busy day
By sanbaz
hi guys its been a good fews days of sunshine while ive been working so was looking forward to finishing work at 12 today but as we had one of our staff off ill i stayed till 1.30, then had to see my parents on my way home which made its about 2.30, anyway we had some lunch and finally got in the garden,
then i needed some composs so went to nursery round the corner where joe works and couldnt leave with buying a couple of plants, i do try not to but i just cant do it lol
so i got 3 primular vialii which ive always fancied but never got round to buying, and also got ipomea hybrid (sweet purple heart) which i got for the almost black foilage, and another plant which didnt have a tag but liked the green with pinkish leaves,
so sneaked them in without baz noticing and got to work,
half way through and my step granchildren arrived, i said we would have them for a couple of hours while mum and dad went to bolton to pick something up,
anyway planting seeing to baby and 5 year old james was certainly an experience,, amazing how you get out of it isnt it,
wouldnt want it every day again thats for sure,
love em to bits though,
so two walks around the block later ryan finally fell asleep and i felt like joining him,
even though a busy day i enjoyed it all, so watered the garden and just got our dinner on, took a few pics of the plants and the fish
the bananna plant is what joe got me after half killing mine while i was away bless him, i love it
my fish have settled in now and coming up a bit more , also eating better, guess its strange for them at first, felt like joining them for a swim today was so warm
hope your days been good to, rain forcast tomorrow ;o(( should be going to a classic car show near by but will have to see what the weather brings
5 Jun, 2010
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thanx Terra i feel so tired now haha, just added two more pics i forgot to put on, my heads not working properly, there are two neighbours having kids partys and its been screaming kids all day, goes through you after a couple of hours lol
5 Jun, 2010
Busy day for you then Sandra ! I love the Primulas and the Ladybird nestled in there. Have a good day looking at cars tomorrow ! : o ) )
5 Jun, 2010
thankyou shirley hope your weekend going well to ;o)
5 Jun, 2010
Wow...what a busy day..great how you take it all in your stride San..Love the last pic ! :o)
5 Jun, 2010
Lovelly pics San Love your frog!! :0)
5 Jun, 2010
hi jane i just get on with it all, mind you when everyones gone and i sit down i could sleep lol, glad you like froggy pic, im so enjoying having the pond ;o)) hope your having nice weather to x
5 Jun, 2010
hi sue thankyou so much ;o)
5 Jun, 2010
A day in the life of San!! Phew, get your feet up and admire your handy work! It's looking good. I lost all my viallii over the winter. Not going to replace, too sad! The frog is smashing! I love frogs! :)) ps I had a busy day, mowing, edging, potting on, sowing...never got outside the front door all day! Great! :))
5 Jun, 2010
A busy day San but very rewarding , you will go to bed tired but happy .. :o))
5 Jun, 2010
hi karen lol, glad you enjoyed your day to ;o))
very true amy, cheers ;o))
5 Jun, 2010
Lovely pics San,and nice new plants too.I have Primula Vialii too.Its gorgeous.
i thought I had lost it this year,but the little darling has appeared,but much later than usual.What a busy day you have had,so hot too...but glad you enjoyed it.:o) We went to Wetherby..and relaxed by the river,so a nice easy day for me,..for a change...lovely.:o)
5 Jun, 2010
Wetherby is a nice place. I was there last August on my way down to Lincs for my Sister's wedding. It's very posh, lovely stone!
5 Jun, 2010
Thanks San....hot today....then a thundery shower...then hot again.Saved having to water the garden ! Lol...Your pond is going from strength to strength...:o)
5 Jun, 2010
thanx sandra glad you like pics, bet it was a lovely day by the river, you will be all chilled out for tomoz if your gardening ;o))
5 Jun, 2010
cheers jane we are due rain tomoz so they tell us, ive watered garden just in case, just going to nip out to check froggy before i switch pond off ;o))
5 Jun, 2010
5 Jun, 2010
lol ;o)
5 Jun, 2010
Busy day San but the pics look wonderful. Love the Vialli and if the green and pink foliage plant is the one in the 8th pic I think it is Houttonyia. Don't know whether I have spelled it correctly.. If it is the foliage may have a slight scent of oranges
5 Jun, 2010
thankyou pip i will check the scent out tomoz ;o)
5 Jun, 2010
love the frog san brill pic hope u feeling refreshed now lol
5 Jun, 2010
its houttuynia, just looked it up pip, looks similar ;o)) going to ask at nursery tomoz
5 Jun, 2010
lol cristina thanx and yes had my soak and feel alot better ;o))
5 Jun, 2010
I think you were brilliant to look after two little ones that age, Sandra. I'd be flattened if it was me!
If that's a Houttuynia, be careful where you plant it - it can be a thug - a pretty one, but still a thug!
5 Jun, 2010
thanx barbara i had forgotten how hard two young ones were lol, just read up on plant and noticed that barbara, so will have to think carefully if it is that ;o))
5 Jun, 2010
Sounds like you've had as busy day as I have girl!
Like the comment about getting some plants without Baz knowing!
