How to fill my time?
By seaburngirl
As some of you may know I have not been too well for the last few weeks. I was admitted to hospital with a suspected heart attack. Thankfully it wasnt and due to my symptoms and family history they think it may be angina. Not as worrying for me as my mum had it for 30+ years with little impingement on her lifestyle. She managed to avoid the more vigourous housework haha.
I am awaiting further tests and therefore not allowed back to work; but they have limited my gardening activities: no digging, hand weeding only, avoid the cold [come on it is Nov!!] no lifting anything heavier than 3kg. Wonder how heavy a 3litre plantpot is complete with plant?
So; day time tv doesnt do it for me, I have read all of GoY so I am up to date even with the photos. Not made many comments though so sorry about that, wonderful pictures though. I have knitted 2 cardigans for myself, made a blouse for the youngest daughter and written all my Christmas cards but now what?
Today my daughter was at home due to a teacher’s training day [formerly known as Baker Days] and she suggested I sort out the empty plant pots in the greenhouse.
Well….. why cant they be standardised. They dont stand inside each other properly. So I started sorting them by make. I have 11 different styles of tall 9cm pots and 6 different 2litre pots.
I know, I know, I have too much time on my hands. 3litre pots tomorrow and all the odds and sods that dont quite fit. Then I can clean all the old labels ready for re-use….
Ah well hopefully back to work soon and in full charge of the garden.
Stay warm and enjoy the remains of the autumn colours.
5 Nov, 2012
Previous post: Rockery in June
Next post: happy Christmas
Thanks Hywel. We have had some beautiful days lately that would have been ideal for digging the borders. I feel well in my self its just so frustrating.
5 Nov, 2012
I hope your next series of tests give some useful answers, so that the doctors can find a way to help you, and you'll be able to tackle the more energetic gardening tasks.
Meanwhile, keep warm :o)
5 Nov, 2012
Sorry to hear this SBG, but as you said angina can be managed well. Lets hope the tests and results dont take too long as the waiting does not help. You might need help with the turkey this year if over 3 kgs?
Photos are always in need of sorting in my house as is my paperwork.
Take care and dont forget a scarf over your nose and mouth when you go out in the cold.
5 Nov, 2012
Thanks TT and Drc. Have also lost 1/2 a stone [2 whole ones to go if I ever manage it]; turkey mmmmm perhaps eldest girl will do the cooking for a change. I have the scarf thing sorted. I knitted a short one when I was first laid off.
5 Nov, 2012
Sorry to read this Seaburn, I hope they get the tests sorted asap, in the meantime you take care of yourself, pleased you are able to at least get some tasks sorted as you are so right daytime tv is only a novelty if its through choice....Don`t be tempted to dig those borders they`ll manage on their own for a while......
5 Nov, 2012
Sorry to hear this Sbg. Please take care, and all will soon be well again. I had a similar experience earlier in the year, but alls well now.
5 Nov, 2012
So sorry to hear you have not been well. Also sorry to hear of your frustration - take care, though. I know about the pots - ridiculous, isn't it?! I can never make my mind up whether to keep the plastic ones I get when I buy new plants. If I throw/recycle them, I can be sure I'm searching for an identical one within the week!
5 Nov, 2012
Sorry to read of your health worries, Sbg - when I wasn't allowed to do too much earlier in the year I had a 'de-clutter' of drawers and cupboards - if I hadn't worn it/used it/played it for a year it went off to a BHF charity shop! OH was getting worried when I started looking at his stuff ... lol!
Regarding the plastic pots - I used to recycle mine at a local GC but they've stopped taking them now as so many different plastics are used for various pots - the garage/shed will be full of them before long ... :o(
5 Nov, 2012
Sorry to hear that you've been feeling unwell SBG. you'll have to be satisfied with empty plant pots instead of full ones for a change.
Hope you get everything sorted soon and get them all told you need pampering :)
5 Nov, 2012
Ah Sbg..sorry you've been unwell...Take care and gather all your energy for Spring...(thats what i intend to do...:>)
5 Nov, 2012
So sorry to hear of your problems, not been a good year for so many of us on GOY this year, I hope they get to the bottom of your health problems sooner rather than later....and you will be out there enjoying your garden.
6 Nov, 2012
So sorry to hear you're unwell - keep up with the knitting and pot-sorting - it'll soon be Spring and I hope there's one in your step as well. :o)
6 Nov, 2012
Sorry you are on light duties, I got a couple of those Jean Greenhowe books for knitting toys and did lots for a charity fair, the patterns sound complicated but actually work very well and are interesting to do
Quilting is another hobby. Look at 'The Fabric Guild' on line (also called Kisco) they sell an amazing range of printed materials for any occasion but the christmas range of cushion,stockings, advent calendars etc is amazing.....easy to do and you can quilt as much or as little as you like it can be quite absorbing whilst listening to a talking book from the library
6 Nov, 2012
thanks for all the good wishes.
