My garden in August.
By rose1949
I thought I’d better do this blog before it’s September ! Hahaa! It is still looking good and no sign of Autumn yet!
We are just entering the garden through the arch way on the left and will then leave you to wander around while I make the cuppas !
The little pond is looking healthy , or as Jack, one of our friends called it “the big puddle !” Hahaa! The Lobelia Cardinalis will be in flower soon and we have tried to grow these for years at Willow Cottage, but always lost them ! It obviously likes the " big puddle! " lol.
You will have just passed under the arch way now ! Just look at the height of those Echinacea ! They’re huge !
When you reach the end of this path , you will notice that we have bought yet more shrubs for pots in this area , including a Malus Red Sentinel.
Plus a huge Fatsia Japonica ! We don’t want to see concrete!It will look lovely when everything fills out. All I have to do is keep on watering all the plants in pots and now there are quite a lot !
Just walking across to the borders again as I thought you might like to see some of the flowers up close !
In here there are yellow Marguerites which have flowered constantly throughout the summer, small and taller varieties of Coreopsis plus purple Salvias.
Mirabilis and Hydrangea Annabelle. The Mirabilis seed was given to me by a lady who runs our local garden centre last year and I had forgotten all about them until they literally "popped " up !
White , blue and red Phlox which have been amazing again this year !
Veronicas from Hywel , 2 years old now and Sedum from my lovely friend Libet ( Elizabeth ) who some of you will still remember.
No garden could be without Penstamons ! They are so reliable and stand up to all weathers, not to mention the long flowering season !
Princess Diana which hasn’t done so well this year , but The President has been amazing !
I just thought we could take another look at the recess corner as this picture is a bit clearer. The begonia in the pot has been lovely and I actually left it out last winter and it survived !
This is our favourite little sitting area. Note the grass, Shirley in the medium blue pot ! Its the one you sent me ! After a slow start, its doing really well now !
Now…before your cuppas…I must show you our bargains from Brigg Garden Centre ! Lovely stone pots , all reduced by 50% to £9.95 ! What do you think then Sandra ! The wooden planter which is huge was also in the sale for £10 !
Now…I know I have to paint the wooden one, but I couldn’t wait to see it planted up with the Viburnham Tinus , so lined it well with heavy duty black plastic putting drainage holes in of course !
Apart from this Phormium, I have an Abelia Grandiflora in one and a standard Cottoneaster in the other . The Cottoneaster was the only new plant which Rick my hubby insisted on buying ! I won’t tell you the price of it! That’s from Brigg also ! Need I say more ! Hahaa!
Thank you for joining me on my little walk . The kettle is going on ! Thank goodness, you are all saying !!
Anyone for cake !
29 Aug, 2014
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Hasn't it all filled in nicely since you moved in Rose, amazing what a difference a good gardener can make to a plot. Brilliant, love the new pots and the wooden planter, it all looks so healthy. Pleased you like Brigg Garden centre I have also been there twice this year, that is where I got my rose Golden Showers from. Great place to visit and wander around in and the food is delicious in the restaurant too :O)
29 Aug, 2014
I agree with Olive, anyone seeing your garden for the first time would think you'd been there for years Rose, its so colourful and full, as you know I'm a big fan of full beds and borders..
Your pond and the planting has really come on, whats on the agenda for hubby's surprise this year, I can remember the fun you and your friend had doing the pond, lol.....
29 Aug, 2014
What a lovely selection of plants, and so much colour still! Did I see a veronica back there? Mine finished absolutely ages ago, how did you manage it? Now for the cake (I wish)
29 Aug, 2014
The whole garden looks sooo good. I didnt realise Lobelia cardinalis doubled up as a marginal. Your yellow Marguerites are wonderful. Are they perennial, would love to get some in my garden :)
29 Aug, 2014
Thanks Scotkat. I appreciate your comments.
Hello Barbara, (Olive Oil ) how are you ? Yes, we both love Brigg as there is so much to see there even on a wet day and it was a very very wet day when we went for the pots ! It was fine when we left, but we hit torrential rain so bad that I couldn't see in front or behind me. The water came out the sides of the car as if we were going through a stream ! It did actually stop when we got there ! I have never driven through weather like that before. Unfortunately Rick can't drive any more as he has glaucoma.
Thanks Sue, ( Lincslass ) I'm quite proud of what I have achieved ! We both sit in the conservatory every day looking at our garden and it gives us both so much pleasure.
I don't know what I'll plan for next year either ! When we were at Brigg, Rick saw a raised pond and it was complete with pump. It seemed to have been built with decking wood and lined and it would have fitted into our sitting corner a treat ! £154 ! He would have been able to have fish as well ! Not bad for what it was ! I had the idea of my family and I going shares for a Christmas present, but when we went back again, it had gone ! It was the last one, or maybe the only one ! Never mind !
Thanks Steragram. Yes you did see Veronica ! Hywel sent me it when I was at the Cottage and it has thrived here. All I did was to dead head all the time and it just keeps on flowering !
