A review of my garden in May
By scottish
I should probably warn you before you start reading that I’ve just looked at the amount of pictures I have to upload – so probably best to have a cuppa whilst your reading! Don’t say you weren’t warned :)
Whilst May might have got of to a slow start, the garden is really coming on leaps and bounds. The long summer border is a mass of green, peonies are almost ready to pop, clematis are full of buds and shrubs are almost fully clothed!
I began planting out this garden just over 3 years ago, some of the plants are now coming into their 3rd year therefore I am expecting BIG things from them this year – please join me for a walk around.
Spring bulbs this year have been extremely usefull and certainly value for money this spring – providing splashed of colour for well over 7 or 8 weeks.
Daffodils, Tulips, Muscari and Fritillaria in May
In fact, walking out into the garden to take some pictures last night – Narcissus Tresambles are still blooming! Note the alliums stems behind, Alliums and Daffodils, now theres a planting combination we don’t see too often in the garden!
No spring garden would be complete without primulas, would they? The drumsticks and cowslips have now gone over but the others are still looking reasonably good. The Candelabras should be taking over soon!
Primula veris, denticulata and vulgaris
Pulmonaria, Hellebores, Mossy Saxifraga, Epimediums and spring flowering Clematis joined the party – even the earliest flowering Rhododendrons were late!
Lets take a walk around the garden as it is today…..
First of all – the side garden. I have a long narrow side garden, which doesn’t really allow for layers of planting but here’s whats going on
My oldest and favourite Acer, I’ve had this Acer for 17 years it is flanked by a couple of young Pieris shrubs. A GOY inspired planting combination.
Acer palmatum dissectum Crimson Queen
Pieris japonica Flaming Silver
Pieris japonica Forrest Flame
Still looking rather bare – Magnolia stellata. I truly thought there was only going to be 1 flower this year but over the last couple days another 2 have appeared. The Fatsia, I never really expected to survive here in my garden but it’s come through 3 winters looking well – it’s planted in the wrong place but I fear that if I move it it will die and I’ve grown rather fond of it – garden dilemmas, eh? Ferns, Zantedeschia and Hostas amongst others will add interest soon enough!
Magnolia stellata
Next in line should be a rather leafy Hydrangea – still in twig mode and uninteresting, I’ll skip that! The pink Rhododendron with no name. It has been visited by the Vine Weevil Beetle as you can see from the nibbles munched out of the leaves.
There are also a couple of Camellias – one trained esplanier on the fence which has not flowered this year!
In one of the little borders outside the back door – primula denticulata and veris (Terratoonie inspired) have gone over, colour beneath the Physocarpus now comes by way of gleaming yellow daisy like flowers
Doronicum orientale Little Leo
Still on the shady side of the garden, planting around the pond is still filling out. Hostas have finally punched their way skyward, ferns are unfurling but there are a few flowers Soloman’s Seal, Bugle and Jacobs ladder (I’m learning common names too!)
Polygonatum multiflorum
Ajuga Burgundy Glow
Polemonium yezoense Purple Rain
Astrantia, Tellima, Heucheras and Candelabra Primula will flower later in the shady bed that houses the pond.
The remainder of the shady border near the top end of the lawn is home to Rhododendrons, Hydrangea and Leucothoe along with a few others that are uninteresting at the moment.
Growing as a standard, this red Rhododendron is just beginning to flower.
Rhododendron Red Jack
One of the afore mentioned Hydrangeas has hit the big compost bin in the sky – I just could not stand looking at those leafless stems much longer! A new home for one of my Acers which had been growing in a pot for the last 2 years.
Acer palmatum Orange Dream
A wee shady spot beneath the foliage of other perennials is a new plant this year.
Corydalis flexuosa Pere David
A recovering Skimmia sits in a pot nearby
Skimmia japonica Snow White
The other Epimediums have finished flowering, this one gets much more shade that the others – being tucked behind Astrantia foliage but liking it there it seems!
Epimidium perralchicum Frohnleiten
In the border behind my decking, which has unwittingly turned into a peony border – tucked underneath are a white and red bleeding heart
Azaleas are also coming into bloom – the Azaleas are not so far behind in flowering in a normal year unlike lots of other plants.
I moved this 4 weeks ago, it didn’t seem too bothered!
The sunny side of the garden has less interest going on this May. Some of you may remember that part of this border flooded last year. Having restocked it with moisture loving plants – it’s been as dry as a bone! There is plenty going on just nothing flowering!!
