our squirrel is back
By sanbaz
this morning i went out to feed my birds and i always sit a watch them before getting ready for work with my cuppa lol, anyway as i was going back inside i turned and thought whats that in the tree, a bit blurry eyed i looked again and there he was back to see us, well pinch the sunflower hearts anyway heeh, so grabbed the camera and slowly moved towards my little friend, actually i could have stroked him i was so close, it was the best feeling in the world and really made my day :o) so here he is
hope you enjoyed seeing him as much as i did :o) x by the way i actually took 99 pics but thought it may be to much lol
12 Sep, 2009
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Great pics he looks so healthy and not plain grey as the ones around here seem to be.
12 Sep, 2009
Enjoy while you can, this time next year you will probably have twenty and no plants or bulbs left in the ground
12 Sep, 2009
Wonderful Squirrel Pictures Sandra, Im not susprised he let you get up close! with all that food just waiting for the taking. and of course your pretty face!
12 Sep, 2009
cheers gardengnome he was very sprite and athletic, lovely to watch :o)
Dcr... he had quite alot of red markings maybe a mix between the two :o)
thats it Bjs put a damper on it lol, he`s been here for the last few years just havent seen him in a while, :o)
thankyou so much carole, he was ok with me, but i took my time and no sudden moves, didnt want to scare him, my face wasnt that pretty first thing lol :o) was still in my dressing gown to
12 Sep, 2009
Im with PP surprised you just get the one with all that lovely food on offer ... looks almost confused as to where to start first great sequence of pics.No signs of Cyril yet .
12 Sep, 2009
hi BB i guess they are starting to store food now for winter, he is deffernatly the only one we get, but havent had any probs in the garden , but its his garden to , his land we just live here with nature :o))
12 Sep, 2009
Sure you know my views on that ..good on you .
12 Sep, 2009
nice, I love watching squirrels.
12 Sep, 2009
thanx BB :o))
thankyou usernut, i can sit for ages just watching :o))
12 Sep, 2009
Lovely photos on your blog which I thoroughly injoyed, lol you are as bad as me for taking too many pictures. they are fasinating to watch as they move so quick, I have one come into my garden, I call it inspector gadget as it took my bird station to bits and bit straight through the wire on the nut box.
12 Sep, 2009
smashing photos even if they are pests. one keeps unscrewing a seed feeder so it falls to the floor. it then stuffs its face. so far the feeder hasnt broken but its only a matter of time.
12 Sep, 2009
hi morgana and sea.. arent they clever little devils lol but great fun to watch, fancy unsrewing feeders and taking them apart, funny :o)
12 Sep, 2009
Squirrel heaven :)) Lovely photo's Sb. The pigeons don't look too impressed tho !
12 Sep, 2009
I think the red may be it getting its autumn coat in time for the leaves changing- good camouflage!
12 Sep, 2009
lol aster we thought that to, normally no-one can get near for the pigeons, so makes a change :o)
hi mari i never thought about that, will have to read up on them, thanx :o)
12 Sep, 2009
Great photos Sandra, not seen any squirrels here at all, although i have seen them on the street, so one day you never know, Marie i did'nt know they changed their colour in autumn.
12 Sep, 2009
I'm not certain myself, its just something I was told! Unless theyre cross-breeding with the reds! Doubt that tho!
12 Sep, 2009
well thats what i thought, cross, but not really sure mari,
12 Sep, 2009
Lovely pics Sandra.....he looks really healthy.
12 Sep, 2009
thyanx potty he is quite big and very healthy looking, bless, oh and greedy to lol
12 Sep, 2009
I once thought that they could mix bread but i was told they dont, so dont really know. Sandra he'll cost you a fortune.
12 Sep, 2009
i dont mind carol going to get some monkey nuts for him lol
12 Sep, 2009
I know someone who bought a stainless steel squirrel proof feeder. Tired of trying to break into it, she watched in amazement as he got it off the branch, dragged it into the road and waited. Being a narrow country lane, the next vehicle ran over it, dispensing the nuts which he duly gathered up and took away! She showed me the squashed feeder......Now that you have to admire!
12 Sep, 2009
Just looking on my blog before this i put bread instead of breed, having one of Gee's senior moments.