Thanks Dawnsaunt, I don't think Marguerites are perrenials ! I've never had them before as the last place didn't get much sun. Too many trees ! I think if the winter was mild, they might, but they do tend to get straggly in the end. My white ones went brown and I thought I'd lost them, but I cut them right back and now they are healthy and flowering again. So never know !
29 Aug, 2014
So,..little Miss show off with new pots ! Lol..and yes,I AM jealous ! What a good bargain,Rose,and they look lovely with your choice of plants..and Ricks :o)
Your garden is such a delight,and all your colours blend in so well with each other..I love your phlox,especially the white one..Shame we won't be coming to stay with our friends this year..we were all unable to meet,with one thing or know how it is sometimes..If we had been meeting you again at Brigg..I might have beaten you to some of those bargains ..ha ha...
You have worked so hard in such a short time,and it's a credit to you both :o) xx
29 Aug, 2014
What a delightful garden and blog and just love your sitting area there's not a lot more in life that we could want that your (or our gardens can give us ) enjoy :)
29 Aug, 2014
Fabulous blog Rose. Garden still looks great for this time of year.
PS I'll always say yes to a piece of cake! ... lol <];~))
30 Aug, 2014
Thanks Sandra. There was actually a big collection of these pots, so...plenty for us both ! lol
Perhaps one day when you do head this way, you can pop in for a cuppa and cake !
Thanks Kidsgran. You are so right !
30 Aug, 2014
Lovely, Rose. It all looks so beautiful. I love the planting in the borders. You must be so thrilled with it all. You'd think you'd been there for much longer.
30 Aug, 2014
We will,Rose ,and thanks..I'll let you know when to put the kettle on ! Lol ..I would love to have a nosey round your lovely garden :o) xx
30 Aug, 2014
What a lovely garden Rose. And so nice to see a couple of wide shots which help to put plants into perspective.
30 Aug, 2014
Wow, Rose, you have made so much of your new garden! Every part of it if full to the brim with interest and colour. And as you sign of autumn yet. :) I really enjoyed this fact, I'm going to go around one more time, a bit more slowly! It's always nicer to do a tour with a cuppa in one hand and a slice of cake in the other! :))
30 Aug, 2014
very attractive looking garden! :-)
30 Aug, 2014
I just looked at your blog of the 12th sept 2013.
Before and after......what a transformation, it is so beautiful now... and all from such a drab, boring garden.
Did you have any kind of overall design before you started or di d it all evolve as you went along?
I love the exuberance and the colour schemes.
30 Aug, 2014
Thanks Alanb ! Fruit loaf , carrot cake or a very naughty chocolate cake ! Hahaa!
Thanks Mel. I think having a garden with sun most of the day has certainly helped !
Thanks Digginfit. I appreciate your comments.
Hello Karen. Thank you so much ! It was such a big change from a huge garden to a small one , but we both love it now ! Trouble is, every year I like to change things and it might be a bit difficult in this garden ! never know !!! lol
So what cake do you like then !
Thank you Marybells.
I'll look forward to that Sandra ! x
30 Aug, 2014
Cake. ;))
30 Aug, 2014
Thank you Rose, I enjoyed my cuppa ... since it's about midnight and I can't sleep so catching up with GoY lol ...
Your garden is lovely. If I didn't know better, I would never say you hadn't long move in there !
Well your Veronica is doing better than mine ! I only had a few flowers this year, and they were over before July was through :( I think I'll have to move it.
I am pleased it's doing so well for you :o)
I love that green shed :)
30 Aug, 2014
Rose, in order of preference
1. Very naughty, Hahaa!, chocolate cake,
2. Carrot cake,
3. Fruit loaf,
4. Any type of cake ........ lol
I assume Karens reply was essentially my option 4!
31 Aug, 2014
It was alan! :))
31 Aug, 2014
31 Aug, 2014
Your garden is Delightful Rose. Lots going on. I really enjoyed my visit. Now what were you saying about a cuppa and a piece of cake?....
31 Aug, 2014
Thanks Rose x
31 Aug, 2014
Well are just like me ! Any cake will do ! lol
I agree Alan...chocolate cake first choice ! Its making me hungry just thinking about it !
Thanks Hywel, the Veronica has just grown and grown since it has been here ! They were so little at the Cottage , so it looks like that the move was good for all the plants as well as us ! Rick decided to paint it that colour and wasn't sure at first, but I love it now !
Thanks Waddy. I think I've started everyone off wanting to eat cake ! lol
You're welcome Dawnsaunt.
31 Aug, 2014
Morning Rose, I have read through your blog whilst eating a cherry scone with a coffee! How naughty of me!
Well, what a difference to your garden since you moved in ... so colourful and brimming with plants. I am so pleased the grass Hakonechloa is thriving, worth waiting for. :o)
1 Sep, 2014
Thanks Shirley. The grass had a slow start last year , but is much better this year.
Cherry scone sounds rather nice !
4 Sep, 2014
That scone certainly was a treat as I don't eat too much sweet stuff these days!
4 Sep, 2014
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Wonderful blog Rose it was a real pleasure.
29 Aug, 2014