SRGC show Edinburgh
By scottish
I had the pleasure of attending my first SRGC show last weekend (6th April). Let me tell you what a thoroughly enjoyable time I had. If you ever get a chance to visit one of these shows – be prepared to be impressed!
When I arrived – Bulbaholic and Moongrower were immersed in their SRGC duties – they are responsible of the book stall that these events. There was wide variety of books available. I had forgot to take my specs with me therefore was only able to read the covers…lol! It was nice to meet you both!
It didn’t take me long to figure out where the plants were – I only had to follow the crowds! There was two signs one for the show plants and another for the plant sales.
I stood in line patiently waiting my turn to get through the doors – the riot of colour that met my eyes was quite astounding. As I made my way round the hall – admiring, noting and listening to all the oohing and aahing that was going on around me, I got blethering (chatting) to a couple of other first timers – in a very sort of amateurish way we were congratulating the exhibitors on their efforts. I wonder what they would have said had they heard us. Can seeing things through a show virgin’s eyes be a benefit? Did it matter to us that perhaps the odd flower was perhaps not quite perfect? Did we question whether or not there was the slighted blemish? What differentiates a prize winner from a runner up? It mattered not to me – in my eyes they are all gorgeous!
I should warn you now that there are many pictures therefore I’ll try keep words to a minimum!
Without further ado….
Lets start with the Hepaticas – a real buzz plant at the moment following the feature on GW last week.
I would imagine that the George Forrest Memorial Medal is the most coveted prize in the show – a worthy winner here.
Hepatica transilvatica Blue Jewel.
Next up are the various Primulas – my favourites! In no particular order but all gorgeous in their own right!
A few spring bulbs. There was lots of bulbs on display – I wonder has the delayed spring had an effect on the amount of bulbs? I checked back on previous year shows and it would appear so.
My favourite Iris ‘Katharine Hodgkins’
These were absolutely stunning – my picture could not do them justice
Crocus Prins Claus
Muscari White Magic, small but perfectly formed.
My project for the summer is to attempt to produce a couple of troughs/mini gardens displaying Saxifraga and Sempervivums – I was keen to have a look at the Saxifraga
The Saxifraga table
Saxifraga Gregor – best Saxifraga in Show
I thought this was a beauty too!
The display from the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh was simply breathtaking. Here are a few shots – something for everyone in there to enjoy I hope!
The last of the exhibits – the miniature gardens – I would dare anyone not to be impressed with these
I would love to have the knowledge to recreate something like this….
….but I think I’ll give one like this a go first!
As my wander around concluded – I met up with Scotsgran. She told me that her stint on the door was about to begin and we could meet up for a bite to eat when she was done. With hour to kill what was a girl to do? I wonder? – BRING ON THE PLANT SALES!!!
What did I buy…..that’s a topic for another blog – I hope to be back soon with a sneek preview into my shopping bags!
If you enjoyed my look around the show you can read and see the full report on the SRGC Website
13 Apr, 2013
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It is surprising how many people come up to me at the shows and ask "are you Bulbaholic" and it was particularly nice to meet Angie. The show tables were particularly impressive given the weather that we have had; we only took about five plants down with us. I had not noticed the Iris Katherine Hodgkin, how did someone manage this in the middle of April - ours were finished weeks ago.
13 Apr, 2013
For any of you that are interested the SRGC Perth Show is next Saturday 20 April in the Bells Sports Centre. The Highland Show, where you will find Bulba and I not behind the book stall, in Nairn Community Centre on 27 April and the Glasgow Show in Milngavie on 4 May. We'll be at all three and hope to see some of you at one of them! Nice photos Angie and the exhibitors love to here comments!
13 Apr, 2013
WOW! Amazing, beautiful, awesome, And I live in the US but would love to go to a show like that someday.
13 Apr, 2013
Lavender - get in touch with the North American Rock Garden Society they too hold shows though not necessarily near where you live of course.
13 Apr, 2013
I love those miniature gardens too, those in your photos are amazing. I suppose the challenge is to keep them looking like that and not have all your plants growing out of their spaces. Would love to have a go though.
13 Apr, 2013
Wow! Small is beautiful.
13 Apr, 2013
Thanks Scottish for a beautiful blog :)
13 Apr, 2013
Wow, Wow, what beautiful plants. I had no idea there were so many beautiful primula. And the Hepatica, absolutely gorgeous. Gone into my favourites.
13 Apr, 2013
I loved the hepaticas too, and those tiny white narcissi 8th from the bottom. You must have had a wonderful day Scottish - looking forward t seeing what you bought!