12 Sep, 2009
We all have senior moments Clarice.. :o)
12 Sep, 2009
I get them regular...:o)))
12 Sep, 2009
PG, that was one clever squirrel!
As for the "senior" moments, I prefer to call them CRAFT moments!
12 Sep, 2009
Love Squizza's !! Very intelligent creatures ! Best one I saw in the garden had knicked a fat ball, still in it's net, thrown it over his shoulder and was heading for home up the fence !! All it needed was 'swag' written on the bag !! lol
Lovely pic's San ! :-)))
12 Sep, 2009
CRAFT Madperth?
Sue ~ I have been told of squirrels doing that too!
12 Sep, 2009
Some lovely photos there, Sanbaz! Squirrels are very mischievous animals & great fun.
12 Sep, 2009
Craft thats a new one....
12 Sep, 2009
just read what you put potty thats ammazing, :o) so there isnt any such thing as squirrel proof lol
lol funny sue and thanx :o) better watch my fatballs then heheh
sorry balcony almost missed you ,, cheers
12 Sep, 2009
We love the squirrels - all 3 down at Corner cottage HQ.
Nutty is still the only one who can work the Squirrel feeder though!
Great pics San and such fun to watch. We're with you on the nature thing as well.
PG: Brave squirrel to allow someone to crush his nuts.....Eeeeeeeeek!!
12 Sep, 2009
lol Dan , i was sure you would approve :o)
12 Sep, 2009
Oh yes, count me in!
I've got some belting shots of Nutty form the past couple of months so will have to post some on here.
Funny little creatures.
12 Sep, 2009
Dan i could have shook his little hand i got so close was wonderfull, loved it :o)))
12 Sep, 2009
The photo's are really clear and sharp.....well done:0)-
12 Sep, 2009
woohooo thanx Dan lol
12 Sep, 2009
I don't get squirrels, but I hear many complain about them destroying feeders.....just make food accessible...it's not rocket science!
OB.... :o) ....and after that she made food accessible to him saying he deserved to be fed after showing that level of intelligence.
12 Sep, 2009
very true potty, some people,just dont think lol
12 Sep, 2009
That's what I do PG. Just put the nuts on the table .... there's enough to go round :-))
12 Sep, 2009
yep well nuts on the table bit in future and seed kept in feeders :o)) well maybe a few sunflower hearts to lol
12 Sep, 2009
CRAFT...... Cant Remember A Flaming Thing!
12 Sep, 2009
LOL....like it! Must remember that one....ha ha ha he he he...
12 Sep, 2009
Thought I would enlighten you on squirrels coats grey squirrels have a darker coat which resembles redish for a winter coat, then spring they start going back to grey.
Pottygardener I do leave nuts etc on the ground in a dish for the squirrel but its not content with it own food and climbs to get the bird food too. so now have resorted in buying a squirrel proof cage, for the nuts, which now it takes the bird seed by the hand full, I don't like leaving nuts out in spring as the chicks choke on them
12 Sep, 2009
Thats the polite version of course!
I said at work one day that I was having a craft moment, & my deputy manager asked me what I was making!!
12 Sep, 2009
thanx for that morgana, so he`s getting his winter look, mari was right to :o)
12 Sep, 2009
Your welcome Sandra :)
12 Sep, 2009
Well theres a turnip for the books! I actually remembered it right!!
12 Sep, 2009
So now you have gone from a craft moment to a distructive moment. (opposites) lmao
12 Sep, 2009
More a distActive one!!
12 Sep, 2009
:o)) nite mari
12 Sep, 2009
Night sweetie! Have a good one! xx
12 Sep, 2009
you to x
12 Sep, 2009
Get to bed, woman! LOL! :~))
12 Sep, 2009
Great Blog Sandra,super photos,I love watching the squirrels.never get tired of it.I must have taken over 100 pics lol,,yes it is a great feeling to come so close to a wild to a wild creature
13 Sep, 2009
cheers deida, glad you enjoyed the pics, ive been excted this morning to as i have at last got goldfiches, baz thinks ive lost the plot lol
13 Sep, 2009
I lost the plot years ago.. :o))
13 Sep, 2009
glad im not alone then carol, :o)
13 Sep, 2009
You're DEFINITELY not alone!!
Me too!
13 Sep, 2009
lol mari it must be a women thing
13 Sep, 2009
Maybe! LOL!
