Hello to all my goy friends !
By rose1949
I just thought I would pop in to say “hello” and hope you are all fit and well !
I thought I would explain why you haven’t seen me for a while. My husband Rick has been quite poorly for a while and has prostrate cancer. It has not gone into his bones although his PSA level is very high , but we have been waiting 3 weeks now to find out what his MRI results are. This was to find out if it has spread into his organs. He was started on some treatment , but until the results are in, no other treatment can be given.
As you can imagine, I can only concentrate on him for now until we get more positive results.
I hope to be back on here before Christmas ! If not, then best wishes to you all ! xxx
28 Nov, 2014
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Rose I am so sorry. Hope the resuts are better than you are expecting. Its difficult to understand how test results can take so long being sent to you when they are immediately available to the consultant.
28 Nov, 2014
Rose I am sorry, I hope you get the news soon and obviously also that its on the good side, the waiting must be hard for you both, try and keep positive and hope to hear from you soon.... xx
29 Nov, 2014
So sorry to hear that Rose. Thanks for letting us know. We will all be thinking of you and Rick, and Hoping for better news soon. Thank God for our NHS. I hope they look after him well. :) x
29 Nov, 2014
Hello Rose ...
thinking of you and Rick and sending healing thoughts ...
Hoping all the test results are as you would wish ...
29 Nov, 2014
Our prayers and thoughts are with you Rose. You are not alone at this difficult time.
29 Nov, 2014
I'm sorry to hear your worrying news Rose
I hope the test results will be good, and Rick will have the appropriate treatment.
29 Nov, 2014
Thank you Denise (DRC 726 ) we have already been waiting 3 weeks , so hope it isn't much longer ! It must have been the way I wrote it ! Sorry for misleading you ! I really appreciate your good wishes and it does help !
Hello Sue, thank you for your positive thoughts. It is the waiting that is the hardest !
Thanks Karen. They were looking after him , then he was transferred to another specialist , and after waiting an hour and half to see him, ended up seeing a doctor , who I assume is on his team. He said we would go again in one month to see if the tablets he has put him on are working and that by then , the results should be back from the MRI!
It is now 7 weeks and despite phone calls from us , we still haven't heard anything ! Up until this point everything had been so quick. Rick had 2 different scans plus a biopsy in a few weeks. This is the most important result, so am on edge as you can imagine !
Thank you Terra. We are trying to feel positive !
Thank you Diane, I really appreciate that !
29 Nov, 2014
Thank you Hywel. Hopefully next week will bring some good news !
29 Nov, 2014
Dear Rose I am wishing that you will hear some news very soon.
It has been a dreadful time for you both and I hope that Rick will soon be given the best treatment possible.
With love
29 Nov, 2014
Hello Rose
Thinking about you and husband. I hope he will get good results very soon.
Love Marjorie
29 Nov, 2014
Hello Rose,you and Rick know how much you are in our thoughts just now..,and we are all hoping you get some positive news very soon..lots of love,Sandra and Russell xxx
29 Nov, 2014
Seven weeks!!!! That is is simply disgraceful. If there is some kind of hold up they should have the courtesy to let you know what's going on.
30 Nov, 2014
Hello Chris, I'm sorry I haven't replied to your email yet , but I was waiting until I had some more news.
Thank you for thinking about us.
Thank you Marjorie. It seems our cuppa at Alfords will have to be put on hold for now, but we will meet up soon hopefully !
Thanks once again Sandra and for your lovely letter. xx
It is, isn't it Steragram ! Rick says we just have to be patient, which is one thing I'm not !
30 Nov, 2014
The only thing I also know is they can cure 80% now,
thats why the diagnosis was quick. You have done everything right.
