A greenhouse at last ! Even if it is the tiniest one I've ever seen !
By rose1949
As most of you know, I downsized quite a lot on the garden when we moved here and have been racking my brain as to where one could go ! Round and round the garden I went and was just going to give up when I found this one ( only plastic ) in our B & M store for £20 !
Before I built it, I double checked that everything was there. I then built the base and walked round and round the garden trying to decide yet again where it would go and where it would not get blown away !
Definitely not here ! This is facing east and won’t get much sun ! Notice the wider border Karen and Barbara ! Hahaa!
No….not here either as the border would just disappear !
Well…my original plan was to move all the Rhodies to the back and put it there , but as this is the shadiest part of the garden and with nowhere to stake it, I had to find somewhere else , and the only place left was my favourite sitting area in the far back corner and would mean moving all the plant pots and ornaments !
So….what could I do ! …I wanted my green house, so here it must go !
At least it will be in the sun here and is staked through patio slabs and ropes taken to the fence and hopefully will not blow away ! All I had to do then was drag all the heavy pots from the corner and decide where to put everything ! What was going to be an easy job turned into a full day ! My eldest grandaughter had just arrived for a visit and with the help of my friend and neighbour , we all set to,to erect it ! Not as easy as I thought !
So here it is….finished ! Phew !
As you can see, it was getting dark when we finished ! Not the prettiest of buildings, but hey ho…I can now sow my seeds !
2 Mar, 2014
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Thanks Scotkat ! If I get a year out of it , it will be worth it!
2 Mar, 2014
I often think of these greenhouses as disposable rather than permanent. I suppose if you are to sow lots of seeds it is cost effective in that respect.
Enjoy it - you deserve too after all the effort :)
2 Mar, 2014
Thanks Scottish . Maybe I might find a better greenhouse this size for next year! I've not seen any glass ones this tiny ! I will get my moneys worth out of it, you can be sure of that! lol
Thats a good idea Snoopdog, thanks !
2 Mar, 2014
I hope it will last. I bought a similar one many years ago and only lasted for a few days. I was probably careless. I do not remember how much I bought it for, but definitely much dearer than yours. £20 pounds is a real bargain.
2 Mar, 2014
Its surprising how much you can get into these mini greenhouses Rose, they are ideal in a smaller garden, I have had 3 of them, I even bought another new one last year, I use it as extra staging inside my bottom g'house, one of them comes in handy in what would normally be our usual winter temps, saves a fortune when needing a bit of extra insulation for tender plants, you'll be very happy when you see your seedlings growing and at that price you can't really go wrong.....
2 Mar, 2014
Worth all the effort, and you can sit in your arbour and admire all the young plants in it...
2 Mar, 2014
That looks good, Rose. I am sure you'll get your money's worth, at that price. It's great, isn't it? :-)
2 Mar, 2014
That will be ideal for you Rose..and great for overwintering pots etc too..mine is only one of the smaller types,so yours is huge compared to mine! but it does it's job...you might even have room to get a little garden chair or buffet,to sit inside,while you work..and shelter from the cold winds..get cracking with those seeds ,and enjoy :o).maybe a bit of fleece to protect them,if we are unlucky enough to get some frosty weather yet..will Rick ever see you again,once you're in there? Lol.x
3 Mar, 2014
I was wondering about fleece too Bloomer, but for shade too, they can get very warm if the sun gets on them
good luck and enjoy x
3 Mar, 2014
Yes,that too Pam...:o)
3 Mar, 2014
It should be fine in that little corner, happy planting Rose, it will keep you happy for hours and hours. :O)
ps love the wider border. :O)
3 Mar, 2014
I have the one with 4 shelves, and put it in the garage during the winter, the cover on mine is just starting to go after 4 summers, they are useful.
3 Mar, 2014
Yes it was a bargain Kokkinotria and its well and truly staked ! At least 12 big ones, plus the ones tied up to the fence ! The shelves are actually part of the main frame joining it all together, so is quite sturdy ! Says she, with fingers crossed ! lol
Well, there is one good thing about these Sue you can move them about the garden and put them away for winter!
Thanks Steragram, good idea !
Thanks Mel, if it lasts all summer , I shall be happy !
Hello Sandra, Rick laughed when I read him what you wrote ! At least he sees more of me here as I had 3 greenhouses at Willow Cottage ! I don't think there's room for a seat though ! I can just turn around in it ! Thanks Pamg , I will ! Thanks Barbara ! Now I've started with the border , I will just have to keep pinching a little bit more ! Rick actually surprised me today by suggesting I widen another little border as he said I had put two shrubs too close together ! So, I shall be doing that tomorrow before he forgets he said that ! Hahaa!
3 Mar, 2014
Lol Rose,you haven't far to go to sit down anyway,with that lovely wooden seat next to your Greenhouse ! This might spur you on with your seed sowing..I did some Zinnias on Saturday,and couldn't believe that there are signs today already ! mind you,they are in a heated propagator on my spare growhouse staging,and in a Conservatory..but three days is going some,I think..
I'm well chuffed :o)
3 Mar, 2014
What a great little bargain Rose, there should be no excuses now not to have everything blooming!
4 Mar, 2014
I've never had success at propagating Zinnias Sandra. Perhaps I'll have better luck in my conservatory with my heated propagater too !
Thanks Waddy and the weather is supposed to be getting milder too !
4 Mar, 2014
Thanks Lizzie, I hope mine lasts as long as yours ! Do you take it all down then ?
