This is just a silly story on a dull wet day !
By rose1949
Once upon a time there were two middle aged ladies who went to a store called B & M’s. One called Rose and the other called Pat. Rose got the trolley after putting the £1 coin in and off they went shopping. On their return to the car park, Rose pushed the trolley into the long , long , long lane of joined up trolleys. Why wouldn’t it push right in, she thought! Oh no, she realised that B & M’s had bought in a whole load of new thinner trolleys and the big old one was stuck right in the middle of the end one. The old trolley was too far away to get the coin back and totally stuck, so couldn’t be moved to the queue of older ones. Are you with me so far ! No matter how they pulled and pushed, the old trolley was well and truly jammed ! Pat, being Pat, said that Rose had to get her £1 back as it was better in her pocket than theirs ! So…what did Pat do ! She started to pull the stuck trolley along with the loads and loads and loads of the new trolleys, towards the next queue of older trolleys so that the end old one would slot on to the other one at the end of the queue of these to get the coin out ! Now, this is where the fun started ! Pat pulled, Rose pushed and all the trolleys moved , but not in a straight line ! They started to swing out towards the road and opening of the shop ! But still Pat pulled and Rose pushed, more determined than ever, laughing that much that they were both doubled over !
People came out of the shop, took one look and scurried away !One man exclaimed that he would get his trolley from another queue ! Pat and Rose couldn’t stop pulling and pushing and laughing and laughing ! They were just about to give up, when Pat managed to twist the old trolley round to slot it in to the queue of old ones and got the money out ! Yay ! Of course , they had forgotten about the loads and loads and loads of new trolleys which had come adrift from the old one and were about to go sailing across the car park! In the haste to retrieve them, the shopping bags had been dragged underneath them and the shopping rolled all over the car park !
Well, Pat said " at least we got the £1 back !!!
A lady came out of the shop and asked Rose what was wrong and , still doubled up with laughter, all she managed to reply was " you had to be there !
What’s the moral of this story, do you think ! Hahaa!
I hope this cheered you all up on a dreary winter’s day !
19 Jan, 2014
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Lol, Rose, I'm sure the moral has to be;
'Never mess with a woman, she'll always get her own back'
Glad you got the £1 back!
19 Jan, 2014
Just thought, Hywel, I wonder if they caught it on CCTV?
Would be great for a YouTube film!
19 Jan, 2014
Good on you for not giving up, those quids are better spent on your garden than left in that trolley.....Sounds as though you were having fun, lol....
19 Jan, 2014
I'm glad it made you smile Hywel ! It does us all good to have a laugh, doesn't it !
Oh yes, Waddy, thats a brilliant moral ! You're so right !
I did think that we could have been caught on camera as this place has a limit of only 2 hours as its near the town centre. I had this vision of all the staff looking at the CCTV watching us ! Candid camera is it ! Hahaa!
19 Jan, 2014
Thanks Sue ! Every penny ( or should I say pound ) counts! I can't remember ever laughing so much !
19 Jan, 2014
What a wonderful story! Did you manage to retrieve your shopping?
19 Jan, 2014
Yes I did Steragram. It was just boring old cleaning products ! Hahaa!
19 Jan, 2014
Those trolleys can be a nightmare and seem to have a mind of their own and thats when only trying to control one, it must have been hilarious trying to sort out a whole row of the blighters.......
19 Jan, 2014
Well it certainly gave me a good laugh Rose, wish I'd been there:-)))
19 Jan, 2014
Caught on CCTV lol :o)) ... maybe it was :D
19 Jan, 2014
You ARE a one Rose!!!
I bet you were in pain with laughing so much!!!
19 Jan, 2014
You're a caution and no mistake, Rose! Lol.
It would have been easier to bung a quid into another old trolly, then use that to free your dosh from the first.
Someone might stick on YBF or youtube.
Fame at last, eh?
19 Jan, 2014
That sounds too complicated Mouldy, as the old trolley was stuck in the middle of the row. If its shown on T/V
Rose should get paid !