1 Dec, 2014
Sorry I had missed this blog Rose, been busy with other things this end, sorry to hear your news of Ricks health problems. Hopefully you will get more positive news shortly, hope so. Give him my best wishes and hope he soon gets the answers he is waiting for. It is hard to understand why things take so long. It is so difficult when it is our own loved ones, the doctors and specialists have hundreds of people to deal with and are so busy. The only way I think I can deal with it is to think that maybe no news is good news. Think they would have been back to you more quickly if it was necessary. Well that is how I hope they work. It is so hard when it is your own family and are waiting for some answers. Hope you can get some rest the pair of you do try not to worry too much, try to stay positive and remember they can do wonderful things nowadays. Love to you both xxxx Barbara
1 Dec, 2014
Rose, I am so sorry to hear your news about Rick. I do hope you receive some news soon - waiting is dreadful. I am sure everyone here is thinking about you and wishing both all the very best. Love x
Forgive me for "liking" this blog. It was a mistake impossible to "undo". Sorry.
1 Dec, 2014
Thanks for that Diane !
Hello Barbara, thanks for your good wishes. I agree with you as I keep thinking " no news is good news !"
Well ...today Rick got a phone call to go to the hospital on Wednesday and we will find out everything then ! Fingers crossed for good news ! xxx
Hello Mel, thank you for your good wishes too. I can't believe how everyone is so supportive on here ! It really helps ! Sometimes you can't tell your greatest fears to your loved ones ! Its like having our very own support group. xxx
1 Dec, 2014
Oh Rose, what a worrying time. I hope you receive encouraging news at the hospital tomorrow. Early diagnosis, then treatment, of prostate cancer is far better these days than a few years ago. Thinking of you ... :o)
2 Dec, 2014
Very worrying for you Rose to have this waiting about for a very crucial test result. I think all my hair would have shed by now subjected to such a long wait. Every time my OH has had a wait for a crucial procedure/result for his cancer over the last 6 years, it is like there is a furry dog losing hair in the house. When the pressure goes off it stops. I hope the news is good at your appointment. I actually started on GOY gardening blog in 2009 when it all started, to redirect my thoughts. It was very effective for me. It still is a great comfort to be on a quiet, gentle website with polite, considerate people
3 Dec, 2014
In my recent difficult times, I have found that GOY has become a place of refuge that I can go to anytime in my frequent waves of emotional turmoil. Such lovely people here. Be assured and confident of this, you are both in my thoughts and prayers and don't ever think that you are alone.
4 Dec, 2014
Thank you Shirley, Dorjac and Loosestrife2. I understand completely what you must have gone through Dorjac. I feel exactly the same ! How brave you have been !
Loosestrife2, you are so right ! The people on here are brilliant !
Shirley, it was found quite late on as it was so enlarged , but things are getting better now !
5 Dec, 2014
Only just spotted your blog Rose and I didn't think clicking 'like' was the right thing to do.
I cannot begin to understand how you've coped so far with such a worrying time. I'm sorry, but I have no faith as such, so I don't believe in prayer, nevertheless I wish Rick a speedy full recovery. My thoughts are with you both.
5 Dec, 2014
I'm pleased to read that things are getting better now Rose ... look forward to having you back on GoY when you feel up to it. :o)
5 Dec, 2014
Thank you Shirley and Waddy. I think , Waddy..its just a case of getting through each day and feeling positive !
6 Dec, 2014
Hello Rose, I hope i c an help, This is a story about my friend in FB, he was diagnosed of prostate stage 4 and miraculously healed now and was totally get rid the cancer cells b'coz of baking soda and honey teaspoon each diluted to a glass water, it was proven he says...
And many of my countrymen here are following the said procedure, You may also search in the google Rose ...
Wishing a Brilliant health to you and your Family Rose,
7 Dec, 2014
All best wishes for a positive outcome Rose.
7 Dec, 2014
Thank you Junna, I've never heard of this before. Thats amazing !
Thanks Sheilabub.
11 Dec, 2014
and prayers :-o
13 Dec, 2014
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A worrying time for you Rose, I hope you have some good news in 3 weeks my best wishes to you both Denise.
28 Nov, 2014