be a challenge as I have never grown pears before.
26 Apr, 2012
Seems like the Council is not treating the allotment holders very well... the growers deserve better !
26 Apr, 2012
Hello Rose! I'm sure Jack can't believe how much you've achieved in such a short time! It's looking fab too, I'd loved to have seen you dancing across your land, tiptoeing through the tulips, eh!! Lol! And don't forget, you've plenty of time yet for the seed to settle down and germinate, I don't want to see you out with a magnifying glass to see if the seeds' have started to sprout yet...take a deep breath, have patience!!
26 Apr, 2012
They certainly do Terra. Elizabeth , my friend I will speak to you later.The magnifying glass is coming out as we speak!
29 Apr, 2012
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Hi Rose ..
You're doing so well with Jack's plot. That's amazing how early in the morning the other allotment holders start putting their trash in the skip !
Good luck with your planting. It's going to look wonderful :o)
25 Apr, 2012