My Edraianthus Collection
By scotsgran
Before I joined Goy I had never heard of a lot of the plants I now treasure dearly. Here is the story of one such plant introduced to me by one of my new friends found on the site.
Edraianthus grow in the Balkan Peninsula, southern Italy and Sicily. They are between 2cm – 13cm high and form ground hugging cushions of silvery grey or green. They prefer limestone outcrops and will grow in tufa.
In the last few years I have learned so much from so many goy members including how to put together a Powerpoint Presentation and then save it in a jpeg file, like I did on this occasion. Pcw and Bjs have been the most prolific of my educators but there are too many others to mention individually, like Hywel and Spritz, who have also shared their knowledge and seeds and plants. When I walk round my garden I am greeted by old friends and family but also by many new friends. I thank you all.
15 Sep, 2013
Previous post: Rose 1949
Next post: Nearly one year on.
Lovely sentiments in your blog Scotsgran :)
Some very knowledgeable folks here on GOY. Like you I'm growing plants I would never consider or walk by in the GC.
That's a lovely wee plant and so exciting you've got more to cherish :)
15 Sep, 2013
this is a lovely blog. the flowers look very campanula like but they are pretty, pretty, pretty. You are so right about the friends on here and I also walk round looking at plants I've been given and have so many memories of what has been shared.
15 Sep, 2013
A heartwarming wee blog, Scotsgran.
I'm having enough problems coming to terms with just the plants, never mind PP & JPEG! Lol.
16 Sep, 2013
Haven't grown these before but very tempted to try in our garden in the Cerdagne, do you think it would survive under a blanket of snow in winter? The soil is certainly sandy and well drained, love to see such a pretty blue flower in the rockery by the gate.
16 Sep, 2013
Thank you Jane, I have found lots of kindred spirits on this website. I hope you have too. I was not a complete beginner when I joined but my knowledge did not extend much beyond the flowering shrubs which I grew to make the garden easy to manage. There is a misconception that it is more difficult to make friends as you get older. What I particularly like about goy is that age is irrelevant, as is the fact that it is very unlikely that I shall meet most of these people in the flesh. Thank you Scottish, I'm pleased we live close enough to visit even if time is a problem. I see your influence every day as I enjoy the plants you brought to me. I appreciate your words of wisdom Sgb and you were one of the earlier members I was able to relate to. Edraianthus is in the Campanulacaea family. It is a much better behaved plant than most campanulas. Mouldy you have been on a sharp learning curve and the more you learn the more you will realise how much you don't know. Its a great incentive to keep on exploring what is available. Xela, all the info seems to suggest the plant will grow well in zones 4 and 5. Sorry I do not know what that is temp. wise but maybe you could google it and let us know. I think I might provide a glass hat if snow is threatened. I have E. Pumilio, the first one I was given, in a pot which can be taken in to the greenhouse if necessary. It was out all last winter and survived fine. If you look at the Ontario Valley Rock Garden and Horticulture Society website they seem to grow well there.
16 Sep, 2013
has information on zones around the world. You hover over your area to find the applicable growing zone. I think you might well be in 4/5.
16 Sep, 2013
irrelevant of age is a good factor :) thats important to treat each other with respect regardless of age :) nice point....
16 Sep, 2013
Oh dear, I didn't think I had much knowledge lol and I've never heard of Edraianthus. They're interesting.
I have made several friends on here too :o)
16 Sep, 2013
What a lovely blog - so true about the knowledge and the friends. This community has certainly widened my horizons - I have learnt loads, and always have somewhere to come to ask for advice. And share lots of laughs, too ;-)
16 Sep, 2013
Oh, I'm well aware that the most inportant thing I've learnt is the depth of my ignorance in gardening matters, Scotsgran. Lol.
Just wish I learnt it sooner! ;-)
16 Sep, 2013
I too have learnt so much from this site... I love it, in fact I'm addicted!! Love the banter that goes on, and I never realised that there were so many lovely plants out you Scotsgran, I was blinkered, just using plants that I knew for my borders. Hadn't even grown things from seed!! but this summer I've grown quite a few things this way.
17 Sep, 2013
What a beautiful plant, Scotsgran ! I must say, I have never heard of it and well done you for how it looks now !
I have only ever used plants that are common to us, until Elizabeth ( Libet) started introducing me to different grasses and perrenials.
Thank you for your little message about me on here. Its good to be back ! x
17 Sep, 2013
what a lovely blog x
17 Sep, 2013
Thank you everybody. I have missed a lot this summer but its good to know there are people out there who think like me. Lol.
17 Sep, 2013
its great isn't it to know you are not alone. At work I feel like a lone voice. [only woman in a dept of 14 men]
20 Sep, 2013
Oh, how I long to be surrounded by 14 women, Seaburn! Lol.
My kind of odds. ;-)
20 Sep, 2013
Careful what you wish for Mouldy all women are not like Sbg. Sbg I'm sure you keep them all in order lol. Good to know that gardeners disregard sex on here too. We are all just gardeners with different levels of experience.
21 Sep, 2013
Such a joy and pleasure reading this blog Sg.
Thankyou for sharing.
2 Oct, 2013
Thank you Scotkat. We have had a difficult year and knowing I can visit with my goy friends has been great.
2 Oct, 2013
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great post..... great you fond new friends and of course plants....
from jane. :)
15 Sep, 2013