What to do to pass the time?
By seaburngirl
Well like a lot of you I have a good covering of snow, 18 inches as a general depth without the rifts. To add to my woes I am also off work ill [not sure I could have got out of the village though] and feeling pretty rough.
So what to do? Embroider, knit? No I cant face the amount of concentration needed. Bake but then I’d have to eat/share it.
Spend time on GoY, well did that in the first hour so now what?
I know sort out all the photos I have. So I am slowly putting plants into folders by genus. But also categories such as ‘bulbs,corms etc’, ‘herbaceaous perennials’ etc.
At the moment I am a 1/10 of the way through this general ordering. I hope to eventually put them in order by species.
All these are kept on an external hard drive, just in case the laptop dies. I have a few photos on GoY for each plant.
I feel quite virtuous now. Lets hope I can keep it up and complete a full catalogue.
Hope every one is keeping warm and safe in these chilly times.
3 Dec, 2010
Previous post: conservatory phase 3
Next post: More forecast .....
well yes thats why I decided to do it today.
3 Dec, 2010
sorry about the snow sea... and hope your feeling better soon, your very organised with your files, i dont have a back up for anything and cant be bothered lol, think i will stick to being unorganised hahah, take care :o)
3 Dec, 2010
I have mine in months for each year, and each month is split into three: Plants & flowers, tubs & troughs, and beds & borders.
Then I have some in a set of genera - e.g. all my geraniums, clematis etc.
I sound organised, and on my laptop I suppose I am - but I wanted to keep a 5-year (written) diary of what I did in the garden each month and where I bought & planted anything. I have lapsed several times, I'm afraid! I wish I'd kept it up properly. :-((
3 Dec, 2010
I have a folder 'borders & beds' and take photos every week from the same position. I write in a book what I buy and when and then when I get time I add them to GoY with any additional details.
3 Dec, 2010
Get well soon Seab. sounds as if you are being very productive on your few days off!! Take care.
3 Dec, 2010
Well done you SBG, once you've filed and foldered it's so easy to find stuff. I notice 'reality' tv wasn't among your pastimes, you're not a bloke are you ;-)) A few months ago I altered my folders, same as you really. I have several categories and each one is dated. Hope you feel better soon.
3 Dec, 2010
Sorry to hear you're 'under the weather' in both meanings! Get well soon! :o)
4 Dec, 2010
the only thing we've catalogued properly are the trees we've planted over a 100 --1st lot about 20 years ago anothe 30ish for the millenium and the latest early this year and we have plans for all of them as its so easy to forget at this time of year especially which are the large & which the small leaved lime for example or the names of the malus!
4 Dec, 2010
Great minds think alike !
I started to do that a few days ago :o))
4 Dec, 2010
Good luck with your categorising... Good idea ..
I suppose GoYpedia editors are doing somewhat similar work with everyone's photos on GoY...
As a GoYpedia editor, I can spend ages working on GoYpedia, but I have to stop when my eyes get tired... I just do a little at a time ...
get well soon...
4 Dec, 2010
Hope you feel better soon SBG, I too like others try to keep some sort of diary, catalogue, with my seedlings, but alas it all seems to go " out the window" after a few weeks in. ( might have something to do with the copious amounts of cider I consume in the greenhouse). :o))
4 Dec, 2010
no I am definitely a girl, at least I was last time I looked heron :o) prefer real life to reality tv, instant fame is not my cup of tea. Feeling a lot better today, my temp has actually remaind stable evn thogh it is elevated a bit but it is going in the right direction.
I suspected that is what all you editors did TT, have we thanked you all lately? if not THANKS.
I try to keep a plant diary but too often life gets in the way of keeping it up todate. Both my girls require alot of time for their upkeep :o)
4 Dec, 2010
Well done you hope you are keeping warm aswell.
4 Dec, 2010
Ooh cheeky Heron ;o))
If I can't garden then its either reading, baking or arts & crafts-- tv-- especially NOT soaps or 'reality' tv-- is for a couple of hours after dinner this weather!!
4 Dec, 2010
Well done for being so organised, I am sure these records will be of good use to you in the future, and who knows could help one or two of us as well!
6 Dec, 2010
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well done you, something i ought to do but never seem to get round to it.
3 Dec, 2010