13 Apr, 2013
I did have a great time thanks TT - they are wonderful aren't they!
Bulbaholic - yes, those Katharin Hodgkins got me wondering too! Mind you I have a few I. retics still to open myself! I've actually got a picture of one of your Fritillaria - I did mean to add to the blog. I'll add it at the end.
Moongrower - thank you. Good of you to provide us with the extra dates and NARGS info for Lavender. Good luck with your entries in future shows.
Lavender - they were amazing. As MG says there is the NARGS - maybe one near you?
Louisa - those miniature gardens are gorgeous aren't they. I've been reading up on them a bit before I get started they is some great information on the Alpine Plant Society website. Useful for beginners like me :)
Linda - it sure is - best things in small packages etc :)
Sheila - I'm glad you enjoyed!
Cinderella - there are vast numbers of Primula available. If you look back at an old blog of mine titled Primulas there is a link to a website - its worth a look!!
Steragram - the Hepaticas are gorgeous aren't they? I'll get a blog done as soon as I get time.
13 Apr, 2013
A really enjoyable blog. The photos are just stunning.
13 Apr, 2013
Thank you Scottish. A lot of lovely photos to bring back happy memories of a very enjoyable day. I did not take any photographs at the show so I hope you had. You got a decent photograph of Crocus Prins Claus. I find white is very hard to capture on camera. Many people were commenting on it. I wish I could grow saxifrages as good as that 'Gregor' It was gorgeous. What I particularly like about the shows is that you can feel free to make comments on plants to perfect strangers and often glean tips for growing your own plants. It was nice to see you again and I'm looking forward to seeing what you bought out in the open.
13 Apr, 2013
Scottish a most enjoyable blog, so many beautiful exhibits, all in pristine condition, I would expect the majority are from alpine houses/greenhouse because there was not a blemish in sight.....ours never look like this....!! thanks looking forward to seeing what you bought.
13 Apr, 2013
I enjoyed this blog very much.
14 Apr, 2013
Strangers on Saturday, Scotsgran, but potential future friends. For all you know, you may have been talking to some of the top exhibitors; they are all just normal people and more than happy to dicuss plants with anyone who is showing interest.
14 Apr, 2013
How wonderful ! I love alpines.
14 Apr, 2013
Lovely! Aren't those miniature gardens lovely? Coincidentally, I bought a small oblong trough yesterday and planted it up. The alpine s on offer were dull, but later I can replace with better ones. That one bursting with flower colour is heavenly! I did enjoy, thank you!!
14 Apr, 2013
I would not want to name drop Bb but you are right I have unknowingly talked to and been given advice by some of those successful exhibitors including yourself. I don't believe it is uncomfortable to ask someone who is obviously passionate about the plant which we are discussing if they have entered a plant in this category. They are quite used to the fact that while they may be well known in the alpine world, as a newbie, I am unlikely to recognise them. They don't turn a hair as they point out their exhibit surrounded by a host of prize cards. The cards are ignored and the total interest is in the plant and how to grow and care for it. What i like about these shows is that while they are competitive the competition does not relegate the plants to secondary importance.
14 Apr, 2013
The displays are all very impressive, looks like you a good day there :o) I really enjoyed seeing the primulas.
14 Apr, 2013
Indeed the plants are the most important thing at all the shows and if you ever put just one plant into Section II you will be given even more encouragement Scotsgran.
I forgot to mention that the SRGC will have a show stand at Gardening Scotland again this year in the main hall (Dobbies if I remember correctly). Sadly Bulba and I wont be there as my back would not cope.
14 Apr, 2013
Very nice Scottish, great photos, it looks like a great time had :-)
14 Apr, 2013
It was :-)
14 Apr, 2013
I had hoped at least one of my pots of easy to source bulbs might have been out in time to show in Edinburgh. Maybe next year Mg. Two or three years from now I might even be able to have a plant i have grown from seed to show. I hear that there will be an even bigger and better display at this years Gardening Scotland than in previous years because the stand size is almost doubled.
14 Apr, 2013
Yes Ian Pryde, Graham Wenman and the rest of the team are beavering away and Brightwater is sponsoring so I suspect it will be absolutely stunning.
15 Apr, 2013
I'm continuing my education by being allowed to help prepare the plants brought in for the display so that those who do the planting can concentrate on doing their bit. It will take the whole week before the show to put the stand together.
15 Apr, 2013
Yes it is a long process to put a show stand together - then it all gets dismantled in a few hours :-)
15 Apr, 2013
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Hi Angie ..
Glad you had such a good time and met up with friends ..
Wonderful display !
Those arrangements in containers are very attractive. :o)
13 Apr, 2013