new plants
By sanbaz
decided to buy some new plants for my bad area , some will remember that blog, it is surrounded by stones so thought some rockery plants would do well in there. so went to the nusery this morning, was going to carboot sale but traffic was busy and once your in its a nightmare getting out again, i didnt feel up to that so here goes
there is campanula dicksons gold,eryngium variifolium,salvia purpurascens,sempervivum mrs giuseppi,campanula mrs resholt, and i also got sedum spectabile brilliant but forgot to take pic thats gone in my raised border, idea from janey`s pic, i liked it so got one lol
13 Sep, 2009
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Love the Sempervivum houseleek. Mine is going great guns and sure yours will San with all the others to keep it company!
Nice pics too..:0)
13 Sep, 2009
shhhh carole he hasnt noticed yet lol
cheers Dan yes i like that one to they get lots of little babys dont they lol
13 Sep, 2009
They certainly do. Do you know if they are okay outside over winter?
13 Sep, 2009
well on tag it doesnt say not, my neibour use to grow them in her garden and left them out, but someone on here who has them in pots was saying they took in over winter so i think i will check it out and get back to you ok
13 Sep, 2009
Okay, cool. Thanks.
That little area is looking really nice San!
13 Sep, 2009
im back and they are hardy so will be ok, thanx Dan its coming together now i have the rocks and plants :o)
13 Sep, 2009
you have created a lovely spot where did you find the drift wood?
13 Sep, 2009
thanx Dcr its slate rockery, not driftwood, but i can see how you thought it might be, its colours are lovely after rain, really show up
13 Sep, 2009
Oh I love slate but I really thought this was some wonderful driftwood you had found..
13 Sep, 2009
i do love driftwood and couldnt afford what they charge to buy it, im suprised we dont get it on the beach really, maybe i dont get there on time, its popular now in gardens isnt it
13 Sep, 2009
what a lovely little area I especially liked the last couple of pics showing dappled shadows over your new plantings.
13 Sep, 2009
thankyou stroller its coming along, when i didnt know what to do with this area i hated it, thought it could never be anything i can see the changes now looking at my old blog on this area, im liking it now :o))
13 Sep, 2009
lovely plants but the eryngium isnt so little once it decides to flower. unless it is a dwarf form of course.
13 Sep, 2009
thanx sea, it says 12"+16" so may have to pop that to one side as not to hide the smaller ones, didnt realalise it may be taller than the back ones, :o) i dont think about it sometimes when i plant, im so impatient lol
13 Sep, 2009
dont worry so am i . i have to move to 6ft plants from the middle to the back come the spring. dont know what possed me to put them where i did.
13 Sep, 2009
i just think it looks good and dont plan for it growing sea... anyway i may leave it then see what happens, can always move it later next year :o) thanx for pointing it out though
13 Sep, 2009
Nice little rockery thing going on there San...good for you...nothing like a little retail therapy with Baz's cash to make you feel better!!!
13 Sep, 2009
lol fluff, its coming along nicely and ive never been much into rockery before, but quite like it now
13 Sep, 2009
It's looking lovely Sandra, there's nothing like a bit of retail plant therapy to make you feel better!
I recently bought some sempervivums to put in a very small area where a paving slab used to be. Now I'm forever finding them pulled out of the ground - it's me being careless with the hose pipe lol. Silly idea maybe!
13 Sep, 2009
thanx lily it does help if im in my garden, the sun has been so lovely today, i planted a few bulbs to in my raised border and some into pots, i was wacked after, still am lol,
those semps look nice in pathways, ive seen them like that, but guess you cant walk on them or drag the hose across, shame
13 Sep, 2009
Looking nice were busy enjoying your sunny day!
13 Sep, 2009
thanx potty ive done to much, i hurt now :o( my own fault i know i should be resting, but cant miss such a lovely day
13 Sep, 2009
Rest tomorrow to re-coup. :o) Sit down, feet up and admire your handy work whilst watching the birds!
13 Sep, 2009
Brill plants Sandra, dont know about you but i keep saying i'm buying no more plants, but you can bet i'm always buying them and still find somewhere to put them in the garden, you'd think all the plants we buy are gardens would be bursting at the seems as the saying goes.
13 Sep, 2009
think i will potty, may have a lay in to, watch morning tv, that doesnt happen often,
yes your right carol, but i did need to do something with that part, i saw lots of plants today but couldnt really spend to much with keep being off work :o(
13 Sep, 2009
The eryngium leaves will stay low down, it's only the flower stems which grow taller and they're see through like verbena bonariensis so it will look lovely where it is.
14 Sep, 2009
thanx for that wagger, will leave it them :o))
14 Sep, 2009
An alpine rockery is something I fancied doing at one time, but when I built it none of the plants seemed to survive. It's back to the front lawn now. I may have another go sometime in the future, and I'll be looking at you for some advice, seeing as yours looks absolutely fab!
15 Sep, 2009
aww thanx merfyn, its my first attempt and only because the ground there wasnt good with the sycamore tree and its roots, so had seen a few nice ones on here and had a few bits of advice about what would grow and away i went, so fingers vrossed my plants last :o))
15 Sep, 2009
Looking good, San!
24 Sep, 2009
thanx mari, you look very sweet on your new pic :o)
24 Sep, 2009
Thank you! I think that lasted about 30 minutes!!
24 Sep, 2009
lol :o)
24 Sep, 2009
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You have done well all loverly little plants that will thrive in a rockery, and I bet Baz's wallet is alot lighter
13 Sep, 2009