20 Jan, 2014
Hi Rose ..
Hilarious story !
Did anyone ask if Rose and Pat were off their trolleys ? ;o) xxx
20 Jan, 2014
And dragging an entire row of trollies isn't, Diane? Lol.
At least with my method rose would only use one trolly.
20 Jan, 2014
I'm sure Laithe58 would agree ... ;o)
20 Jan, 2014
Hiya Mouldy, we couldn't get the coin out any way at all as the old trolley was stuck inside the end of the queue of new trolleys and the other queue of old trolleys was quite a way apart from the new ones ! Complicated or what ! lol
Anyway, me being me , if there had been another way, would have thought about it after the event !
We could also have left the coin, but where was the fun in that ! Hahaa!
I wish I'd had my camera with me to show the positions of the two different queues Sue ! I think , maybe, I confused some of you !
Thats what I wrote it for B.A. a good laugh to cheer us all up on a dull day !
Yes I was Chris ! Have you ever laughed that much that your face contorts as well ! Hahaa ! I even laugh out loud now when I think about it !
Now wouldn't that be great, Diane ! I wonder how much I should charge ! lol
Yes Terra, Rick did ! In fact he's never stopped ! Its that or....B&M's need trolley girls ! Hahaa!
20 Jan, 2014
For goodness sake , Rose, you just had to push it alongside the stuck trolly, or was the chain not long enough? Lol.
20 Jan, 2014
Girls will be girls !
20 Jan, 2014
Oh dear, Mouldy ! What am I going to do with you !
The long queue of thinner trolleys were quite a way from the old trolleys , and I mean quite a way ! My old trolley was stuck in the end of the new trolleys. Because they were much thinner ( and we hadn't realised that at the time ) the bit you push, in firstly , wouldn't reach and secondly , if it had ( this is the new trolleys ) the bit you slot in to get the coin out was too small. Sorry, but I'm not much good at explaining !
20 Jan, 2014
Thanks Driad ! Men would just walk away, wouldn't they ! lol
20 Jan, 2014
And come back...with a hacksaw! Lol.
20 Jan, 2014
the staff in the store said ' think they have been on the sauce again' lol. what a giggle you two had. I can just see you both, I hate those trolleys, they always get stuck with me. good laugh though thanks for that Rose :O)
21 Jan, 2014
How soon til we see you and Pat on TV. I'm sure I'd have given up the £1 though. Very funny :)
21 Jan, 2014
I'd have given you the quid for the sheer entertainment value, Rose. :-)
22 Jan, 2014
Well, Barbara, if I'd been paying attention in the first place , instead of chatting as I always do, I would have noticed the the trolley I had was much wider than the ones I was was trying to slot into ! Hahaa!
I think I would have given up the pound, Scottish but my friend Pat wouldn't ! No...not on your nelly...she said ! lol
Oh well, Mouldy...if you had , then you wouldn't have been reading this story ! Hahaa!
22 Jan, 2014
To Rose1949: IOU one pound sterling.
23 Jan, 2014
Hahaa Mouldy ! And I thought I was having the last word! Hahaa!
23 Jan, 2014
that was good, can just picture the carts on the loose hahaha
23 Jan, 2014
D'you like the wig I bought, Rose?
24 Jan, 2014
Now I'm definitely confused Mouldy ! Am I missing something here !
24 Jan, 2014
My wig, Rose.
You'll have to look sideways at my smiley sigul.
It isn't too curly, is it?
I've also had some plastic surgery to make my jaw more manly. Look...
Very alluring, doncha think? Lol.
24 Jan, 2014
Oh definitely Mouldy ! And I thought I was the only one on here who is nuts !
26 Jan, 2014
I've become addicted to plastic surgery now, Rose.
The newest me...{:-} middle parting and botoxed lips.
Gorgeous or what?
27 Jan, 2014
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hahahhaa ! ... lol ... I can imagine it !! :D It must have been very entertaining for any passers by - much better than the tv :D :D
And I'm pleased you got your £1 back too :o))
19 Jan, 2014