wildlife on our trip
By sanbaz
thought i would just show you some of the wildlife on our trip as i couldnt fit all my pics in one blog, some are at holker hall and some on our journey,one of them is a very large wasp looking thing which was at holker hall near the cafe and shops, it was about 3 times the size of a normal wasp, so any ID would appreciate, i love wildlife as much as gardening and plants, it brings it all together to give us the perfect garden dont you think
the owls and birds of prey were at the car show on our way, they are a roadshow fromDarwen lancashire founded in 2005 who travel around the country to show people and promote conservation and education. they also now have facilities for looking after injured birds of prey hoping to get them back into the wild, the ones that cant be put back breed and then the young are reared to go back into the wild, i thought this was great and something we could all learn by.they have over 35 birds of prey at the moment
10 Aug, 2010
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thankyou so much neelan, glad you enjoyed the blogs, your right baz should know a rhody now hahah, i dont think so lol,
hope you get to go sometime ;o))
10 Aug, 2010
Great pics, loved the birds.
10 Aug, 2010
thanx dotty, the birds were wonderfull, so beautifull close up ;o)
10 Aug, 2010
love the pics San,my fave is daffy in pic no 2 :o)
10 Aug, 2010
Great pictures I just love Birds of Prey, and the butterflies are gorgeous, we are going to Cumbria in September on a tour just wish Holker Hall Was included in the intenerary;0))
10 Aug, 2010
thanx joan,, i like daffy in pic 16 stretching wings back ;o))
10 Aug, 2010
thanx carole hope you enjoy your trip, we will be going again and visiting more places for sure, both enjoyed it, will make a gardener of baz yet lol, shame your not going to holker hall, but all the lakes are fab i think ;o))
10 Aug, 2010
another great blog & photos...those ducks are so cute...
10 Aug, 2010
arent they elsiemay, i love ducks ;o) thankyou
10 Aug, 2010
I just love the Lake District Wastwater and Thirlmere being two places we loved to visit.
10 Aug, 2010
glad you like the lakes to mavic, its a peacefull beautifull place isnt it ;o))
10 Aug, 2010
You are right there Sanbaz, It has been a few years now since my last visit,but I might just make it next year.It is a place you just have to go back to.
10 Aug, 2010
Another lovely blog, San, my friend! Loved the wildlife, you have captured some wonderful moments there.....x
11 Aug, 2010
Lovely blog, I liked the ducks!!
11 Aug, 2010
Ooh, you are here as well, Pip! Hello!!
11 Aug, 2010
Hi Flori! Lol!
11 Aug, 2010
hope you get to go mavic ;o)
cheers flori i wish we could pick the ducks up for a cuddle lol, love them ;o)) x
glad you liked them pip ;o))
11 Aug, 2010
Hi San!! You do meet the nicest people on your blogs!! :~))))x
11 Aug, 2010
My latest blog also features ducks... is called 'Wind vs Wattles'
11 Aug, 2010
Ducks with wind eh Pip? Interesting combination......hehehe!
11 Aug, 2010
11 Aug, 2010
hi flori yes you do thats for sure ;o)) hope you are having a sunny day today, its a bit on and off here, got to go soon to get baz`s car back from preston, having work done, we are going to birmingham to meet a bloke, they are doing a car swap, so i get to go shopping to lol, need a outfit for baz`sisters wedding a week sat and not found anything yet, think its mid life crisis, cant find anything i like or looks right these days ;o)) xx
11 Aug, 2010
will go look pip ;o))
11 Aug, 2010
You seem to have a lot on your plate as well, San! We could swap some tales of cars...
11 Aug, 2010
i never stop pip, but i dont sleep well so that makes it worse, also going to yorkshire friday morning till saturday night, must get things ready for that to, our week off but not alot of rest lol ;o))
11 Aug, 2010
Well, good luck with everything!
11 Aug, 2010
Sorry Pip, I tried to resist, but It just got the better of me (as usual!)lol!