Further down nearer the house interest is in the form of creeping Phlox. Now in their 2nd year are beginning to fill out and do a great job of softening the edges of the border
Phlox subulata Amazing Grace
Phlox subulata Emerald Cushion
Phlox subulata Kimono
Mossy Saxifraga are still adding interest in the gravel bed
The Aquilegias are not quite looking at their best but this just adds something a wee bit different. Being billed as short lived I was surprised to see that they came through winter.
Semiaquilegia Sugar Plum Fairy
Always very late to put on leaves, which is fine – it means they aren’t affected by any late frosts
Cornus alternifolia Argentea
Last but certainly not least…….
This dainty little Berberis is currently tucked below the Cornus
Berberis thunbergii Bagatelle
Thank you for joining me in my May review – I hope you enjoyed your stroll around my garden.
26 May, 2013
Previous post: Friday night is...foliage night!
Next post: My garden Mid June (Part 1)
Lovely blog. Thank you.
I have a Berberis thunbergii and had lost its label, thanks for reminding me as couldnt remember what it is. Gave it a drink of Ericacious feed yesterday.
27 May, 2013
Lovely blog, I like the idea of putting some photos in a collage
27 May, 2013
Exelent selection ,loads of colour.
27 May, 2013
This blog is a work of art.
What a wonderful display of plants - my favourite pic is of the epimidium as it looks so dainty. You certainly chose your plants very well indeed.
27 May, 2013
This is going into my favourites, so many gorgeous plants, you have a beautiful garden thanks for all the pics!
27 May, 2013
It's lovely - pure pleasure from start to finish.
27 May, 2013
Wonderful blog, Scottish.
It's gone to faves.
27 May, 2013
I do like those phloxes ... is phloxes the plural of phlox or have I just made that up?! Whatever the correct term is, I like them ;o)
27 May, 2013
What a lot of beautiful plants you have managed to collect there Scottish. I would be proud to have any of those in my garden. Lets hope summer now brings us lots more blooms. Epimediums are lovely little plants that grow in conditions other plants do not like at all.
27 May, 2013
what a lovely selection of plants you have. I love the photos especially the compilation ones. How did you do that?
27 May, 2013
Thank you all for your lovely comments. I must say, I'm pleased with the way some of the garden is looking and it's mainly due to GOY.
Sarahm - those White daffs have been very worthwhile this year! Fitting them all in - the long border is very jam packed full and needing sorting out this autumn!
Dianebulley - I haven't needed to feed this yet! The rain settled it in well last year!
Pamg - the collage is good when there are lots of pictures, saves time uploading onto here!
Bjs - thank you, looking at the pictures there is lots of colour but you have to get up close to the borders to see some of it.
Wildrose - thank you - I like the epimedium pic too. I think epimedium are very photogenic!
Louisa - thank you, I'm glad you like my garden.
Steragram - thank you very much!
Mouldy - cheers, glad you like it too :)
GG - whatever way you say it - it sounds like a bad word ;) They are lovely wee plants, great for edging borders.
Poppylover - long time no hear :) Yes, I'm rather fond of the epimedium too - useful in flower or foliage!
SBG - thanks, a compliment coming from you, really!
The compilation is easy using Google Picasa - you create a collage of the pictures then save as a single image. It's free to download with a few editing features. Those fancy picture editing software do similar but the one I have it far to difficult for me to understand!!
27 May, 2013
Hi Angie ...
lots of lovely plants and nicely set out blog :o)
28 May, 2013
Wonderful ! Everything seems to be bursting forth now doesn't it :o))
1 Jun, 2013
Lovely selection of plants in your garden, Scottish - do you still have your Hydrangea 'Pinky Winky'? I hope to get one for my garden soon ... :o)
2 Jun, 2013
Thanks TT.
Hywel - yes, everyday something new is blooming. It's been very good weather up here. My sun tan is coming along nicely :)
Shirley - thank you. Yes, still have it. Pruned back end of March and is looking very healthy. I don't think you'll be disappointed with it. It's the mopheads I'm sick fed up with!
2 Jun, 2013
Hi Scottish, yes I'm back now! not been a lot going on in the garden after the long winter...and then whoosh everything happens at once. Should have a bit more time to spend having a chat on Goy now :-))
4 Jun, 2013
I may be late.... But, I enjoyed my stroll through your May garden!
John in Canada
13 Aug, 2013
Thanks John, I don't mind if you are late or not, glad you enjoyed :)
13 Aug, 2013
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1 Jun, 2013
Great selection of plants, how do you fit them all in ?!
I like the white narcissus best!
26 May, 2013