sunny day at Corseside.. :-)
By sandra
today was sooo lovely. i spent the day weeding and chopping things back. this is my favourite time of the year for gardening. during the summer i get so busy with the nursery i have no time to garden. if i do enough now the shrubs just get on with it in the summer. i spent the day weeding along some of my paths and then my boys helped this afternoon sweeping up all my mess…
the paths were all overflowing from the planting either side. i pulled out all the big stuff and chopped back some of the shrubs to allow others to flourish…
this is when my boys happened past and i just happened to have 2 sweeping brushes handy…the paths are all covered in algae and very slippery. now the worst has been brushed off i’ll get the hose pipe out tomorrow and get the next layer off. then i’ll use a weak solution of bleach brushed on and left for a couple of hours. should be good for my mam to walk on then. dont want her slipping…
then it was on to harvest the marrow seed….such a lot of seeds this year..
walking up our lane where the farmer next door has had his hedge cutter out…
i am still borrowing my daughters camera…i have it till tuesday couldnt help take these other pics…
this is my next door neighbour…
the valley
and yet another sun set…
thanks for reading
hope u enjoyed my pictures…:-)
20 Oct, 2012
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we just have to make the most of it Hywel...the grass has started to slow down and im really getting to grip with the garden. could do with anlth 2 weeks of this to get it all under control...:-)
20 Oct, 2012
Your daughter is going to have a tough job getting that camera back ,lol, the pics are smashing Sandra, I love the sunset ones, I guess you don`t fall out with your neighbours over the noise from your tv/radio being too loud...
You`ve made a good job of clearing the paths, I use Jeyes Fluid and find its good for clearing the moss and slimey area down my shady area, mind you I don`t have as much to clear as you do, your boys are good helping with the tidying up, was it done voluntarily or did you bribe them??
We do have to make the most of our nice days, not looking forward to the clock change, can`t believe how quickly this year has gone by, I swear someone is knocking seconds off my minutes.....
20 Oct, 2012
thanks Lincs
its going back soon...its been fun but i have spent far too much time playing with it. but i can always borrow it again....going to take it to the beach today.....look out more pics
i only grabbed the boys for half an hour...but its amazing how much they can do in such a short space of time. i love the weeding but hate the tidying up after..
as for our neighbours....if the wind is in the right direction we can hear each others chickens and dogs....they are lovely people, she is so knowledgeable about plants....i call her my extended hard drive...always willing to give me some friendly advice.
21 Oct, 2012
You have been busy, what a lovely part of Wales you live in, must be a joy to own so much land and to see for miles and miles.
21 Oct, 2012
its great to have some space Dd. we have all been lucky. we moved from a third floor flat in the centre of newport gwent 20 years ago. i thought our acre and a half was as big as a country and was shocked to discover grass grew 2 foot i lust after the fields next door as we are running out of space....
21 Oct, 2012
You can never have enough space, we had 30 acres once, now a tiny garden sigh!!
21 Oct, 2012
wow...what did u do on 30 acres....
22 Oct, 2012
Market gardening on a large scale, also battery chickens and deep litter poultry, hated the battery, so cruel, was glad to be shot of that, reared turkeys also........loved the farming, but it was such hard work, as you know!! was a lot younger then...
23 Oct, 2012
i'd like a few more acres as im running out of room...but not 30...i'm not getting any younger either....
24 Oct, 2012
I would be happy with I now........
25 Oct, 2012
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I love gardening in the autumn too Sandra :o) It's great to see the place all tidied up ready for winter.
It's been glorious here too. I want it to last lol but not much chance of that ...
20 Oct, 2012