13 Sep, 2009
Lovely pics of a lovely squirrel.
13 Sep, 2009
thankyou mavis
13 Sep, 2009
Great photo`s San,haven`t seen any squirrels here for a couple of years now,I used to love our little one but must admit i don`t lose as many bulbs now,,LOL........
14 Sep, 2009
lol lincs, well up to now i havent had any trouble from him, but what the heck, its nature and i love it :o))
15 Sep, 2009
oh what a beauty he is, we looove our "squiggle" even named him "nutty" we put up a squirrel feeder for him with nuts in so now he doesn't go after the birds nuts!
We do get other squirrels in the garden sometimes but they havn't mastered the feeder yet so hang upside down on the bird feeder and steal their nuts. Lovely pic San x
15 Sep, 2009
thanx Ali, i think i may get a squirrel feeder, do you have a pic up in Dans pics i can look at, im not sure what im looking for,people call them pests but i love them :o))
15 Sep, 2009
Yep Dan got a picture of the squiggle box on his photo's its on page 8 of his pics, its the last image on there (i tried to copy & paste it but it wouldn't let me sorry) hope it helps. I think we got it from a seller on ebay but if you put in squirrel feeder you should get a few different ones on there.
Ali x
15 Sep, 2009
thats great thanx Ali x
15 Sep, 2009
Lovely sharp photos Sandra. Its great when you can get that close to a wild animal (unless you've tamed him of course!!) Well done!
15 Sep, 2009
hi merfyn, no i havent managed that yet lol, just was sheer luck he let me so close, thankyou :o)
15 Sep, 2009
Brilliant pictures Sandra, we had a squirrel go through our garden the other day but he didn't stay long.
Like James says it's lovely seeing wild life in our gardens.
Last year we had 3 fairly tame hedgehogs that came every night for there supper, but this year we've only seen one.
15 Sep, 2009
thanx stripes, lovely to have the hedghogs to, we get one coming but dont often see him, they know where their breads buttered dont they :o))
15 Sep, 2009
My hedgehog vanished while the kitchen was being done, but he's back again! I went into the garden & whistled for Smudge the other night & in he came! I was really chuffed!
15 Sep, 2009
thats good news mari, its lovely having wildlife come into the garden isnt it, baz going to make me a sqirrel feeder, cant wait lol,
15 Sep, 2009
I need to get IP a house built for the winter!
15 Sep, 2009
ip? your hedghog! im not with it tonight mari
15 Sep, 2009
Yes, I called him Iggle Piggle cos I only see him in the night garden!
15 Sep, 2009
awww, well cant remember who told me how to make a hedgehog house, umm cant remember now, doh! lol my brain hurts
15 Sep, 2009
I saw one somehere too, Jaque maybe? Someone made a hedgehog hotel!
15 Sep, 2009
not sure if amy or PP told me this week sometime, its like a box with tunnel bit burried so tunnel just shows with some straw to keep them warm over winter,
15 Sep, 2009
Yes, I've worked out what to do, I just need to sort out materials & TIME!! LOL!
15 Sep, 2009
lol, you wont have much of that at the min with uni will you mari
15 Sep, 2009
Nope! I'm working too! :~((
15 Sep, 2009
poor you :o( well dont be up late you need your sleep,im off in a min to,so nite mari, sleep well x
15 Sep, 2009
Night Sweetie! Have a good one! xx
15 Sep, 2009
Great shots San, they are very acrobatic are'nt they? You have the very same bird feeder stand as I have, except I bought an extra two arms to go on mine.
16 Sep, 2009
thanx bob, i didnt know you could get extra arms, thanx i will look into that :o)) i love watching them,baz gooing to make a sqirrel feeder so he doesnt pinch the bird food lol
17 Sep, 2009
I did'nt either but we went to our most fav garden centre, Bents in Glazebury near Irlam and they had them there.
I got a coconut two days ago and cut it half for the tit's and finch but when we got up today one of the halves had gone and the string had been chewed through, I suspect a small furry bushytailed thief :o)))
17 Sep, 2009
lol bob, i bet your right there, bet the little squirrel thought it was his birthday treat :o) i will try to get them extra arms could do with them
18 Sep, 2009
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Great capture, Sanbaz. He is quite atheletic and so clever too!!
12 Sep, 2009