Thought this week was suppose to be a holiday for you and Baz? You sound such a busy lady, San! I sent the 'You know what', through the post yesterday to you....it's winging it's way over even as we speak! Ha ha ha! :~))x
11 Aug, 2010
hahaha great thanx flori ;o))
was surpose to be rest and a couple of breaks but his car got in the middle and wedding outfit, so a nightmare now lol, of well think we got back to work for a rest dont you ;o))enjoying though, once baz back on monday i have a few day to myself till thursday so not to bad x
11 Aug, 2010
My OH going to visit his family in Suffolk for a week next month, I am staying at home looking after my hairy mutt, (the dog, not the husband....though come to think of it.....lol). That means my house stays tidy for a whole week, without the hubby making a mess, And I get the bed all to myself, And I am not forced to watch endless repeats of Top Gear....And can even spend as much time as I like chatting to my mates on GoY....what perfect bliss!!! I am packing his bags even as I type! LOL!!
11 Aug, 2010
Don't we all wish for a Top-Gear-less atmosphere!
11 Aug, 2010
I have been known, in my weaker moments, to have enjoyed it, but only 'cos I'm forced to watch it, not through personal choice I hasten to add! Overgrown lads playing with cars.....
11 Aug, 2010
Lovely pics San,not easy to get good ones of butterflies and birds, I do enjoy the birds of prey events and duck are always good to make you smile
11 Aug, 2010
lol flori it is bliss having time out i agree, i do watch top gear but like your hubby baz watches and watches, that i cant be doing with lol,hope you enjoy your free week, one thing you wont get behind that week haha,
thanx pam, i love the bird to so beautifull and the ducks are so funny to watch ;o))
11 Aug, 2010
Lovely blog and photos, last time i was at Holker Hall there i went to flower show that was about 18mths ago.
11 Aug, 2010
thanx carole i really enjoyed it there, such abeautifull place ;o))
11 Aug, 2010
Sigh...I could do with a break to the Lakes! It's years since we were last there. Great photos, Sandra. :-))
P.S. I hate T** G***...:-(((
11 Aug, 2010
maybe you should go barbara, lots of places take pets we noticed, would do henry good to ;o))
wont tell baz you hate T** G*** lol
11 Aug, 2010
Can't until he's on medication, Sandra. If he had a fit in a strange place, think how dreadful it would be!
It's you-know-who on T** G*** I can't stand.
11 Aug, 2010
Which particular you-know-who? There are three, I seem to remember! Not the dreaded J***** C*******?
11 Aug, 2010
alot of peeps dont like jc, he`s such a know all and very rude to his peers,so im guessing thats who barbara means,i dont like his attitude to others either ;o( not good
12 Aug, 2010
No, not good :o(
12 Aug, 2010
Lovely pics of the birds, ducks and butterflies Sandra. There was a bird of prey on a nearby house aerial this morning I zoomed in with the camera but it is still to small to recognise. I am no fan of T..G... either ;-)
13 Aug, 2010
thanx richard glad you enjoyed the pics, if you open pics with windows gallery you can zoom it in again, look to top left and it says fix, click that then to the right click crop and just bring the box around pic in enough to get closer view, once thats done you click forward or back to next pic and it sets the crop to your pic in, hope thats easy enough to understand ;o))
14 Aug, 2010
Thanks for your help Sandra you are a star. I don't know where windows gallery is. I will have to look for it next time as I have deleted the photos now. They really were too small to magnify, I appreciate your help anyway Sandra.......thanks ;-
14 Aug, 2010
windows gallery opens when you look at your pics richard, good luck ;o))
15 Aug, 2010
Thanks Sandra ;-)
15 Aug, 2010
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Super blogs and pictures San what a great time you both had something for both of you and at least Baz will recognize a rhododendron when he sees one........won't he? thanks for sharing your trip - one for the wish list :o)
10 Aug, 2010