welcome to my village
By sanbaz
thought i would take you round our village, staining nr blackpool, i grew up 5 mins from here in poulton-le-fylde, had school pals who lived here and always loved it, so when i met baz and he lived here that was a bonus, mind you over the years it has become a cut through for cars to get to the motorway which you can imagin has spoiled the peace and quiet that we use to enjoy, but as a comunity they do try to keep things rural and the community spirit going,
this is the main road which comes into our village which people seem to think is a race track even though there are sighns asking them to repect our village
above pics are the pub in centre of village and some of the plaques recieved for the village, next pic is our community hall, where it all goes on from football meetings, carboot sales, fireworks, christmas venues, our gala field which is this month, so just about everything happens here
the parrots belong to a lady who lives at the other side of the village to me, was passing and she kindly let me take a look at her lovely birds
the windmill has been a house for a number of years now with full working sales its lovely
well hope you enjoyed looking at where i live, as much as i love living here, sandra x
8 Jul, 2009
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So pleased you've done that, as i think when people think of Blackpool, they only think of sand, sea, donkey's oh and stick of rock.Well done.
8 Jul, 2009
lovely little village sanbaz,plants really nice must be a good community spirit thanks for showing us ur pics!!!!!!:~))))
8 Jul, 2009
glad you enjoyed it lincs, and yes your right carol, we have some lovely villages and small towns around blackpool, :o)
8 Jul, 2009
glad you liked it mobee, yes its close community,
8 Jul, 2009
How lovely that the windmill still has working sails.
Wonderful pics of your neighbourbood, San, and great pic of the parrots :o)
8 Jul, 2009
WOW! Sanbaz you have a beautiful village!
8 Jul, 2009
thanx TT, those parrots were pretty big, didnt stroke them as she said can be a bit touchy with strangers, so decided to keep my fingers lol
8 Jul, 2009
thanx so much michaela glad you enjoyed seeing it :o))
8 Jul, 2009
A lovely tour around a lovely village, did your village enter in the Britain in Bloom contest,? was just wondering as there are so many beautiful flower displays everywhere. Looks and sounds a very pretty and friendly place to live,
8 Jul, 2009
yes they normally do enter, not sure this y been a feear, there hasw disagreements over the past few years, thats all i can say PP, i would love to be on the gardening commity but lets just say you dont always get to have input,
on another note a young man 23 was found hanged in our village this morning, very sad, not sure on why and dont know him, so young and very sad
8 Jul, 2009
Lovely to see the pics of your village....particularly like the flower beds on the streets and round the trees....nice colourful touch..
8 Jul, 2009
thanx amblealice, glad you like them
8 Jul, 2009
Your village looks lovely Sandra - so how far are you from say, Blackpool Tower?
8 Jul, 2009
dawn im about 15 to 20 mins in car depending on traffic, heading to motorway if that makes sence to you, not far from stanley park if you know that
8 Jul, 2009
That is sad Sandra so young too! what a terrible waste of life.
8 Jul, 2009
You are lucky to live in a place where they go to such lengths to make the surroundings attractive, it looks really well cared for, thank you for the tour. By the way that's not your truck parked by the windmill where it says 'keep clear' is it!?
8 Jul, 2009
it is PP, police dont think its foul play but yet to find out why such a young man would take his life, i had seen all the police cars on my way out and a young woman sat on wall so distraught, so knew something bad had happened, poor women
8 Jul, 2009
well spotted lily2, think they have permision, across the lane is a house having a grand design make over, and a local man does alot of the village greens etc, they try to keep work for locals which is good
8 Jul, 2009
A lovely tour of your well kept public areas.The village approach is particularly pretty,and those parrots looked to be real characters !
8 Jul, 2009
thanx BB yes they were, i was ammazed when she took them out of cage outside, thought they would fly off, luckerly they didnt or i may have got the blame
8 Jul, 2009
Thank you for the tour of your village, I enjyed seeing another side of Blackpool Sanbaz.
8 Jul, 2009
thanx silverbelle, yes not a kiss me quick hat in sight lol
8 Jul, 2009
Thanks Sanbaz that was a grand tour of your village, such lovely flowerbeds and the size of those parrots no wonder you kept your fingers away. I think I recognize the windmill from when I was a kid, (oh soooo long ago) when we used the ordinary roads to go to Blackpool to see the lights, we had to go by ordinary roads as there was no motorway back then and I am sure we used to pass through Staining. It was a long journey from Manchester then, but now its only about 50mins away, traffic permitting of course.