I have a range of crafts to do , a very large cross stich that has been on the go for 10yrs, might dig that out. Quilting has never really been an interest. I made a cot quilt for my daughter when she was a baby.
Sorted the drawers apart from his. Wouldnt dare throw a nut/bolt/washer away. When he does get to look at them they usually do get chucked. {If he needed them they wouldnt have been left on the side apparently; though I have heard 'have you seen....} I know a lot of you have this same problem bless them all. :o)
6 Nov, 2012
Oh dear, I'm sorry to know you're not well. The worst sort of 'illness' is when you feel fine in yourself isn't it? So frustrating.
I'd keep warm and rested as much as possible, only venture out on the mild days.
As for the pots, I used to try and keep all mine, but it got rediculous, so now I only keep those which fit inside each other..or out they go lol.
The OH never throws anything away..'it might come in handy.'
Take care.
6 Nov, 2012
I wish you a speedy diagnosis. Whatever it is once you know, you will feel ever so much better. You seem to be getting plenty of suggestions on how to fill your time so I won't add any. Get well soon.
6 Nov, 2012
You are a very creative lady. A small sketch pad and rubber, 2B, 3B and 4B pencils cheap enough. Plus a flat ended razor blade. This is to sharpen them to a bayonet point.
Its amazing how you can keep occupied whilst resting, just attempting to sketch things around the house.
Start with simple outlines.
Dont listen to criticism if offered, its your playtime not theirs.
6 Nov, 2012
Best Wishes SBG.
6 Nov, 2012
so sorry you havent been well Sea.... and do hope al turns out well for you health wise,
its boring i know when ill and you want to crack on with things but take it easy, once you get all clear you can get back to it, maybe some card making ready for xmas would be theroputic :o)) xx
7 Nov, 2012
If you fancy a recycled pot novelty which could be a nice Christmas present for someone take a look at my photos page 6. My g'daughter made this and won a prize at the school Spring Show. So many of us have spare pots we should have a competition to see who can come up with the best idea for recycling the pots. Look at this link to get some ideas to get you started. It mostly uses terracotta pots but a few stones or some quick setting cement would add enough weight to make many of the ideas shown.
8 Nov, 2012
Those are great ideas, Scotsgran - I am very tempted...
9 Nov, 2012
That looks interesting scotsgran. I made 5 cushion covers today but I dont think OH has noticed them yet. He has sat on the settee where they are and not said a word :o{
Had all my tests completed today but they say it might be 6weeks before the report is written and sent on to my gp. I'm sure it cant be as long as that. I ceratinly cant face being off that long. I'm back to the gp on Monday and see what he says.
fingers crossed I can get in the garden.
9 Nov, 2012
Hi Seaburngirl ..
I hope you get some useful answers from the doctor. Good luck on Monday !
Here's the link to Scotsgran's photo of the flower pot person made by her grand daughter ... for anyone who'd like to see ... it's a good one :o)
9 Nov, 2012
I do hope you get the news you want on Monday. Good luck with that.
Thanks Tt.
9 Nov, 2012
Do you like reading? Maybe you've read all your gardening books, but you might enjoy "Dear Friend and Gardener" by Christopher Lloyd and Beth Chatto (their letters to each other); also Monty Don's "Jewel Garden" is very interesting. One of my all-time favourite novels is "I Capture the Castle" by Dodie Smith, and (if laughing doesn't hurt?) "The Hundred-year-old Man who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared"!
Sit by the fire, put your feet up, and hope you'll be feeling stronger again soon :))
14 Nov, 2012
Well my heart is fit and healthy. They dont really know what went on with the chest pains. Possibly the result of having a short spell on beta blockers.
but the main thing is I'm back at work and can garden again.
so nice weather please?
Can I just say thankyou for all the lovely comments and good wishes from you. It cheered me up no end. :o)
4 Jan, 2013
It is good that you can start the New year happy and healthy. Yes please to nice weather from me too.
4 Jan, 2013
I've been digging out shrubs today, blue skies but a chilly wind. It is great to get mud under my nails :o)
4 Jan, 2013
Really good to hear!
6 Jan, 2013
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9 Jan, 2012
Oh dear ... I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell. Take it easy. It isn't gardening weather anyway.
I hope you're feeling better, and will get back to your normal routine soon.
5 Nov, 2012