Friday night is...foliage night!
By scottish
With Daffodils still holding on in there, early primulas looking not too bad for mid May and ferns unfurling at a constant rate of knots – my garden seems to be stuck at that ‘inbetween’ stage!
Cornus and Cotinus are only just budding up, leafless stems that call themselves Hydrangeas are seriously getting on nerves and I refuse to be bothered by the fact that my Magnolia never did produce a flower! The jury is still out on the Camellias too!
Alliums, Azaleas and Aquilegias, to name a few, are conspicuous by there abscence. On the plus side – bees are buzzing and along with many other tiny pollinators there is plenty of insect activity. A distinct lack of slugs and snails really does cheer me up and a pair of Linnets have become extremely regular visitors! They are the sweetest little birds I’ve ever seen.
On closer inspection around the garden – which appears from afar to be a sea of green there really is quite a lot going on if you get up close and personal!
I was just commenting on one of Karensusan’s pictures that this year Heucheras in the borders are looking decidedly better than those in containers. It’s usually the other way around in my garden.
Please join me as I look around………
Heuchera americana Plum Pudding putting on luscious new growth
Heuchera Caramel looking better than it ever has
Heuchera Jade Gloss alongside Geranium, Astrantia and Polemolium foliage
Heuchera Berry Smoothie looking ‘berry’ nice
Heuchera Black Beauty now out of Heuchera Hospital and making good recovery in the border
Heuchera Binoche was new last year and hasn’t failed to impress.
Acers of course never do disappoint particularly at this time of the year.
My favourite and oldest Acer, I’ve had this 17 years. I brought this with me from my old garden. I grows a bit too close to the fence now. I’ve not got the bottle to attempt to move it!
Acer palmatum dissectum Crimson Queen
Acer shirawsawanum Aureum flanked by Pink Azalea buds – another favourite!
Acer palmatum Orange Dream
Acer palmatum Garnet – this one is going in the ground this year. It has recovered from it’s little accident (it snapped when I fell against it)
Acer palmatum Eddisbury – my 3rd favourite. Am I allowed 3 favourites? It seems I just can’t decide which really is my favourite and I bet I’m not alone.
Green and silver is always a good combination in the garden don’t you think?
Euphorbia Silver Swan – the only Euphorbia left in the garden. They all suffered dreadfully in the wet last year.
Snuggled under the Kilmarnock Willow – this Brunnera macrophylla Jack Frost doesn’t mind the shade.
Lamium maculatum White Nancy was bought as a rather sickly looking plant last year – I hope it will spread out under the golden Physocarpus and provide food for the bees.
Aconitum and Cardoon are fighting for space – something needs to move this year.
Greens tinged with bronzes and Reds – I like the effect it gives.
Epimedium x youngianum Niveum looks right at home beneath the Enkianthus and if you look closer you can see the Kirengeshoma just emerging.
Epimedium x rubrum picks up the colour in the Acer and surrounding Pieris.
New foliage on Persicaria amplexicaulis J S Caliente looks good until it flowers later in the year. The pollinators, particularly the hoverflies later in the year love this plant!
A few shrubs are very pleasing at this moment
Physocarpus opulifolius Lady in Red was a little slow to get started this year but is now beginning to redeem herself
Planted to either side of the Acer – they don’t appear to be wanting to flower this year, which is a shame their displays were stunning last year.
Pieris japonica Flaming Silver
Pieris japonica Forrest Flame
Huge shiny Fatsia leaves make a big impression. I’m surprised at how well this came through winter
Peony Sarah Bernhardt and Aconitum seem to be having a bit of a competition as to who can grow tallest. It won’t be long until the Aconitum reaches for the sky and wins the race!
This sedum is doing particularly well. They don’t usually do well in the borders here. The others were decanted to containers last year as they suffered dreadfully in the constant rain.
An almost perfect Hosta June emerging. As I ceased using slug pellet last year, this surprised me until I noticed my neighbour has used almost 1 tub of slug pellets per pansy plant. I know where they all are now and I just hope they stay there :)
Reminiscent of a minature jungle Gymnocarpium dryopteris looks good as it emerges from below.
This foliage is so ‘full of promise’ a white Mecanopsis bud just emerging.
I might not have a multitude of blooms and blossoms this May time but there is still plenty of interest if you know where too look!
This little chap is patiently waiting some friends – he is rather lonely. He has hopped out from the undergrowth in the hope that others might see him and come to play in the pond!
17 May, 2013
Previous post: April - all's well that ends well!
