Its good to be back!
By rose1949
Hello all my goy friends. I haven’t been on here for a while due to certain stressful times which involved our home. At one point we were going to leave after 7 years of bullying by certain allotment committee men and their friends. I’m not going to go into it , but anything they could do to make living here difficult, they did. So I found it very difficult to chat about gardens when I didn’t know where we were going to end up. As a last resort, my husband got the local paper round and they put in a full page article of nearly everything that had happened to us and since then one or two people are now being a little bit friendlier and the bullies have not won , because we are STAYING!
4 Mar, 2013
Previous post: Could it be a candid camera moment!
Next post: At last, a glimpse of Spring!
Good ! It's nice to hear you've beaten the bullies. People like that are pathetic :o(
I'm sorry you've had a stressful time though, and trust things will be better for you now ...
4 Mar, 2013
I,m pleased that the bullies didn't win.....cowards all of them!
4 Mar, 2013
Hi Rosie - I hope you're okay :) nice you are back I absolutely hate bullies , insecure idiots . Welcome back to you :))
4 Mar, 2013
Horrible people bullies !! Give me someone who will say what's on their mind and discuss things in a quite end reasonable manor I know some say ignore them but there comes a time and it's usually after a lot of stress you simply have to fight them so good on you Rose ,enjoy your spring & summer :-)
4 Mar, 2013
Thankyou so much all of you. It means a lot to know that there are nice decent people still in this world of ours!
Thanks Paulspond , I'm fine now. Its not been easy though! Back in the garden now!
Thankyou Hywel for caring!
4 Mar, 2013
So sorry to read about all that bad feeling,and glad you made it's just what bullies need,to be exposed..good for you..onwards and upwards now:o)
I watched a programme recently,and I couldn't believe how childish and immature some allotment members were..two worked side by side,and hadn't spoken for years,and some had their entries for competitions damaged or poor newcomer was hounded till he threw in the very sad...lovely to see you are back..take care,and hang on in there :o) x
4 Mar, 2013
Well done on staying put! That's the only way to beat these kind of people. Nice to see you back
4 Mar, 2013
Really sorry to hear about this Rose. I saw that programme that Bloomer has mentioned. I thought about it as soon as I read your blog. After seeing that programme I wouldn't even consider taking an allotment....they were a right bunch! Anyway, I'm glad that this 'bunch' of idiots have been challenged....hang on in there! It's good to hear that the newspapers can do some good sometimes. X
4 Mar, 2013
Good for you Rose. I am glad to hear you are staying in your lovely home.
4 Mar, 2013
Please dont condemn all alloment gardeners. Those who enjoy open field gardening are usually very friendly.
They may not have much ground at home, or clay soil like me.
I think the nasty ones who upset you were bringing other troubles from home. I would stand up to them if it was me, tell them to leave their troubles at home, we dont want them.
I have been an allotment gardener 32 years, never known anything like this.
On my field they know I am deaf and leave my hearing aids out to let the fresh air into my ear passages. They all wave to me as they pass my plot and smile.
Be lovely to get back in the sunshine again, the winter has been far too long.
5 Mar, 2013
So sorry to read this Rose but very pleased to see you back!
it must have been a really horrible time for you but i am so glad you got it sorted.
5 Mar, 2013
Hi there, glad to see you back, glad you also have the allotment sorted out after all the upset. There are always some personalities who just cannot accept that everyone is different and everyone has different ideas and not all want to do things the way it has been done for donkeys years. So pleased you have not given in and decided to stay. In the words of Frank Sinatra 'I Did It My Way'. Well done you on standing up and sorting it out with a little help from your friends at the newspaper. As DB says not all allotment holders are the same. It would not do to have us all thinking and doing the same as everyone else. Hope you have both settled down again and look forward to seeing your allotment in full swing soon. :O)
5 Mar, 2013
Hello Rose! Nice to hear you again and Please don't leave us again:-OO))))
5 Mar, 2013
Yes, quite right, they can't all be like that, and I suppose If they made a programme about the nice sane ones, that don't sabotage each other's carrots, and break in to people's sheds...well, it wouldn't make for good T.V. Would it!
