More Plants :D
By samjp
Well since the last (and first) blog I posted about the sunny border, things have certainly changed. As a quick reminder by the end of the last blog I had cleared the sunny border and dug a fair amount of fresh (well as fresh as it comes from the tip :P) compost into the border and planted a dianthus, two salvia’s and aster and a plant I had from my nan whose name escapes me. S something is about all I can remember lol.
Since then I’ve been shopping once or twice :D. First time was with my mum, she told me she’d seen 3 Hebe’s in B&Q for £5! She said she didn’t buy them because she thought I might get upset! I may have pointed out that there is no way I would get upset at someone buying plants for me :D but I may be a little unhappy if I didn’t get to plant them lol. Well anyway I went back with her one night and we (or should I say my lovely kind and generous mother) picked up:
3 Hebes and a Gentian Septemfida
Echinea Rubinstern
Phlox Flame Purple Eye and an Astible Ellie
Picture me a very very happy girl. The following week I spotted the plant man on the market by work and he had a nice little Cordyline Australis. Despite the fact that we have now lost two Cordyline’s I couldn’t resist and it came home with me :D
A week later off I went to Homebase for some ericaceous soil to give the Rhododendrons. Yeah, probably should not have let me out as I came home with 30 Violas (£2.80!!!!!), 5 New Guinea Impatiens (it was a flat of 6 but the 5th one was mush – well they were 50% off), a White Cosmos (also reduced), Curly leaf parsley, sage and Oregano
Hehehe have you spotted the thing I missed?? Yep you guessed it, the soil lol. Oh well I guess I’ll have to go back wont I :P
I had such fun planting them all up. All but the herbs and cordyline were planted in the sunny border and this was the result:
Since the Violas were planted the one plant gave me a lovely surprise when it flowered:
Two colours in what looks like a single plant. Love it.
The Cordyline I planted in the big pot that housed the last cordyline and the herbs went in a smaller pot, which I think had previously held herbs. The pots were a complete mess:
so I cleared them out and refilled them with fresh potting compost.
Since there were a number of ferns and a grassy things growing in the big pot I potted them up as well into some of the plastic pots my new plants came in to see how they got on, so far so good. I also saved a bit of another plant that we think may be marjoram to see if it picked up. Have to say its not looking too good at the moment. I’ll have to see how it goes.
After all the work (fun) planting my many plants I turned my attention to the trellis on the deck. I’d been slowly working on trimming the ivy back a bit so it stopped trying to climb in our house or my neighbours and also started getting the dead clematis out. I also started removing the dead and particularly bad bits of honeysuckle. Unfortunately I clipped a branch or two I hadn’t intended to remove and its not looking quite as bushy (albeit an unwell bushy) as it used too.
Ooops. Hopefully it will come back and better than it has been. Since I posted a question about what ailled my poor plant I wont bore you again.
Last Thursday we took my nan out for the day to celebrate her birthday. Much to my delight we found a lovely little garden centre at the craft place we went to and there I brought my mom some more herbs (she’s always wanted a herb garden – she’s planted one before but it died):
Rosemary, mint and thyme.
Everytime I see all the herbs together I can’t help but sing “sage, rosemary and thyme. remember me as one who lived there, she was once a true love of mine”. Lol well I suppose some people do tell you to talk to your plants :D.
I haven’t been able to plant them yet as I ran out of compost with the big pot. I am hoping to get chance to pop to Homebase after work on Saturday to get some. I may also go in search of another blue pot to go with the first herb pot. We do have a couple of pots that will work, but I like the idea of matching pots for the herbs.
I’m thinking about getting some hyacinth bulbs and some annuals to plant in one or two of the other pots. I thought it would look quite nice with the annuals now to brighten the deck up and the spring bulbs comming up next year. I can then plant some more annuals (which I plan to grow from seed) once the spring bulbs die down.