8 Jul, 2009
Great idea to show us your village Sanbaz...it puts mine to shame...we're more rural so people keep all their flowers in their gardens & there are no flowerbeds or displays along the roadside.
It is sad about the young man...we had a middle aged man murdered in the village a few months ago...a close knit community & yet we still don't know all that goes on behind closed doors.
Thankyou for showing a different picture of Blackpool too...we tend to forget that these big places have small villages all around them.
8 Jul, 2009
what an idyllic village. it looks fresh and clean too. lots of lovely plants too.
a nice place to live.
8 Jul, 2009
Pretty flowerbeds and tubs! That makes such a difference to the appearance of a place. Always lovely to hear when someone is so proud of their hometown or village. I love mine, with all its faults.
8 Jul, 2009
what a lovely village Sandra, thanks for the tour xx
9 Jul, 2009
thanx bob, you probably passed the marton windmill thats on the way into blackpool and would have seen the signs for staining, that windmill still there to bob,
thanx fluff sad about that murder to, its getting that we will be afraid to leave our houses soon, cant pick paper up or watch news without a murder each day, at least one that is if not more, sad,
cheers sea,, it is lovely exept for all the busy traffic going at full speed, people forget that there are children and animals, always ina rush,
thanx weeding glad your happy with where you are to,
and cheers eileen glad you enjoyed the tour :o))
9 Jul, 2009
Thankyou for putting me straight hehe did'nt know there were two windmills yes it probably would be that one, I presume then that one is near the caravan camp 'Marton Mere'?
9 Jul, 2009
the one you saw was is near there bob, to see the one round from me you have to drive down the lane past caravan park and go right into our village, all in all blackpool has about 4 windmills in surrounding villages close by, so thats your lesson for today lol
9 Jul, 2009
Thats given him a lesson on blackpool, way thinks are going goyers are going to know Blackpool well, been looking at that stick of rock belonging to Irish it got a fy4 sticker label on it.
9 Jul, 2009
reakky so made here carol lol
9 Jul, 2009
Thats a yes for sure, added a blog to Irishes blog my daughter-in-law could have done it for for her.she works at arnold rock factory on cowley rd acrossfrom B&M on vicarage lane.
9 Jul, 2009
we use to go to the one at poulton when kids and get free broken bits, but that closed years ago, is the one near devi road still going, near queens town flats
9 Jul, 2009
Not sure theres alot closed, but alot have joined together.
9 Jul, 2009
looks like a wounderful community....sandra
9 Jul, 2009
You live in a lovely place San.
9 Jul, 2009
thanx sandra and hywel yes it is lovely and quite and no trouble "touch wood"
10 Jul, 2009
oh you have just reminded me that 'torch wood' is about to start......;-))
10 Jul, 2009
lol sandra, enjoy :o)
10 Jul, 2009
Sanbaz what a lovely place to live well done on the pics.
12 Jul, 2009
looks like a really lovely spot, Sandra, many thanks for this tour. The parrots are wonderful, of course, and I love that windmill, too! :-)
12 Jul, 2009
thanx for looking and glad you enjoyed my tour jewells and david :o)
12 Jul, 2009
glad you like it marquerite, the pub is the newish one, when i was younger the old plough was right on the road edge and smaller, so when it was rebuilt they made it bigger and put it back onto the green, so its now the centre of village, nice food and a lovely play area at the back for kids,
13 Jul, 2009
It looks lovely sanbaz I no what you meen when you say they use the road as a race track We have the same problem in Ranworth We live on a hill Dont see anyone in the winter come summer time time the bikers think its yarmouth seafront or snetterton race track. I have had a few run ins with the bikers racing down my road I get in my car and follow them down the hill wait for them to stop and totally give them hell.
13 Jul, 2009
good for you donnah what are they thinking,, they over take and dont care whats comming toward them, no need for it, if they want to go mad they should go to a race track for the day, winds me up,
13 Jul, 2009
Lovely village Sanbaz you must love living there in the relative peace and quiet despite the cars taking a shortcut.
5 Aug, 2009
yes i do richard, ive always lived quite close to here but never thought i would end up living here, i love it away from town but close enough to get there within 10 mins and 5 mins from motorway,
6 Aug, 2009
We are about 25 minutes from the city and about 10 mins from the motorways Sandra- its quiet here also.
6 Aug, 2009
thats great richard in easy access to, with added peace and quiet :o)
7 Aug, 2009
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Certainly did Sandra,it looks lovely and obviously well kept,love all the flowerbeds,nice pic of the parrots too,thanks for showing where you live..........
8 Jul, 2009