Another little project !
By rose1949
I do love my projects ! I didn’t think I would be able to find anymore ! Hahaa!
I had been looking at my corner with the arbour seat where we both love to sit, but it always seemed a small area and not always in the sun.
I studied this area over and over and realised that if I moved the arbour seat into the corner,then this would free up a side where I could extend my little raised bed , and would also make the area a bit more interesting.
The sun hits this corner all day including the evening.
Looking round all the pots, I then found that I had more stone bricks as pots were sat on top of a lot of them. Also I had many bricks which I had hid away under the seat.
Wow ! I couldn’t wait to start !
First of all, was to move the seat ! Rick, as most of you know would not be able to help and me being me was too impatient to wait for help ! So….I talked myself into it, saying that, yes I could do it ! Its amazing what you can do when the adrenalin kicks in ! It was a lovely sunny day and I set to firstly to move every pot out of harms way and then just shuffled it along until I reached the corner. The only problem was that there was a Clematis in a pot which had been climbing over it since we moved here, so it was one step with the seat and one step with the Clematis, during which time I was thinking to myself " I must be mad !" Determination won through and it was in the corner where I wanted it , only it was tilted slightly to one side ! Oh dear , I thought ! Well…even more determined I found something to slide under it and with all the strength I possessed , I lifted the arbour seat off the ground and managed to slide this bit of wood underneath it ! Yay ! It was done !
The next part was easy compared to this !
Lay all the stone bricks , then fill up with compost !
The best job was changing pots around and putting a small trellis up for my other Clematis. I dug a huge hole at the other side of the seat and took out of a huge pot a Honeysuckle called Mint Crisp which is evergreen , variagated and has two different coloured flowers. One starts off yellow and then changes to white. I was really worried incase I lost this as it was coming out of a big pot of compost into a not quite so big hole ! Rick had bought this from our favourite garden centre in Brigg and would not have been best pleased if I had killed it ! As you might have gathered, I always do big jobs when he’s having a rest ! Hahaa!
I had previously bought another arch which I had positioned just before entering this area. I shall be putting two climbing roses over this.
This is how it looked before !
This is were the wall ended !
The next pictures are the finished project.
The extended raised border.
I can now see my Photinia Red Robin and Clematis Lady Diana now ! The Photinia had been hidden amongst all the pots in the corner and the Clematis was climbing over the arbour , but could not see it clearly. Next year it should climb happily across the trellis !
I also had some stone bricks left over, so built a small pillar to match the other one ….
So…..what can I do next ! Hahaa!
6 Oct, 2014
Previous post: My garden in August.
Next post: My October Garden.
Thank you Marjories. Its so sad when summer comes to an end, but its great to plan for next year !
6 Oct, 2014
What can you do next,you say Rose? darn well sit down for a while,that's what ! lol..It looks absolutely great like that,and so do your pots and climbers..I think you have done a fantastic job,and I'm glad you are happy with your changes..well done love,:o) xxx
6 Oct, 2014
oh, that looks good! will have to read and re-read several times to take it all in, well done you!
7 Oct, 2014
Thanks Sandra, I'm not good at sitting down! Hahaa! Except maybe with a good book in the winter!
I'll let you know how we get on today. xx
Thanks Fran. I do tend to go on a bit, don't I ! lol
7 Oct, 2014
Well done! What a fantastic job. It is amazing what strength you find when you really are determined! :)) I am feeling the lack of a project now. We've had so many projects this year, and now I am finding it hard to stop!
7 Oct, 2014
Ok Rose..speak to you later..xxxx
7 Oct, 2014
You've done a good job Rose you will benefit from all your hard work next year when you are sitting in the sunshine , I love those stone walls ,I aways cringe when I hear of people lifting great heavy stuff about, please be careful its so easy to hurt yourselves ...
7 Oct, 2014
Perhaps it is time for you to stop Karen ! Get yourself a good book and cosy up near the fire !
That's why, Amy that I always do these jobs when I know my hubby won't be watching ! He would have a fit ! lol
7 Oct, 2014
Job well done Rose, I suppose you'll only stop when you run out of hidden bricks and stones, when that happens woe betide the pots and plants they'll get moved about each time you are needing something to do, lol, why not if it keeps you happy, looks good.....
7 Oct, 2014
That wasn't what I meant, Rose!!! Just that I'd need to re-read to absorb so much detail and compare before-and-after
7 Oct, 2014
Slow down Rose you are making me feel very tired. lol. I am just the same when a project is in the head you just have to get on with it. Great job well done, now find that book and sit down and enjoy your lovely garden views. Love the before and after pictures. :O)
7 Oct, 2014
A job well done, and all your own work ! What could be better :)
I hope you didn't feel too achy afterwards ... (I think I would have. lol.)
I bet it's a vast improvement.
7 Oct, 2014
Rose you and I are definitely on the same wavelength. Achey limbs maybe but don`t you feel good when you see what you`ve achieved.
I think having the arbour on a slant makes the garden look bigger and the stone walling looks fab.
7 Oct, 2014 hubby always says that everything ducks when I go out in the garden for fear of being moved ! Hahaa!
I know that Fran ! I was only teasing ! lol
I think I have no choice but to sit down now Barbara ! Its raining AGAIN ! lol
Thank you Hywel. I was fine afterwards ! Slept like a baby !
Need another project now ! lol
You are so right Stroller ! To stand back and see what you've done. Its such a great feeling isn't it ! Achey limbs...what achey ;limbs ! Hahaa!
The arbour seat area does look much bigger now! Thank you , I love that stone walling too !
My friend and neighbour said that she had a small bag of sand and cement if I wanted to make it permanent. I declined as ...knowing me, in a few years time everything could be on the move again ! Hahaa!
8 Oct, 2014
I hope you weren't in too much trouble when Rick spotted the difference! I like the arbour where you have positioned it now ... well done Rose. :o)
9 Oct, 2014
Sorry for the laughter from our house Rose. I could just see you doing your soft shoe shuffle with the arbour and clematis in a pot so vividly that I could not help myself. It looked fine before but I agree with you that the improvement was worth the effort. I won't say roll on the Spring so you can enjoy it all because there will be so much else to see over the winter in the garden that I would not want to wish our lives away. I love your pots.
9 Oct, 2014
I really enjoy cleaning up and sorting things out in autumn too. it all looks the blue pots under the fountain..:-)
9 Oct, 2014
Shirley, he was actually quite pleased with what I had done, but of course didn't know how hard it was to move the arbour seat ! I told him it was so easy ! He also said that he had always wanted it there originally ! !
Thank you so much Scotsgran ! I aim to please ! Hahaa!
Autumn is a great time Sandra ! I love to just look at the garden and then decide what is doing well and what isn't and then sorting it all out !
11 Oct, 2014
Like your arbour area, Rose. I have the occasional idea but my Other Half has to carry it out.
Sometimes my "idea" is a bad one. We have a seat near our pond and as I found it rather draughty there I suggested planting some laurels as a sheltered screen. We now have a screen that is around twenty feet high!
Obviously your projects are better than mine, as yours work!
11 Oct, 2014
Oh that made me smile, Eirlys ! Couldn't you have cut it down a bit ! lol
Thank you for your comment.
12 Oct, 2014
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You've made a lovely job of your alterations. When everything comes back to life next year it will look lovely.
Well done Rose.
6 Oct, 2014