Would he not ne happy or do that rolling the eys thing again? pmsl
I've just done a blog on my day aswell
5 Jun, 2010
lol steve, he said before, there is a plant ive not seen before,,, i said really,,, wheres that then lol, he knew ;o))
will check it out before i go steve, ;o)
5 Jun, 2010
lmao. See he does take notice!!
5 Jun, 2010
5 Jun, 2010
;o))) lol
5 Jun, 2010
Really enjoyed your day San......crikey, you were flat out and it's been so hot......we had a full on day, Ian installed a new door.....I planted all my fuchsias then weeded and watered, as you do, but just the two of us, all day, it was smashing...:o)
5 Jun, 2010
It's nice to be busy Sandra :o) I 'm glad you're enjoying the weather. I hope it lasts for ever lol
6 Jun, 2010
What a busy day San, hope you've recovered enough to enjoy your day at the classic car show today. It's raining here, but maybe you'll be having better weather on the coast.
6 Jun, 2010
We've now had our forecast changed here in Essex to rain all day to NO rain just white cloud and 19°C. Mind you had hell of a thunderstorm at 2am this morning. Fingers crossed you get no rain or not to much for the show today Sandra!
6 Jun, 2010
Hope you have recovered from such a hectic day. I love having my grand children coming. The two youngest live in Edinborough and i love it when they come down to stay but my... i get shattered by the end of day one. Only gardening job i can do while they are here is water the garden with the help of the 4 year old. Think she will take to gardening too. She has her own watering can here, All other garden jobs have to be put on hold until they go back. No rain here in Birmingham as yet but temperature much more comfortable. Enjoy your day at the car show San,you deserve it after yesterday.
6 Jun, 2010
Lovely blog and pics Sandra, isn't it lovely being outdoors at the moment, by the way, it doesn't look like houttuynia to me. why is it impossible not to buy plants lol? I'm off to Gardeners World Live At the NEC very soon, hope I can carry everything :-)
6 Jun, 2010
cheers janey glad you and ian enjoyed your day pottering together ;o))
thanx hywel i wish it would last forever with just rain at night when we are all tucked up in bed lol ;o))
silverbelle its raing here to so may not get to car show, i just went past where it is and not alot going on, so looks like they arent going to show, its such a shame , so looks like housework for me lol ;o)
hi steve glad you havent got rain yet, its stopping and starting here but that awfull fine stuff, have a good day ;o))
thankyou Rohima its lovely having the kids even though it tiers us out lol, i did sleep well i must say ;o))
cheers bornagain lol, i just nipped in nursery to check for plant name and came out with two more plants lol, the plant is Ipomoea which i have one called marguerite, but the new one is a varigated one which they werent sure of name, ive looked it up and may be pink frost, at least i know its family, its a trailing one and ground cover so will have to watch out cause it runs under ground so quite a thug ;o))
6 Jun, 2010
like your new plants sandra....your fish are pretty colours... glad they have settled in....
all looking lovely in your garden....
6 Jun, 2010
thankyou so much holly im just going to feed the fish now and check little froggy to ;o)))
6 Jun, 2010
: O ))
6 Jun, 2010
love the frog Sandra,We had one in our water feature who we named George but he has gone hop abouts.we really miss him.
6 Jun, 2010
aww maybe he will come back at some point michelle ;o)) thanx
6 Jun, 2010
Oh look at froggy, is he a resident in your garden? Lovely plants... I`m like you, I can`t go anywhere that sells plants without buying something. Lack of willpower? yep! :o)
6 Jun, 2010
lol yep sure is sandra, yes i have a male and female frog now, so pleased ;o))
7 Jun, 2010
Great blog San, and your new additions to the garden are looking good! :~))
14 Jun, 2010
cheers flori ;o)) hope your well my friend x
14 Jun, 2010
Am weary but well my friend~glad I could catch up with your lovely blogs, will get to your picts asap! :~))x
14 Jun, 2010
glad your well flori, hard work for you juggling everything with your course at moment, nice to see you even for a short visit and dont worry about catching up on pics, think its hard for most at this busy time , joe started exams today , took two and felt good about them, so im pleased ;o))
14 Jun, 2010
Am so pleased to hear Joe is doing ok with his exams, it's a tough time getting through these, but he sounds like he is handling it really well, San. I can't put as much time into Goy as I would like to at the moment, as cramming and writing like mad for my coursework, it will all be over by the 30th!!
15 Jun, 2010
thanx flori, he is off today and working at the nursery, he loves it to, not long for you to go then,, then its a good rest and relax in your garden i hope ;o)) x
15 Jun, 2010
I wish! Got to concentrate on my Home Study Course after this one, on Garden Design, but at least I have two years to complete it, so not quite as bad!lol! :~))x
16 Jun, 2010
really flori, it sound good though, design, thats one of the nice parts i would say, im sure you will do a grand job to ;o)) x
16 Jun, 2010
21 Jun, 2010
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Lovely pics Sandra.... what a busy time you've had !!!
5 Jun, 2010