stroll around the garden no 1
By sanbaz
today its quite pleasant with sun and a bit of cloud, but lovely and warm, been out with oldest son this morning and done a bit of housework, but now home and after a busy weekend dont really feel like doing alot, so decided to walk round the garden and just look,, yes i dont think we actually stand and just look at what we have achieved in our little havens, all that hard work after winter and growing and planting, making sure its just right for summer, infact we do so much we dont think to just sit or walk round and take it all in, so thats what ive done, im loving my garden and i feel proud about what i created in just over a year.
watching the bees and ladybirds busy doing their thing, watching the flowers stretch up to greet the sun, listening to the water trickle down my little waterfall, take a deep breath of fresh air and thank god im here to enjoy all thats beautifull.
hope you do the same after reading my blog,
have a lovely day
well thats the first half, better than the first half of the football lol, second half coming up
14 Jun, 2010
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lovely sandra......much better than the football.... its lovely to stroll round your garden isnt it...
14 Jun, 2010
How I agree with you, Sandra, about not taking the time just to enjoy the sights and sounds in the garden. You should pat yourself on the back with the amount of work you and Baz (pondman) have put in. It's looking so pretty, lots of colour, insects too !
Is your Clematis with the 'fluffy' seedheads a yellow one ? It looks similar to mine which is 'Bill MacKenzie' . You've got Sweet Peas opening up already, fantastic ! : o ) )
14 Jun, 2010
lol grandmage ;o) and thanx again
thankyou holly i agree much nicer ;o))
lol shirley(pondman) no clematis is purple but names gone from my head at moment hahah, sweetpeas are dwarf one and surpose to be upright but they are trailing lol, still lovely though ;o))
14 Jun, 2010
It's lovely Sanbaz. Have to admit I read part 2 first, after having a sit in my garden. Did it all the wrong way round, the only thing with me is I get agitated looking at all the things that need doing instead of just relaxing. :o((
14 Jun, 2010
lol pam, i do the same some times but today i focused on the good points ;o))thanx pam
14 Jun, 2010
MUCH better than football. Huh jealous, your sweetpeas are out, mine are still thinking about it!
14 Jun, 2010
Your garden is lovely,San...I have to admit I read blog 2 first,but then again,I do things the wrong way round a lot.Lol...No worries,as both as lovely as the other.:o))
14 Jun, 2010
thankyou jane, the dwarf ones are out but my normal sweetpeas ar just growing, a long way off, ;o)
thanx sandra i think its the way it comes up on page, so most are going for the first they come across, but no worries, glad you like it ;o))
14 Jun, 2010
Lovely garden Sanbaz.
14 Jun, 2010
thankyou silverbelle ;o))
14 Jun, 2010
Super blog and how true about not taking all the hard work in. I feel i've been working so hard i've forgot to stop, stand back and admire the flowers reacting to the weather and the TLC its recieved!!
My Sweet peas are thinking about flowering but still growing up the trellis.
Love your lupin and the bee having a nose, haven't seen any bees on my lupin.
Whats the plant in the last pic? Its nice!
Now for Pt2, can't belive you've done 2 blogs in 1 day.....typical woman, greedy! lol
14 Jun, 2010
lol steve dont forget us women multi task all the time so 2 blogs is a doddle haahha,glad you enjoyed it, the sweetpeas on here are dwarf ones so guess thats why they are flowering sooner steve, my tall ones still growing,
last flower pic is an iris, first time ive grown them and love them to ;o))
14 Jun, 2010
Ahhh, we've got iris's growing from seed at the moment. Not sure if there going to flower as the slugs and snails love the stems. Soon as they crawl up it, the weight makes it tip over and snap!! Little buggers.
More pellets to go down me thinks! lol
14 Jun, 2010
I thoroughly enjoyed the walk around your garden Sandra as a change from walking around mine. I actually DO spend a lot of time just looking for changes to plants and watching the different insects going about their neighbours must think I`m batty...but who! Oh yes, I DID order my buddleiya`s from T&M and I even phoned them as I got no reply from my email. I did think they might have been slightly bigger but at least they are growing nicely now. :o)
14 Jun, 2010
A lovely blog,Sanbaz. I enjoyed the walk around your garden & looking at all the lovely flowers opening just now! :-)
I collected some seeds from what I think is the Everlasting Pea, A sort of perennial Sweet Pea but with only one flower colour. Nevertheless, it's a colour that goes through several changes & is like having several plants! The couple of plants I have having been flowering for several weeks now.
