big chop back on my round garden.
By sandra
today i started a big chopback on my round garden.
this garden looks after itself. but once a year i get in there and give it a good hair cut. it has been planted for five years or so. it has been full of flower and butterflys, bees, and ladybirds alll summer. i like to chop things back a this time of year because it gives things chance to recover before the winter.
the garden is surrounded by hebe rackiensis then comes the cotton lavender-santolina. i love the contrast between the two. but there comes a point where i have to regain control…..
behind the cotton lavender is hebe Josephine. it is brutal but is will all regrow soon…hopefully…..
after i had chopped the hebe Josephines the cryptomerias are given more room. and i uncover the hundreds of schizostylis (kaffir lilys) which are about to flower. i didnt get much more done yesterday….ache ache. and judging by the forcast i’ll have to find some work in the polytunel this week.
i am so looking forward to the kaffir lilys flowering. there are two colours pink and red.
it all looks a mess at this stage and i miss the cotton lavender but it will soon grow back. watch this space…..
30 Aug, 2009
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You could put your comments in before you put in each picture, Swanky, but that takes ages! I download my pics in the order they're going in, & take notes as i download them save it all, then re-edit (with my notes as a guide) & put the comments in then! If youget it muddled (I often do) you just save it, read through, & cut & paste to edit it again.
30 Aug, 2009
Oops! Sorry, Sandra! Great blog, & what a lot you got done!!
30 Aug, 2009
thanks Swanky its a bit of trial and error. it takes me ages but i just keep saving to draft and then doing the next
i was delighted with what i got done. but now i have a blister from the choppers and and aching back. but i'm lookin forward to getting in there and finishing it....
30 Aug, 2009
Thanks you 2 i will keep trying.
30 Aug, 2009
wow, what a woman, great job. Nice to have a garden like that. I lost all my kaffir lilies last year, and they are so hard to find here in CDN.
30 Aug, 2009
thanks Doon. sorry about your lilys..;-((
30 Aug, 2009
As you say Sandra sometimes one has to spoil the look to make sure all is well next year but it never takes long to recover Well done and lets hope your weather is good enough to work outside..........
30 Aug, 2009
A very satisfying chop you've had there Sandra, it will soon come back and as you say, be all the better for it. I love Kaffir Lilies too, they come at just the right time when most other things are fading.
It takes me ages to do a blog with pictures too and I do it like you, bit by bit, but I am getting the hang of it, speeding up and learning along the way.
30 Aug, 2009
Good work, Sandra!
Swanky....write your text, then 'Save Draft'. Move cursor down a line, then choose the photo option, browse, select the photo you want and add it. Then 'Save Draft' again, then click on 'continue editing', move down a line under the photo string, continue writing text...and repeat until you've either run out of words to say or photos to download! If you write something and forget to 'Save as Draft' before downloading a photo, it will not save the text.
Hope that's helpful.
30 Aug, 2009
Great blog and photos
30 Aug, 2009
I enjoyed your pics and blog Sandra, I'm exhausted just reading it. :~))
30 Aug, 2009
glad you all like the blog...thanks..;-))
30 Aug, 2009
Thanks Bscott,thats very clear and helpful Watch this space!!:-)))
31 Aug, 2009
go Swanky its so addictive this blogging thing...look forward to reading yours...
31 Aug, 2009
I love to cut things back and watch them regrow. As you say they have plenty of time now to recover before the winter.
31 Aug, 2009
i managed to finish chopping this garden back to day, just before the rain came again...
31 Aug, 2009
Lucky Sandra :o)
It's poured down here all day long.
31 Aug, 2009
it stated here about eleven and has persistently chucked it down all day. we have put the doors on the polytunel now as the night time temps are falling fast....
31 Aug, 2009
Some trees I saw today look like it's October - brown leaves and almost bare branches. Early really.
31 Aug, 2009
i have been noticing it all week. but it is september tomorrow....i have started bringing things inside already....but i do love the autumn its not winter yet.....
31 Aug, 2009
I like the autumn too. I like it better than summer which is bright and in your face, and always too hot or too wet. But I think the trees are quite a few weeks further on than they should be.
31 Aug, 2009
i think your right Hywel. i have noticed this aswell....
31 Aug, 2009
Same up here Sandra/ Hywel!
The conkers are falling!
31 Aug, 2009
oooo maybe we should have an internet conker
1 Sep, 2009
LOL! I'd end up breaking the monitor!!
1 Sep, 2009
garden looks great sandra, its ammazing how quickly it grows again to :o))
3 Sep, 2009
thanks Sandra i been chopping stuff back like a nutter today. we bought a shredder this mornig its amazing. i dont know why is taken us so lond to get one.
3 Sep, 2009
i think they are a great idea if you have alot of trees, and can use the wood shreds for you garden, well done,
3 Sep, 2009
i weeded out my fruit bushes the other day. so today i put all the shreddings from a buddlia hedge under them as a mulch......usualy i have to cart the branches to the top of the garden to burn. makes it soo much easier.
3 Sep, 2009
there you go, less work in the end sandra :o)
3 Sep, 2009
Sounds like fun!!!
3 Sep, 2009
Eeeeek aren't you brave. This is where I go wrong, after seeing this I'm going to attack everything that's too big or about to become unmanageable and maybe I'll find some hidden beauties too. I really enjoyed your blog and found it very informative in fact it's given me the push i needed, thanks:-)
17 Sep, 2009
glad u enjoyed Bornagain. i love opening up new views and vistas at this time of year. with four teenagers a husband and mother to live with. the garden is the only place i can get any it looks shocking when you do chop things back but its worth it.
18 Sep, 2009
Wow you have a lot of work to do in your garden i expect it keeps you fit, will look even better next year.
20 Dec, 2009
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Great garden but how do you get your blog and your pics together at the same time??? ,I'm having trouble can you HELP!!
30 Aug, 2009