Has this ever happened to any of you !
By rose1949
I have had a frustrating two days as I couldn’t log in ! I went through the process of changing the password 4 times to no avail ! I wrote to the guys and while waiting for more help from them, I got it back ! I’m not sure if it was something I did or a problem on here ! So…panic over !
28 Feb, 2014
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tbh i have never had a problem
28 Feb, 2014
Thanks Snoopdog for that ! Its strange how that happens and makes you realise how much we rely on the computer to do things right !
I hope you never have this problem too Maisiesdad. Its very worrying ! I have a lot of blogs with photos on here which I would hate to lose !
1 Mar, 2014
I couldn't access once either had to email a friend who contacted admin for me
1 Mar, 2014
It has happened to me Rose and I panicked too, also it happens every now and then, I have to login etc.....but it seems to be alright just now, however I know how you feel Rose.
1 Mar, 2014
I appeared as Iciar again Rose, when that happens it usually coincides with problems logging in and elsewhere with someone else, I also have the disappearing comments so wonder now if they end up on the wrong blogs somewhere out in the wide blue yonder, very annoying as I don't always realise and hate people to think I haven't acknowledged them, when my comment appears up as Iciar it doesn't have the edit option therefore I cannot correct it so then have to put up another comment to let folks know its me, did tell admin a couple of years back but they didn't know what caused it or how to fix it, the wonders of technology, aye!!!!!
1 Mar, 2014
I see you posting sometimes a Iciar, Lincslass.
Took me a while to realize it, but now I know.
Sorry for your troubles Rose
1 Mar, 2014
The last few times you mentioned it Lincs you were still Lincs to me not Iciar!
1 Mar, 2014
Hello Rose - sorry you had a bit of a dilemma but glad that all is well now.
1 Mar, 2014
Its way beyond my comprehension Pam but I don't let it worry me now, my comments disappearing annoys me more......
1 Mar, 2014
Thanks Pamg and Grandmage. I also couldn't understand why my password wasn't accepted and then when I changed it and was told it was ok, I still couldn't log in !
Is Iciar a person then Sue ? I was also finding that I wasn't being notified about members blogs and that just righted itself as well !
Thanks Klahanie.
Hiya Chris, I was just about to send you an email asking if you could find out from one of the longer members to see what I could do, when hey presto...it was back !
2 Mar, 2014
Yes Rose but not been on here for a very long time, 2007-2008 only 20 pics and in the comments it says under the first one that its the first pic to appear on Goy her/his( but did get flowers for a birthday,lol), account is still open though....... Now that has always made me wonder if there is a connection between Iciar and our founder members but obviously not the sort of thing one could ask...
2 Mar, 2014
It makes you wonder, Sue ! Thats very weird!
2 Mar, 2014
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