Cement planters two years on
By sandra
Two years ago I experimented with making cement pots useing cloth .. As ever I saw something in the internet that inspired me to have a go. Basically it’s cloth and cement paper mache…
Strong mix of cements sand and water in mixer….cloths thrown in….
I found all sorts of things to drape the cloths over…
This one is an old rug I crocheted out of old fleece jumpers for the dog years ago draped over a sink pedestal I just happened to have…
So please with this one… The plants are happy and the cement is starting to green up a little. I tried painting yogurt on them but Reggie the dog kept licking it off!
Elsewhere we are ready for spring in the nursery, which has kept us busy over the last few weeks..Tomatoes going in today and then there’s no stopping till Autumn….
The big shed is bursting at the seems…
The conservatory …minus the washing… Has had soo many flowers over the winter…
In the tunnel the succulents are loving the mild weather here in Pembrokeshire. even the ensete is throwing up new leaves…it is looking a bit sad though…the big red aeonium continues to flower…it’s over four feet tall now!
Outside the grass is growing so fast I had to get out there and cut it this week…
I love weeding and clearing at this time of year…finding echium seedlings is always a bonus..
The daffs are popping out all over ..
And I was over the moon to find this hellebore in flower yesterday.
Right I can see the first chinks of light outside and it’s only 7am ..springs coming kettles on I’m looking forward to a day in the tunnel . Hope the spring is springing where you are. Thanks for reading..:-)
18 Feb, 2017
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Your tunnel looks great Sandra and I love your pots great ideas you have there your fuchsia looks lovely in flower.
18 Feb, 2017
What a lovely positive blog! I think you are amazing...so creative with those concrete pots! They could really catch on!
18 Feb, 2017
Oh wow I remember you making and planting those pots up, they have come on brilliantly, isn't Reggie a treasure cleaning the yoghurt off for you, he obviously thought it was a mistake that needed rectifying, your succulents all look very happy which is all good for you Sandra. I too have been out today and cut my lawns, it makes all the difference to the look of the garden, we;ve had a lot of rain in the past week so here its a case of only weeding where I can reach from the pathways but yes you are right spring is coming and the colour is appearing.
Enjoy your day in the polytunnel Sandra and hoping for a good growing year....
18 Feb, 2017
Great blog Sandra...love the alpine pots you made...
18 Feb, 2017
I suppose you could make the concrete in different colours too...?
18 Feb, 2017
Thank you for your lovely comments..it realy does egg me on!!
Diane kilns scare me too....I haven't watched that programme yet...it sounds good.
Thruppenny glad u like the pots not sure where you are spying a fuchsia tough...
Lincs, Reggie is very obliging like that lol..glad u had some dry weather too...love a bit of weeding along the pathways, I try hard to always keep one foot on the path. I weeded the strawberries today as it got too hot in the tunnel!
Karen cement dyes would be good as I really don't like the colour of the new cement...a nice terracotta colour would be my choice...
Motinot glad you liked the pots.
18 Feb, 2017
Lol Sandra its a catus in your conservatory on my small phone picture I thought it was a Fuchsia I can now see its a Cactus flowering.
18 Feb, 2017
so inspiring Sandra. that hellebore is lovely isn't it. Mine are all waking up but don't get outside until gone 9.30 despite being awake at 6.30.
did some renovating the last 2 days so yes spring is starting to spring here too.
poly tunnel looks full to bursting :o)
18 Feb, 2017
You early risers put me to shame... Sandra you are amazing! Your concrete planters look great. Isn't it lovely to see the hellebores coming into flower. I only have one fully out so far but its a nice double pink one.
18 Feb, 2017
Always interested to see what you are up to Sandra, I remember you making those pots..... they have worked out really well..
Fancy your Ensete still growing, our bananas the hardy ones are still under wraps outside, I cannot believe the size of the Aeonium, amazing, super blog..
18 Feb, 2017
Yes, Terracotta would be nice...and a really bright blue...and white...and and and...;)
19 Feb, 2017
Thank you!! I've always been an early riser. SBG
But at this time of year it has to warm up before I go out there...I have enjoyed my winter mornings watching films and catching up on here but I'm bursting to get back to it....this week the weather has been in double figures a couple of times and everything us starting to wake up.
Stera the helibore was a gift off our son who works at Farmyard nursery near Carmarthen. They specialise in helibore and just held their annual helibore weekend. Unfortunately I couldn't make it but I have been enjoying the photos from the event.
Dd2 the aeonium is delighting me...she gets bigger each day. First winter with the ensete..it's Hanging on in there...but it takes up so much space we might lift it next winter.
Karen the ones I gave my brother have been painted black with rainbow spots!!!
20 Feb, 2017
Oh yes, I went to the Hellebore weekend last year - it was fantastic! You might have seen my blog of all the different flowerheads floating in containers. Sadly your son wasn't there the day we went. The plant he chose for you is a beauty!
20 Feb, 2017
You're very inventive , Sandra and I don't know where you get your energy . I love the swirly pot. What flavour yogurt does reggie like ? ha ha!
22 Feb, 2017
I admire your inventiveness - love the yogurt painted planter.
23 Feb, 2017
What a lovely cheerful blog have really enjoyed your pots and planting of them.
23 Feb, 2017
Stera I do remember your blog..I have yet to get there...maybe next year!
Reggies not fussy Paul..lol
Thank you BG and stroller glad u enjoyed my blog.
24 Feb, 2017
Spring is springing in Pembrokeshire! Hurrah! loved the blog and the concrete planters... great idea. One of my big terracotta planters fell out of my grasp (last week) and broke... boohooo. I'm down to one and they're killer heavy.
I just love your Echiums! I have the little echium vulgare that grows along the road sides over here... the colour is just magnificent...but they never get above 2 ft tall! I'm encouraging them on the hill beside the driveway. I say encouraging because any time I tried transplanting it didn't take. so I let them pick their own spot...as long as it's where I want them! The won't bloom for a month or more. always something to look forward to.
6 Jun, 2017
I bet they look lovely Lori.. most of mine are self seeders..i found some in a gate way last year and mowed around them till they were big enough to move.
8 Jun, 2017
crocheted fleece strips! You are amazing!
10 Jun, 2017
no im a horder that cant throw anything away..lol I've just used old fleece to weave a new top on a stool too..
10 Jun, 2017
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- A bit of dressmaking!!
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- Corseside in November
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- Getting back on top of things..
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Thank you Sandra. I watched the Pottery Throwdown programme. Such clever and inspired people, like you.
The little kilns were a bit scary. Suppose they are instructed how to use them safely.
Good to see your planting programme coming on nicely.
18 Feb, 2017