Another little walk round the garden.
By rose1949
What would we do without our gardens in this worrying time !
I can’t believe how the plants have come on this month.
So have a walk with me in the sunshine…
We will start at the rose garden, not many in flower yet!
You can tell how sunny it is as this is a solar fountain on the bird bath and only works in bright sunny days !
Just walking past the borders now..
Aubretia never lets you down !
This ones for you Kate and do you think its the same one as yours?
Gallardia which has come through the winter.
I think this is a yellow Ostesphermum and has also come through the winter.
We are at the bottom of the garden now by-passing the rest of the borders on the right of us as I have sent for all my plants, perennials, annuals and basket plants from Brookside nursery recommended to me by Libet as she is a landscaper now running her own business with her sister. Some of you may remember her from here. Because of this virus , they will all be arriving together sometime in May and I will be so excited !!
This clematis was here when we moved in and don’t think its Winter Beauty. It crosses right across the back garden. I hope one of you can tell me its name,
We will just walk past the shrub border as the three Hydrangeas for the first time got blackened by the northerly and easterly winds. The Bleeding Heart is amongst this border.The Berginia in the small border in front of the conservatory.
Before we go for a well needed cuppa . we will just have a quick look at the front garden…work in progress there !
Bowles Mauve Erysium and the yellow one is either Gold Ellen or Brian . Not sure about this !
I hope you have enjoyed this little walk and now I better get the kettle on !
27 Apr, 2020
Previous post: Happy Easter to all my goy friends!
Next post: Memories!
Lovely warm sunshine. We have had a bit of hail and some rain already today. Its cold...but we do need the rain, so can’t complain really. That’s a really lovely Bergenia you have there!
27 Apr, 2020
Your garden looks beautiful and full of lovely colours . Must be the sea air. Today I have been painting my back garden fence.The weather is lovely at the moment so l try to be in the garden most days.
27 Apr, 2020
Thanks Seaburngirl, the gardens are going to be bursting when I get all my plants !
Thanks Karen.
I don't know about the sea air Marjory as we get strong easterlies when its in that direction. I am pleased you are getting out there and coping !
27 Apr, 2020
Lovely blog, Rose! Enjoyed the walk with you around your garden. I’m looking forward to seeing your roses in bloom!
Your Bleeding Heart looks so vivid in colour, and I agree with the others, the Bergenia is a beauty, what a bright striking colour! I think your erigeron looks like mine, but, mine is a deeper pink with darker middle. Yours is a lovely colour!
27 Apr, 2020
Yes, I enjoyed my walk round your garden too Rose. The fountain is such a pretty sight and then your aubretia looks lovely - do you know, that is one plant that will not thrive in our garden! I have bought many over the years and not one has survived! A real shame because I really like it!
When all your summery plants arrive your garden is going to be a tropical, colourful paradise so don't forget to show us!!
27 Apr, 2020
Thank you for the guided tour Rose. You have a lovely garden. You kept the best till last. I love those Erysimums.
27 Apr, 2020
Lots going on in your garden Rose. Thanks for showing us round. Any chance of biscuit with that cuppa?
28 Apr, 2020
Enjoyed the walk around your garden, plenty to see, and plenty to look forward to....the Bergenia is a beauty so bright and cheerful...Glad you managed to order some plants...something to look forward to....sorry can’t stop for the distancing and all that😆😆😆
28 Apr, 2020
Thank you Kate ! I didn't realise that yours wasn't an Osteospermum , but it does look similar.
Hello Chris, it's strange about your aubretias ! Do you think maybe you get more rain than us on the east coast ?
Thank you Scotsgran ! They are my favourite too !
Oh definitely Waddy, although I did bake today ! Fancy a cake ! Hahaa!
Thanks Dotty and I am getting impatient now waiting for all these plants !
28 Apr, 2020
Sorry Rose, it is an Osteospermum..I was mixing it up with the Erigeron which is close by in pot.
28 Apr, 2020
Great walk Rose, your garden looks really nice and like that solar bird bath, it was 21 here yesterday and seven today, with rain all day, got soaked but daft as it sounds being outdoors in the rain can be quite nice, its just when you get a long run of it that it can be miserable.
28 Apr, 2020
Definitely Rose, we do get more than our share of rain here!! I guess that is the reason why we lose aubretias and also lewisias.
28 Apr, 2020
I thought it might be Kate and looked online to look at Erigerons but some of them are quite similar though!
Hello Julian, glad you enjoyed the walk. We haven't the temperature as high as 21! We live on the east coast and its usually cooler here but it was still nice to have the sun.
I am not sure I would want to be in the rain though !
I have looked you up and left a message on your allotment blog.
But you are in a fantastic part of the country Chris and I wish it wasn't so far away from here ! We have always wanted to go to Devon and Cornwall, but don't like driving on motorways anymore and don't fancy pushing Rick up and down the hills in his wheelchair !
29 Apr, 2020
your garden is looking lovely Rose, I think this weather that we have been having has helped a lot, it has been like the summer on some days down here in the south west, just hope we don't pay for it later in the year
29 Apr, 2020
Thanks Davey ! We probably will ! lol
29 Apr, 2020
I enjoyed walking around your garden Rose - lots of colour going on in it! Good to know you are still in touch with Libet - I remember her sending me some Heucheras many years ago !
1 May, 2020
Wait till you see all the new flowers I have sent for ! lol!
Libet and I are as close as sisters now Shirley, and text each other every night and have long chats on the phone. I am hoping we can go back to see her in N.Ireland again.
1 May, 2020
That's great - please remember me to her.
We have friends who moved to Bangor last November. :o)
1 May, 2020
Cake, did someone say cake? Yes please!!
2 May, 2020
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what a lovely selection of plants you have Rose. There are buds on the roses so lots of pleasure to come.
Lots of plants are flowering for me too due to the milder winter.
I just love all the Dicentra though why they had to go and re-classify D spectabilis as Lamprocapnos spectabilis I don't know. Actually I do its to do with DNA and family links but it is just so confusing when many plant sellers haven't started using the new name yet. Either way I just love them.
Thanks for sharing.
27 Apr, 2020