4 Mar, 2014
I'm sure you will Rose..I did the same last year,and they were so long lasting..right up till November..I put most in pots,as the slugs got a few in the border :o( proper little seed leaves today..unbelievable they have germinated so quickly..I left the cover off today,as it was so warm inside,and turned the thermostat right down..all tucked up warm again at teatime,when the sun had gone off..It was a 39p packet from Aldi..
4 Mar, 2014
I think I will try again Sandra, but even at the last place with a heated green house and electric propagater, they still didn't surface and if they did, they just collapsed ! The only thing I can think of is that my green house was under trees , as they both were and didn't get enough sun, even if it was warm inside ! First job today then !
5 Mar, 2014
Hi Rose, that's a really good buy. Not a bad sized little greenhouse. I'm pretty sure its bigger than mine http://www.growsonyou.com/photo/slideshow/235161-plant-house/member/samjp
You shouldn't have too many issues in that corner, particularly since you've got it staked down. Mine is screwed into two big old concrete slabs (via wooden boards) and the blasted thing has still blown down the garden a time or two this year. Saying that our garden is quite exposed and has had some mighty strong winds ripping through.
Hope you enjoy your little greenhouse.
9 Mar, 2014
Decisions, decisions!! are you satisfied with its position? How good is it? is it stable in wind?
I've been thinking about getting one of these (Amazon do them too, and spare covers) - there wasn't room for one in my previous tablecloth-sized garden. Was thinking of maybe using it as a "summerhouse", put a seat in there and I'd be set for the day!
I do have two even smaller ones, 4-shelf "mini-greenhouse" - the covers for both have split, so need to get at least one replaced - the other will do as a pot organiser as they don't mind getting wet.
11 Mar, 2014
Thanks Samjp, I tried to find your picture , but it wouldn't come up ! Not sure if I did it right though ! It does say the size in my blog , but not in feet and inches , which is the only measurements I understand ! lol
Thanks Fran. Do you have a bigger garden now then ? I had a plastic tomato house last year and the roof split, so as this seems much stronger, I hope this doesn't happen to the new one ! Its also very sheltered where it is !
13 Mar, 2014
Hi Rose, if you copy the link into the address bar it should work (she says). I've found the dimensions of yours, just can't remember what mine is lol. Looks like you can walk into yours judging by the pic.
13 Mar, 2014
great pic, Samjp. the only way I can get links given in posts to work is to copy and paste them into the address bar - sometimes a bit of a prob with very long links that go on for a fw lines (usually a couple of characters on a line that I didn't notice and so didn't copy)
I recently moved from East London to Shrewsbury, Rose - now got proper gardens, front *and* back! the garden at my old place was smaller than the paving outside my new back door - and that was paved too, so I could only have pots. This new place is a semi, and the wind does whistle a bit round the edge, so when I put up my old mini-greenhouses I'll need to make sure they're well anchord - same goes for a little walk-in greenhouse such as you have.
14 Mar, 2014
I'll try that, thanks Samjp. I can stand in mine to prick out my seedlings , but can't really move around in it !
I'm pleased for you Fran ! Wouldn't you have room for a "proper" green house now ? The wind blows down the drive and sometimes my green house rocks, but it has plenty of stakes , so not too worried ! Says she ! Hahaa!
15 Mar, 2014
lol I can now match you on the greenhouse, or I will be able to hen it's delivered. Found hte local Percy Thrower Graden Centre - it's huge!! I was wandering abound for over an hour and still didn't see all of it. But they had a mini walk--in greenhouse. half price in a sale, so I grabbed it. Looks similar to yours, but this had green-ish cover. it costs to deliver, but much better than no deliery at all and trying to lug it home on foot!
Now I've got to work out a place for it, along with the three large bags of compost and ditto of bark chips ...
15 Mar, 2014
I've seen these green houses at Wilkos Fran, and they are much bigger than my little one ! If I had the room, I would have preferred one of these, but better one little one than none at all !
16 Mar, 2014
They had two sizes of "mini walk-in" and this is the smaller of the two - it looks identical with the pic on your box, apart from the cover colour. The bgger one came empty, shelves bought separaately. (I could have laid down in that one!)
There are times when "half a loaf" is better than none - start with a smaller structure and see how that goes, and maybe later you can expand or add to it. *s* too much too soon can be a problem, at least for me, I think "all that room!" and fill it with stuff "for now" that never seems to move again!
16 Mar, 2014
Sounds like you two should have some fun with your greenhouses.
Lol Fran it is tempting to fill the space isn't it. Ive been looking forward to it for ages.
16 Mar, 2014
Had to laugh Fran - or a minute I read that you'd been wandering about in your greenhouse for ages...
16 Mar, 2014
True, Sam - I'd want to put heavier stuff at the bottom to belp ballast it, and after that ... got nothing yet to put on the shelves, but maybe a small tray for my tea and sandwiches
lol Stera! wondering and wanting and wishing, yes. doiubt I'd have much room to wander even when it's empty!
how full is yours now, Rose? has it widened horizons, sort of thing, to have that much shelf space available and protected?
17 Mar, 2014
I haven't the time for tea and sandwiches Fran ! lol All the four shelves are now full with annuals and cuttings , plus the other bedding plants, including tomatoes which are in the conservatory ! Now my hubby is calling THAT a green house ! Hahaa!
18 Mar, 2014
ooh, pics, please!!
18 Mar, 2014
Watch this space, Fran ! lol
18 Mar, 2014
Wow Rose you have been busy. So far all I've managed is a couple dozen sweet peas lol. Looking forward to pictures :-)
18 Mar, 2014
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Just perfect for you Rosie and for £20 a good buy indeed.
2 Mar, 2014