Next post: A review of my garden in May
Green it may be but lovely,there unexpected comparisons for instance your Maples are as far advanced as mine Meconopsis are further advanced than mine and your ferns are at about the same point,
18 May, 2013
I am constantly impressed by the scottish gardens on GoY, they are often more advanced than mine. Maybe the downward shift of the Gulf Stream is responsible. Whatever, it is a delight to see your plants looking so healthy and eager for the new season. Keep up the good work, I know they don't do it unaided!
18 May, 2013
I love all your greenery, and the purples too! I'm a big fan of acers and heucheras so they are my favourites. I have one of those Acer aureums and have just bought a very small Acer orange dream, it was only £2 so I couldn't resist. I love Eddisbury too and agree that it's impossible to choose a favourite acer there are simply too many gorgeous ones.
18 May, 2013
Thank you everyone...
Paul my orientals have no signs of buds yet! I hope you got your visit to Chartwell - we've monsoon weather here today and I do hope you get your lie in on Sunday - you know what they say - No rest for the wicked ;)
Snoop - sleep on the job, we're not that lazy;) Thanks for liking my plants x
Bjs - thank you, coming from you that's a real compliment! Odd how my Mecs are further on than yours. This is a new attempt at growing them. They survived before but I think I bought the ones that die after flowering. Apparently, I've been assured that if I keep dead heading, this one remains perennial. I live in hope :)
Xela - thank you. The gulf stream only affects the West Coast of Scotland not here on the East. I have read many at times that Scotland is a great place to garden. Now I'm gaining in experience I'm learning what my garden likes!
Louisa - yes your Acer aureum is a stunner Louisa. This one is still tiny. I've had it 3 years. Where did you buy your Orange Dream. Annella is trying to source one on the cheap. Mines were only 2 pound in Tescos 3 years ago. I still have 2 and gave one away to a colleague at work as an experiment for her. A GC near where she lives said it was impossible for her to grow Acers in containers and I'm trying to prove them wrong!!
18 May, 2013
I bought my Acer Orange Dream from Abbey Nursery Market Garden in Much Wenlock. It's just a local nursery but very cheap! My acer is only very small, there's a pic of it on my latest blog, but for that price it's worth a try!
Why would anyone say it's impossible to grow acers in containers? I've seen fully mature ones grown in large containers, so I don't see the problem? Hope your colleague succeeds and you prove the GC wrong!
18 May, 2013
The guy probably wanted to sell her something more expensive than the Acers they had on offer!!
18 May, 2013
Lovely blog Scottish . . . loads of interesting plants :)
18 May, 2013
All looking ready to burst Scottie, it will be a riot of colour before long, my garden is very slow down south here, I am really fed up with it all, heating is still on!!!!
18 May, 2013
Absolutely gorgeous. Love the heucheras and acers - such colours!The Gymno. dry fern is a real delight too.
18 May, 2013
Hi Scottish...yes we did Chartwell but it seems a long while ago now!!!! I've just got home (after 1am) from taking my eldest(comedian) son two a gig in Epping! that's afte picking up from Gatwick at 3.30 and taking his girlfriend home before off to Epping.Hopefully, when You read this, I will be having my lie in.Although, not too long, I've lots to do in the garden!! that's if it doesn't rain.
it was dry, although dull, for he trip to Chartwell!
19 May, 2013
You say you 'fell' against the garnet, Scottish.
Care to elucidate? Lol.
Another great blog!
Oh, nearly snails, as yet, but I can send you plenty of slugs, if you're running short. ;-)
19 May, 2013
There's loads going on there, I'm jealous! I'm still trying to get things sorted in my garden after the drainage work so there's rather a lot of bare soil out there at the moment...hopefully not for too much longer :o)
19 May, 2013
It's wonderful to see all the different colours of foliage in your garden. I really enjoyed looking at them :o)
20 May, 2013
Scottish you have a really fantastic selection of plants all looking so healthy your garden, loved your blog, will be on my favourites, so I can dip in and out .......thanks.
22 May, 2013
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It's amazing the difference from one end to the other of our small island........our cotinus are now fully in leaf and lots of things starting to flower now.Although ,any things a re late , things like my oriental Poppies are just about to flower which is about the normal time !!! very strange!!
And the frog...well, at least being on his own, he'll get first choice of the juicy slugs!!!!!!
Off to bed now as busy day tomorrow...visit to Chartwell, hopefully, then pick eldest son and girlfriend up from Gatwick after their holiday then take him to Epping Gorest for a show he's doing tomorrow night.Hopefully, I'll get to lay in Sunday!!!!!
17 May, 2013