poem for TT,
By sanbaz
im sitting here deciding what to do but its none stop rain as uaual, and need to do my shop so after our poetic evening lastnight i wrote a poem of how i feel right now,
thats all i see,
where`s our sunshine and summer breeze,
i want to feel the sunshine on my face,
and watch the pretty butterflies in chase,
i want to see the trees swaying softly in the breeze.
and hear the buzzing of the honey bees,
clouds and more clouds thats all i see,
but dream of sitting beneath the tree,
sipping my wine and feeling free.
26 Jul, 2009
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thanxs Dee, i keep looking at my plants and watching petals being blown off when they have only just opened grrr, makes me feel blue :o(
26 Jul, 2009
Very clever Sandra,we haven,t got rain but its blooming cold.........
26 Jul, 2009
thanx lincs it is cold isnt it, am i right in thinking this is july!
26 Jul, 2009
Well done Sanbaz, just how i feel!!!
26 Jul, 2009
thankyou so much sewing....at least its stopped raining at the moment,
26 Jul, 2009
Well done Sandra - the words say it all .....
Rain, rain, rain here too :-(
26 Jul, 2009
Only just started raining here but been cold and windy all day ! Nice poem Sandra...
26 Jul, 2009
Well done Sandra .. we,ve been lucky no rain all day , a few spots have just started this evening !
26 Jul, 2009
Lots of rain here still ....... missed the end of Countryfile this evening so havent seen the weather for the week - more rain and wind I suspect :-(
26 Jul, 2009
thanx dawn, BB and amy, its fine now but not a summers night thats for sure
26 Jul, 2009
Teeming down here now and cold too.Grrr !
26 Jul, 2009
It's a terrible day
For making hay
And for everything else aswell.
I'll just sit in the house.
Blodyn's just caught a mouse, -
There's nothing else to tell.
26 Jul, 2009
lol hywel, nice one :o))
poor you BB, i do hope we get a bit more sun soon
26 Jul, 2009
Did she really catch a mouse Hywel ? Lol
26 Jul, 2009
No not tonight - it's raining. lol, but she usually catches one or two .
I had to put something that rhymed :o)
26 Jul, 2009
26 Jul, 2009
lol hywel, :o)
27 Jul, 2009
By the way San I like your poem. I enjoyed reading it. I should have said so in the beginning. :o)
27 Jul, 2009
thankyou hywel i hadnt noticed anyway with blodyn not catching that mouse and all lol, :o) x
27 Jul, 2009
Great blog San, wish I could do poetry!
27 Jul, 2009
thanx lily2, i dont normally do it, just thought i would have a go after messing about on here the other night with terra..., was quite pleased when i did this :o))
27 Jul, 2009
Hi Sandra ~ your poem is great,
And I'm sorry I've found it so LATE !
Been busy with garden and pets,
And Conker's review at the vets...
I tell you, I'm really not funning,
When I say that your rhyming is stunning!
Your poetry blog I ADORE ~
I must go back and read it once more...
It's chilly when you want it warm.
And you like the SUN, not the storm.
The wind is becoming a gale,
And your garden is covered with hail...
And Blackpool is now in a spin,
With HURRICANES galloping in.
Tornadoes have moved up the coast,
The weather that you hate the most !
It's snowing, and August is here,
At least it will chill out your beer,
And look out, cos here comes the sleet,
When all that you want is some HEAT...
The forecast is awful for Staining.
They say it will NEVER stop raining !
Your wellies are getting worn through,
And umbrella broken in two...
You're hoping for weather that's fine,
So you can keep drinking your wine.
But all that we get is more rain...
OMG now its teeming AGAIN :o(
28 Jul, 2009
TT you are a great Poet,
Did you know it?
28 Jul, 2009
Very happy you like this one, Sewing,
I'm cream-crackered from far too much mowing.
Was more sleepy as I wrote each verse...
So stopped before it got much worse !
28 Jul, 2009
glad you liked my little verse.
weather here is getting worse,
glad conkers visit went well,
making the vets wallet swell,
took angelina for a groom,
costing baz a small fortune,
got her home for something to eat,
now she gone to get some sleep,
thanx terra x
28 Jul, 2009
Love the poems, all of them!!! Wont even try to compete!
28 Jul, 2009
thanx madperth, lol, TT is so good at it, harder for me it hurts my brain thinking he he he
29 Jul, 2009
Well done all you Poets, going to sit this one out!
1 Aug, 2009
lol dont blame you PP he he
1 Aug, 2009
A Great Poem indeed San :)
8 Dec, 2009
awww thankyou jacque, so kind ;o)
8 Dec, 2009
8 Dec, 2009
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Youv'e Rhymed exactly how we all feel Sandra,(claps hands) Its raining now and cold as well, how do our plants survive the different Temps thrown at them, I dont know..The Little Darlings :))
26 Jul, 2009