Around my garden Mid October
By scottish
A week or so ago, Dottydaisy2 asked the all important question ‘To chop or not too chop?’ I quickly declared that I was a chopper – my reason(s) – slugs! In a normal October – most things have by now been cut right back and the garden waste bin is usually full to bursting. Not this year though. Whilst the temperatures might have taken a bit of a drop we are still getting sunny afternoons.
The intentions are there but each day as I go out to the garden I can’t, no matter how hard I try, bring myself to do the deed! Everything still looks in good nick as you can see for yourself….
The pond bed this afternoon – another few days and the Mahonia will be in full bloom. This will be the first since it was planted back in 2011.
As you can see Astrantia Ruby Wedding and Snow Star are flowering again
Ajuga Burgundy Glow needed a bit of a tidy up – flowering again
This bargain pot of Rudbeckia was worth the couple of quid I paid for it. I’ve stopped dead heading now and will choose a spot to plant it for winter. Although these don’t usually make a 2nd year in my garden – I can only try!
The top end of the shadier side of the garden has a new resident.
It was goodbye Hydrangea….
Hello Viburnum
Viburnum sargetii Onondaga
I had a short list of shrubs as a replacement and after Sheilabub posted a picture of her Onondaga, the decision was made! The Hydrangea didn’t go to waste – a neighbour took it off my hands.
Another Astrantia, A. major, flowering again in this bed, no autumn colour on the Acer yet either.
In the little triangle bed directy in front of my decking – Rosa Lady Emma Hamilton has settled in. I do hope she likes it there. I’ve paired her up with some sedum and purple Heuchera – not usual bed fellows but as they cost me nothing other than time, no harm in trying is there?
At the top end of the garden Clematis Ville de Lyon now looking like it’s giving up for summer but throwing up a couple of late flowers.
Clematis Josephine looking lovely
and an Actaea I brought from my brother’s garden a couple of weeks ago. The scent from this plant is incredible. I don’t have the varietal name as my brother doesn’t keep labels, despite me encouraging him to do so – not for his benefit but for mine when they come to me :)
Persicaria, Rosa Warm Welcome, Helenium and a Scented geranium hanging on in there.
On the sunnier side of the garden not much sign of autumn.
Physocarpus Lady in Red is holding her own – time now to move the Buddleja I think! I’ve got sedum, alstromeria, monarda and salvia hanging on in there!
The cardoons are usually floored by now! No support and still standing – better than they’ve ever done (please excuse the Elton John moment)
A couple of Geums are putting up late flowers
Geum Bell Bank
Geum Dingle Apricot
Speaking of out of season flowers – a cowslip throws up a late or should it be early?
A new addition to the garden – I’m not quite sure where it’s going yet.
Kniphofia Bees Lemon
It was really cold during the night last night and I suspect things will start going over very quickly. As I turned on the engine of the car to come home from work this morning – there it was……Frost Alert shining brightly on the dash board!
I busied myself this afternoon – bring some of the pots round to the sunny front garden. The heavier ones I need a hand with and will have to wait until I have the attention of the resident big strong boy (my son) at the weekend. Bubble wrap and fleece brought out from storage too – it’s all downhill from here!
16 Oct, 2013
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Great collection of flowers you certainly have a favoured spot. I think the Gods must have a special interest in your little bit of Heaven.
16 Oct, 2013
No wonder you're not "chopping", Scottish . . . what an amazing amount of colour still in your garden. So glad you opted for a V. 'onondaga' - I'm sure you won't be sorry!
16 Oct, 2013
You've got interesting plants, and they are lasting well :o)
16 Oct, 2013
What a wonderful collection of plants and still strutting their stuff. Like you Scottish I keep putting off `the chop` although it must be done before I get caught out.
16 Oct, 2013
I have the same dilemma but yours is looking much better than mine. enjoy it while it lasts the winter is around the corner :o))
16 Oct, 2013
Your garden is looking great. I like your colour combinations. Its a wonder the east wind has not had more of an effect but you are fairly sheltered. Long may the good weather last. I put a lot of my seed pots which I sowed at the beginning of February out of the greenhouse so I could do some tidying up. They got a good soaking and some of the ones I thought were not going to show until next year have started to throw up leaves. That K. Bees Lemon is gorgeous.
16 Oct, 2013
Your garden looks like in middle of summer Scottish. Lots of colours. I would not chop them either. I cannot believe how many plants of yours are reblooming. Love your Clematis Josephine.
17 Oct, 2013
Isn't it great? So much colour...I hope it lasts a while longer yet? My rose 'warm welcome' has just started it's second spurt of flowering. In fact all my roses are doing a second flush now, which is lovely. never'll get your big autumn chop done...probably in November??and that will make the winter seem a little shorter. :)
17 Oct, 2013
I know exactly what you mean, I have not started yet because of the same reason. Plants are still showing some colour, only the daylillies have finished, getting straggly. I am loathed to chop them out as it makes the border look so bare and of course they are supporting other plants and helping things keep standing up for longer. Have been out though and moved a cotoneaster which is full of berries I could not see it where it was from the house. I had just the right place where I could see the colour from the window when it is cold and miserable outside. Hope I haven't done it harm, ah well if it dies off I shall replant with something else. Just another excuse to go to the g.c. lol.
Love all the colour you have still in your garden Scottish it looks great, thanks for the pictures :O)
17 Oct, 2013
Your garden is still looking great! I've not chopped mine either, apart from pulling up the sunflowers which were looking a bit bedraggled. It's still all looking good and the fuschias are putting on a good show, better than they did in summer!
17 Oct, 2013
Looking at your photographs it is hard to believe we are in the middle of October, you certainly cannot start a big chop down yet!! you do have a lovely collection of plants and they look so healthy, super blog.
17 Oct, 2013
Hi Angie..
your garden is looking lovely ...
lots of interest for this time of year. :o)
18 Oct, 2013
Everything is looking so richly coloured and so healthy. It has been such a wonderful year in the garden and plants have continued to look at their best for a long time. I LOVE your rose and its foliage is perfect for it.
No chopping yet!!!
18 Oct, 2013
Thanks you all for your lovely comments. Weather has taken a wee turn for the worse and I suspect it won't be long till it's all gone over!
18 Oct, 2013
I'm sure it will look good for a while yet,Scottish..if we don't get's been a lovely warm day here ..a pleasure to be outside ..a bit of chopping here and there,but still lots of colour your Clematis and Persicaria..all of it in fact :o)
19 Oct, 2013
A little late lol?:-) I wonder if we'll have such an Indian summer this year:-)
28 Mar, 2014
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Lovely blog Angie and so much still in flower. I have to admit to leaving my garden till spring apart from the bits I can reach easily, but even those bits have have come back into flower this year. Which Persicaria do you have hun? It is beautiful :o)
16 Oct, 2013