By scottish
Over the past couple of weeks our dachshund Oscar had began to feel his age. His little legs no longer took him far, his eye sight began to go, in fact no longer the young man he once was. At 16, Oscar’s quality of life had become almost nil very quickly – a matter of days.
Late on Sunday evening – we knew that he no longer had any fight left within and had to call out the vet.
It’s a sad time for us all, especially my mum – we often described Oscar as her shadow – where ever she was – he would not be far away.
For the younger members of our family, it’s the first time they have been touched by death, that too is sad to see.
We are comforted in the thoughts that he had a long and happy life and is no longer tormented by his ‘old age’.
Thanks to those who have written a PM to ask how he was and for your support xx
26 Feb, 2013
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Sorry to hear of this Angie - it must have been so sad for you all x
26 Feb, 2013
Very sorry to hear that Scottish, must be a big loss losing Oscar..
26 Feb, 2013
God bless little Oscar ...
RIP... a very special Dachshund.. xxx
26 Feb, 2013
Sorry to read this Scottish, its so hard to lose a beloved pet, take heart from the knowledge that Oscar had a long life and loving home with all of you, xx....
26 Feb, 2013
Sorry to hear about Oscar, our daughter has a daxie called Colin, and her son is called Oscar!! we look after him when they go away, he is very precious, so I just know how you all feel, so pleased he had a long and happy life though....xx
26 Feb, 2013
So sorry it's a very sad thing to go through losing a pet .
26 Feb, 2013
I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost Oscar,Scottish..he has been blessed to have a wonderful life with you and your family..and you will have some very special loving memories of him...take care,I know how you are feeling...
26 Feb, 2013
So sorry to hear this, such a sad time, take care xx
26 Feb, 2013
I'm so sorry to hear about Oscar. It's a difficult time for you all at the moment ... such a distressing thing to go through.
You know he had a good life, and you will have many happy memories to look back on :o)
26 Feb, 2013
Sorry Scottish....very sad time for you....sometimes time is the only healer.
26 Feb, 2013
Very sorry to hear but pleased he had a good, happy long life and, obviously gave a lot of pleasure to your family!!
26 Feb, 2013
There is another little dog out there somewhere who needs you.
27 Feb, 2013
I,m so sorry Scottish, it was very quick and peaceful for him, its us that are left feel it.
Has your mum read about the "Rainbow Bridge"?
Its such a comfort.
I think I came across it first here on Goy, I think it was the member Piersdad.....I,ll have a look
27 Feb, 2013
Piersdad actually wrote it out on a blog by "greenfingers". In her blog entitled sad day, but many references to rainbow bridge came up when I put it into the search box
27 Feb, 2013
Thank you all for you kind words and support. I'll look that up for mum. I'm sure she will appreciate it.
Even the cats are looking for him. They no longer have their snoozing buddy!
Thanks again x
27 Feb, 2013
I'm very sorry for your loss Scottish, losing pets is so difficult and hurtful. Thoughts are with you and your Mum. Nick x
27 Feb, 2013
Sorry to hear about Oscar. It's always so sad when you lose a pet as they become a part of the family. He and your family had 16 wonderful years together with lots of greta memories to remember him by.
27 Feb, 2013
It was so sad to read this and Oscar will be missed by you all. He will have provided you all with many, many wonderful and happy memories.
28 Feb, 2013
The Rainbow Bridge
By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.
28 Feb, 2013
So sorry to hear about Oscar Scottish. My mum had a Dachshund called Rusty who lived to 19, such affectionate little dogs.
TT that poem is lovely, it brought a tear xx
28 Feb, 2013
I'm very, very sad of this message Angie, I know how much Oscar is important and love by all of you, But i know he is at peace and the good memories remains in your heart!
28 Feb, 2013
They are such a huge part of our lives and love. Bless him, as you say old age maybe something a dog doesn't understand. I feel very sad for your news. X
28 Feb, 2013
I knew the story Terra but the poem is so lovely x
I hope it helps Scottish x
1 Mar, 2013
TT - thank you. I've copied and printed it up for mum. She's very tearful and the slightest thing set her off!!
She thanks you all for your wishes - as do I.
It's difficult getting used to him not wandering behind me in the garden - I've lost count the amount of time this week I've came indoors to check up on him.
Thank you all xxx
1 Mar, 2013
Hi Angie ...
I'm glad you've printed the poem for your Mum.
It certainly does take a long while to adjust to the fact of a beloved pet not being around any more ...
You obviously have loads of happy memories of Oscar, to help you through .. xxx
1 Mar, 2013
So so sorry:) Lots of memories and happy times with Oscar. That's want remains:)
5 Mar, 2013
Sincere condolences, Scottish.
'Nuff said.
10 Mar, 2013
I'am very sad today Angie:-((( We also lost our dearest 2 month old chihuahua her name is Betty , this morning i cried a lot, for i love her a lot, sometimes when you lost anyone that we loved dearly we cannot easily forget bcoz of the happiness that she give to our family, i cannot forget her eyes last night its like begging for help , i just comfort her:-((( we don't have a 24hrs medical emergency for animals that's very sad to say:-((((((
12 Mar, 2013
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sorry to hear this scottish, its really sad when you lose such a special pet as Oscar obviously was.
26 Feb, 2013