Nice to see the bees & ladybirds in our gardens, isn't it? I see lots of bees on my balcony & taught my granddaughter to say "Bumblebee" last summer! I saw some ladybirds on the allotment this morning & a bee buzzed me while I was weeding the strawberries! Guess she must have though I was "trespassing" on her patch!!!
14 Jun, 2010
shame about the slugs and snails steve, i would keep them young seedlings out of harms way steve,are they in pots ;o(
thanx sandra glad you enjoyed the blogs, i think my neighbours think im mad, always taking pics and just looking haha, i dont think you will get any joy from T&M carol didnt and also another member wasnt best pleased but at least they are growing, just hope they stand up to winter weather to ,
glad you enjoyed this to balcony, ive heard mixed comments on everlasting sweetpeas so never sure to try them or not, good luck with them,
i know what you mean about bees buzzing when we get close, makes me smile, have to tell them ,,, ok ok just looking hahah
14 Jun, 2010
Lovely strolling round with you in your garden, San, you really are good company! Lovely blog and picts as always my friend~a real joy to see! :~))
14 Jun, 2010
thanx for the kind complement flori, it was nice having you visit my garden ;o)) x
14 Jun, 2010
Lovely pics San thanks for the stroll off to do the next bit now :o)
14 Jun, 2010
How right you are: gardens are to be enjoyed, and just a quick stroll can be so refreshing and stress reducing. I wish I could get lupins to thrive like yours.Still, this year I managed to get sweet peas to grow (I planted the seeds in the autumn, and managed to get the seedlings thru the winter). And I love your discrete water feature. The tinkle of water is a lovely addition to a garden.
15 Jun, 2010
wow this was a delight to stroll round your garden. its great,give yourself a big pat on the back. sorry i to read the 2nd blog first.whoops....
15 Jun, 2010
Lovely garden pictures Sandra, love the poppies, hope the sun is shining at your end still behind grey cloud here at the moment, hopefully later this afternoon we will get some sunshine.
15 Jun, 2010
cheers neelan, ;o))
thanx kowhai i use chicken manure pellets before planting anything and im sure thats worked with my plants,glad your sweetpeas are good though, the birds love the water for bathing, love to watch them ;o))
lol michelle dont worry a few did the same it was the way they came up, glad you enjoyed the stroll ;o))
thanx barbara, my white Papaver have opened now, iv posted a pic, so pretty, sunny and hot here today with a breeze, was told scattered cloud so better than we thought,been out all afternoon ;o))
15 Jun, 2010
Very beautiful Sandra :o)
I'm glad you took the time to share your lovely garden.
15 Jun, 2010
thanx hywel your welcome ;o))
15 Jun, 2010
So enjoyed the tour of your garden, all looks lovely and well cared for.
16 Jun, 2010
thankyou so much dotty ;o))
17 Jun, 2010
utterly delightful - i'm about to take stroll number 2 - thank you for shareing =))
17 Jun, 2010
thanx for looking cate ;o))
18 Jun, 2010
its looking lovely San..
18 Jun, 2010
thanx sandra ;o))
18 Jun, 2010
Hi your garden is lovely, I am new to gardening and I have been given a plant like in picture 3 , do you know what variety it is? I think it may be some sort of begonia (from lots of surfing!),does the flowers on yours have a sparkle to them?
19 Jun, 2010
thanx chipmonk, yes its a begonia, they do a shimmer to them i guess,;o))
19 Jun, 2010
Simply put....delightful, bountiful and very pleasing on the eye:o)
27 Jun, 2010
cheers Dan, nice to see you, hope you and your family are all well and enjoying the summer ;o))
27 Jun, 2010
All fine thanks Sandra! The weather is awesome.....when I have a day off but not so good when I am in work!!
Hope you are all well that end:o))
27 Jun, 2010
thats great Dan,, glad all is ok,, everything cool here to and at least i get days in my garden, trouble is when i do have to work i dont want to , but heyho have to get joe through uni somehow ;o))
27 Jun, 2010
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Your garden is still a delight Sanb Lol, :0D Having a mad half hour, been on here tooooooo long me thinks.
14 Jun, 2010