On a slightly seperate note, I gave people something to stare at Sunday morning. My nan had told me on Saturday that her cousin who lives just round from us had been commenting on nans japanese anenomes. Nan offered her one of the plants she had at the bottom of the garden. Its grown to about 3 foot hight. I didn’t want my nan or her cousin struggling to dig it out so popped round in the morning to dig it out (only chance I would have for a few weeks – if I left it I’m sure nan would have struggled with it). Cor blimey you wouldn’t believe how tough it was. I was litterally stood on the spade jumping up and down (a little wobbly) trying to dig in the earth. We finally got them out and free of tangleweed, only to find the pots weren’t deep enough :S. Never fear one plastic fruit bag (the type you get in the supermarket for loose fruit and veg) and the hessian wrap from the new tree later and we had a makeshift, not very good pot. The roots had some soil but no where near enough. So rather than risk leaving it, nan phoned to check they were in and I walked round with it. Lol the plant reached about a foot above my head. How often do you see what looks like 7 foot of plant walking down the road lol, not to mention the gardening gloves stuck in my back pocket. As you can imaging I got some very funny looks. Wish I’d thought to get a photo. Nans cousin was very pleased and rather excited at getting her new plant. Just hope it survives the transfer.
It was so nice to see someone else getting excited by a new plant. My family think I’m bonkers getting excited over a new plant, or spending so much time with my plants. Ah well at least its only my brother actually telling me I’m weird lol.
Oops this turned out to be a pretty long blog, hope I didn’t bore you.
23 Aug, 2011
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Well done with all your plants - and I share your excitement about getting new ones - I'm always like that too.
24 Aug, 2011
Be careful samjp this gardening excitement will soon turn into an obsession.
Then all the spare pennies go on plants and all your spare and not so spare time will go into planting....
Be extra vigilant as the next obsession is Goy, before you know it you'll be gardening and cooking. LOL
24 Aug, 2011
You've some lovely new plants :o)
24 Aug, 2011
Great stuff. I know just how you feel Sam. We had friends for dinner at the weekend and one person brought me two plants. I said Oh! lets forget about dinner and go gardening. :o) Just kidding.
24 Aug, 2011
Its looking really nice:)
24 Aug, 2011
Its coming on in leaps and bounds and I like the fact you are planning ahead as well, you have some lovely plants there.
I know how it feels to walk through the streets with trees, shrubs, tools etc, my daughter moved house last Oct and is now only around the corner, we take things backwards and forwards all the time, lol..
Very interesting blog Sam...
24 Aug, 2011
Thanks everyone.
Lol GrannyB I think the GoY obsession is already starting. I may not post all that often but it is rare I go more than a day without having a peek at whats going on :P. Hmm a gardening obsession I can see happening, cooking not so much. I don't mind baking but I'm not so fond of cooking.
Linda sounds like a great idea to me, who needs to eat eh lol.
Lol Lincslass do you find the looks you get from passing motorists are quite interesting. Not had anyone swerve yet lol (that was when Santa and two little (or not so little in my case) walked down the drive one night several years ago lol).
Glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets excited by plants :D
Spent an enjoyable half hour on my lunch break contemplating bulbs for spring. Hmm decisions decisions.
24 Aug, 2011
Lovely garden and plants, I also enjoy growing herbs, I grew apple mint this year, I add it to new potatoes, while cooking. Great with Roast Pork
29 Aug, 2011
Thanks Dian. Mmm apple mind in new potatoes sounds yummy. That could be one for next year :D
3 Sep, 2011
Only just found this blog,Samjp, and really enjoyed it.I know what you mean about buying plants, my hubby always saya when I'm going out anywhere, "we've got enough in the garden now!" As if ! How do you kill a herb,they are so easy to grow, unless your mum killed them with kindness!lol.
12 Sep, 2011
Thanks Rose, glad you enjoyed the blog.
Hehe, theres never "enough" plants are there :D. You can always find room for one more somewhere.
In all fairness I'm not certain she killed the herbs as such, they were planted in pots several years ago and then completely ignored. When I dug the old compost out of the pots it was very very poor. So between that and the harsh winters its not a surprise not much survived. Something did survive which may be Marjoram but were not sure, its pretty sickly looking. I repotted a bit to see what happened, so far no change.
12 Sep, 2011
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I am so jealous of your hebes - they don't do well here. Your border looks like it is turning out really well - congrats!! :)
23 Aug, 2011