Fed up now
By samjp
Not a gardening blog as such but could do with a good moan.
Let’s say I’ve not had a great couple weeks. Wrote off one of the alloy wheels on my car the other week, car meets big pot hole at 50mph – pot hole wins. I now have a remarkably square and twisted wheel
Amazingly no damage to the tyre or suspension. I’ve also lucked out and found a cheap secondhand replacement wheel, just needs a refurb. Car still doesn’t feel right though, hoping it’s just the tracking that’s out.
I’ve then come home today to find this:
The roof of my greenhouse caved in. I’d guess either a cat or bird has landed on it. Luckily there doesn’t seem to be any major damage to the plants underneath. One of my Malvas is a little squashed and the bit of nans dicentra (I think) has had a few stems broken – ive only just got it growing as well. Grrr. Oh well it could have been worse. For now I’ve left the plastic in place and moved the plants down. Hopefully it will give the plants a little protection from heavy rains while I try to get a replacement.
It’s not all bad though, I’ve got a fair few new plants and had a lovely day at gardeners world live yesterday. I’ll post a blog when I get chance. But for now moan over and I will leave you with a stunning peony
16 Jun, 2014
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Good to have a good moan, hope things start and improve for you soon. :O) Love the peony fab colours.
17 Jun, 2014
when two bad things happened, my mum used to deliberately break a cup, because "bad things happen in threes" and that became the third and so stopped somethign worse happening.
Did you get photos of the pothole? might be handy for insurance, or for claiming damages from whoever's responsible for maintaining the road because they're obviously not doing a very good job of it!
will the greenhoues be easy/cheap to repair?
17 Jun, 2014
You can claim for the pothole damage from your County
Council Sam.
There are Ravens in Northamptonshire now, I have seen them over in the Oundle area, really scary when flying.Am told they are nesting in
Duke of Buccleuch's Boughton Park 2miles away from me. Hope one of them
doesnt fly over and land on my (glass) greenhouse.
17 Jun, 2014
Thanks terra, me too. Love the peony, regretting not waiting to see what they were selling it for now.
Thanks oliveoil, the moan has helped, I've stopped feeling sorry for myself now, what a faff eh.
Lol Fran that's not a bad idea. Very tempting. No photos of the pot hole - didn't think of it at the time. In any case I'm not convinced it wasn't me going off road on the bend lol. It's entirely possible I got it wrong and just had the misfortune to find a big hole. Saying that the hole could have been in the road. Oh well bit late to worry. At least I found a secondhand wheel rather than the £240 ford wanted for a new one! If I can find the polycarbonate glazing the greenhouse shouldn't be too hard to repair. The frame looked ok, think it's just the glazing that went. Could have been worse. Just hope my plants survive the ordeal.
Ohh Diane they sound like big birds. Fingers crossed they don't find your greenhouse. I've been thinking about it today and I'm getting to be more and more convinced it was a cat. We get some good sized doves and pigeons by us but I can't imagine them being heavy enough to do that. The local cats however....
17 Jun, 2014
These kind of things always happen at once, don't they. We tried to make a claim for damage to our old car due to pothole - it was more bother than it was worth. I think they make these type of claims so difficult in the hope you just go away!
Lovely peony - does it have a name?
17 Jun, 2014
I 've given it a like for the peony Sam, its absolutely gorgeous, its good to let off steam now and again, things grow if you bottle them up, the only way to look at the car situation is the fact that no-one got hurt so not as bad as it could have been......
17 Jun, 2014
Drat those potholes ! :((( The roads around here are full of them ... You have to swerve to avoid them very often, and after it rains and they fill with water, you can't see them :(
I'm sorry to hear about your wheel :(
As for your greenhouse, Well I don't know what could have caused that ... I don't think it could have been an animal. Why would a cat or bird land on it ?
It's most probably someone's football or something thrown, to have caused such damage.
I hope you can have it mended :(
Looking forward to your G's World blog :)
and I hope from now on things will improve for you :o)))
17 Jun, 2014
Sounds about right Scottish - but I work for the council (different not admittedly) so know a few tricks lol. The peony is paeonia lactiflora white cap I think. Stunning display.
Thanks Lincs. your right could have been so much worse. I could have been the third write off of the year - my aunt and my dad have already had their cars written off in no fault accidents this year. Luckily neither one of them was hurt. Hopefully my wheel was the third one for car related incidents. Oh incidentally the same wheel had a puncture only a month ago lol.
Thanks Hywel. Some of the roads are awful aren't they. The greenhouse is right by a fence and single story extension, so it wouldn't surprise me if one of the cats used it as a step. I have thought about using greenhouse glass if I can't find the polycarbonate stuff. I'll try to post the GW blog in the next few days. Didn't take loads of photos but I got a few.
17 Jun, 2014
I still don't think it could have been a cat or a bird. They might walk on it, but wouldn't have jumped on it with enough force to break it. It isn't the sort of thing a cat would do.
They are very weary of where they walk, and wouldn't be heavy enough to cause that damage anyway.
That's been done by a human ! :((( A football or something being thrown by force :(
19 Jun, 2014
Perhaps. Doubt I'll ever know for sure. Just hope it doesn't happen again.
To be fair the polycarbonate did have a couple of cracks in it before this happened. I think it's the weight of the snow followed by the weight of rain water pooling on it when it's open. In it's weakened state the weight of one of the local cats (one of whome is fairly heafty) may have been enough for it to fail. Who knows eh. At least the plants survived.
21 Jun, 2014
I'm glad your plants are all right then ... :)
22 Jun, 2014
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Hi Sam .. I hope you get your car and greenhouse back to good condition ..
that peony is super :o)
17 Jun, 2014