5 Mar, 2013
Glad to see the bullies didn't win.
5 Mar, 2013
Ha Ha,'s good for the ratings I guess :o) and not only some Allotment holders..some clubs are the same..woe betide you,if you are new,and sat in someone's regular seat !!! We kept being asked why we didn't join our local Bowling club,which backs on to our frontage..behind a high wall,I might add...for the above reason..a lot of lovely people,but some are very 'clique' minded . Thanks,but no thanks .Tried it once ! Lol.
5 Mar, 2013
Thanks everyone for your kind comments and your support. I'm not saying all allotments are like this Diane Bulley, but we actually live in the middle of allotments , so this is a lot different to working on one and going home. If I listed everything they have done to us over the last 7 years , it would take all night. Thinking they have problems at home does not apply to 1. emptying a tipper lorry full of manure in front of a taxi we were in when coming from the hospital,
2 . Locking people in when they had seen them come up to the house
3 Stopping an ambulance coming to pick up my husband telling the driver he wasn't allowed on the site.
4 Going round all allotment holders when my husband was in hospital with a petition to have the main gate locked 24 hours while he was actually in hospital!
5 Stoppin g our refuse collecter from coming up!
I could tell you many more things. This house has been on here since 1841 when it was a farm house . The people who have been causing the trouble have a vendetta against us since the council gave them the power to run this site how they wanted. They do not want a house on here and if it was left empty , despite the fact its a listed building , the council would find a reason to pull it down!
So, I'm sorry if I sound angry, but most people probably would have left by now. We have done nothing wrong and do not deserve to be treated the way we have!
5 Mar, 2013
Oh Rose, that's dreadful....really awful. Rotten horrid, ignorant and cruel people. :( We are all on your side and rooting for you :)
5 Mar, 2013
Well Rose,I had no idea it was as bad as this..just appalling from so called adult people..sound more like the Mafia to me..! I don't know how I would cope with this kind of behaviour..and i applaud you for having the courage to stay there nothing you can do legally ? although I guess you may have thought about that..and the money it would cost,if there was...You are right to be so angry..very very upsetting for you and your husband...
I wish you all the very best,and hope things settle down for you ..take care ...
5 Mar, 2013
Thankyou Karen and Bloomer. We have lived here 14 years now and I have tried to keep most things what has happened to us over the last 7 years to myself. After the problem with our refuse collection, enough was enough! My husband had been to the police, Bloomer , but without proof , there was nothing they could do! I would have liked to go across to the main instigater and slapped his face, then I would have been in trouble! I can honestly say that I have never met people like this before! We will get over it again and will ignore it. At least now, people know about it so they may leave us alone now! Its nice to know there are decent kind people like yourselves around !
5 Mar, 2013
Rose, you know how I feel about this and just want to add that your home is your castle so get on those battlements and keep the b..........out!!!
5 Mar, 2013
Poor Rose - the frustration and anger must have been almost overwhelming. But it didn't overwhelm you, so well done!
5 Mar, 2013
The written word will have helped more than the face they have been named a way.and shamed .,but I think it would have felt good you anyway,Rose Lol.....and hear,hear,Chris..I agree..what is needed is the GoY Army to descend ..although you are a bit too far away...a few of us are a lot nearer :o))..
5 Mar, 2013
I can just visualise the GoY team descending, forks and spades and buckets and anything else we can get to hand to sort them out, it would be quite a sight to see. Keep smiling Rose if you can. Do not let the b...... get you down.
Maybe you need a bit of sunshine to enable you to get out there on the garden to get your mind off the horrible people in your life. They will regret their actions especially after the newspaper got involved well hopefully seeing it in print will have shamed them and hit their conciences hard and made them stop these silly stupid antics. Hope you are feeling better soon. xxx B
5 Mar, 2013
I think the best way forward is to ask to attend a Committee Meeting, list your rights and ask for them to be respected.
Ask for them to be printed off and circulated to all Tenants.
Antagonism always breeds more antagonism.
Quite often manure gets dumped in the wrong place because the tenant hasnt left a sign with his name on.
It happened to me when I first started. Delivery was at
10 a.m. I waited all morning. Went home at 1 p.m. for a wee. Went back at 1.30 and there was a ton of manure completely blocking the main roadway. It took me 2 days to shift it !
6 Mar, 2013
Stay strong Rose ...
don't get deterred by any bullies...
6 Mar, 2013
Dianne Bulley, I suspect you are a really nice person and don't see bad in anyone! We were exactly the same until these horrible men took over. We have been to the council ( allotment side) not interested, and all they would say if you don't like it, leave! We had the allotment woman from the council with our housing association in our home trying to find out why these men and the council were doing all these things to us and she refused to acknowledge any problems at all, more or less saying we were lying! We have been to out local MP who couldn't get involved. We have been to the ombudsman because while we were in Scotland at friends, we came back to find an 8 foot wrought iron fence 6 foot from our front way and now can drive down there ( this is the easiest access for deliveries) but can't open the car door. It was supposed to be 120 foot from the house as its listed. We were told we should have objected before it was erected , but as we were away from home, couldn't.
We went to our local radio station 2 years ago when we were locked in our own home when we were snowed in for 4 weeks. The snow came up to my knees and we didn't have transport then. The gate was a long way from the house and these men came down ( I saw them out the bedroom window) and left locking the allotment gate. We had contacted a council rescue firm who come out to take you shopping or doctors etc. as we couldn't get down to the gate. 2 days they came , ringing before they came and each time these men had locked the gate leaving it totally impossible to get out. In the end I put on my wellies , the snow actually went inside them and walked down to the gate. It took me 30 minutes to do a 5 minute walk. I met the council at the gate who took me shopping.
We complained about this and these men denied being down here , but I had actually seen them! If i had had a camera , I could have took a photo of them. So you see, we have tried every single official people and nobody has done anything!
We now have a car and a digital camera , so am prepared if anything like this happens again!
I didn't intend to talk about any of this again as just thinking about it again makes me want to cry! We think this last article in the paper has made people realise how we have been treat and we are hoping it will settle down so that we can get back to enjoying life again.
I also want to add that these same people terminated my friends allotment , forging her signature so that one of their own friends could have it. At the the time her sister was dying of cancer and she had been going out of town to her home to look after her. She came round to tell us about it as she found someone on her plot. My husband rang up the council for her and they did absolutely nothing! The plot hadn't been neglected at all as she always managed to pop down to keep it tidy.
If you are lucky enough to have a friendly allotment, then I'm sorry if I may have offended you in any way.
6 Mar, 2013
Thanks Chris, we still intend to stay now. They are not going to win!
6 Mar, 2013
Thanks Mel, I appreciate your support. Its always affected my husband more than me as I can switch off, whereas he dwells on things . This is when I get angry , because ever since we have been on here ( 14 years and 2 years previous on our first allotment) my husband has helped most people on here and now a lot of them have believed whatever they have been told about us and sided with them!
6 Mar, 2013
Thanks Bloomer and Barbara. That made me smile! I had visions of an army of goy members all descending on these on these men and giving them what for! Hahaa! So when are you coming then Bloomer!
At last the spring is on its way! We always get more bother through the winter. My husband will soon be back in his train room!
6 Mar, 2013
Thanks Terra for all your help and advice. Take care. xxx
6 Mar, 2013
:o) xxx
6 Mar, 2013
Just wanted to add one more thing, Dianne, but the manure was purposely dropped in front of our taxi by these same men. We were driving behind the lorry when it started to tip all the manure out, prompted by these men!
6 Mar, 2013
You never know,Rose :o) we visit friends occasionally,who retired to Mablethorpe..and usually call in at Brigg garden centre for a sandwich..and a good look round of course..are you anywhere nearby? It could be trowels at dawn.. well,maybe not that early ! Lol..I'm glad it made you smile,goodness knows,it's all you can do have done your best to try everything else..I hope the coming months are much better for you ..x
6 Mar, 2013
That would be great Bloomer. Dawn! Far too early Hahaa!
6 Mar, 2013
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Good sounds like a big relief!!
4 Mar, 2013