5hrs later
By seaburngirl
spent five hours in the front garden today and now I ache like mad. Heading off for a long soak once the children are sorted.
What did I do, well removed most of last seasons growth from the asters, lilies, aconitums, aquilegia, soaponaria, delphiniums and lupins. Tidying around I found aconitum seedlings that are now potted up in the coldframe ready to go in another part of the garden. In April I will look for lupin seedlings as every year I get at least a dozen. They come true every time, a really pretty lemon and pale pink combo. Family and friends usually relieve me of most of them. Pulled out dozens of self sown Leucanthamum that have sneakily grown amongst the base of the blackthorn hedge. Its the first time it has seeded so freely.
Sadly had to remove rather alot of violets as they have self sown all over, but they all add to the compost bin. Grubbing around had an added bonus, as two robins were in the Philadelphius above me. They kept coming down to pick up insects and worms. I suspect they are pairing up as one was feeding the other. They are such beautiful birds. I havnet seen my normal one, she has a white feather in the back of her head. She has been a regular observer of my horticultural antics for three years.
I also lifted and divided Papaver orientalis ‘Allegro’ as it has out grown its space. Half went back in the other half is now in 4 pots in the cold frame to be sold on at a later date. I also split a large clump of hemerocallis ‘Arriba’ for the same reasons.
Well both kiddi winks are now finished in the bathroom so along soak is beckoning, hope i have some radox!
16 Feb, 2009
Previous post: satisfying afternoon in the greenhouse
Next post: its a good job i forgot my wallet!
yes and the parents. thats why i pot them up to keep the slimey little devils off them. The parents get a collar of crushed eggshells, they sometimes get nibbled but not too badly.
talking of snails, i moved a couple of bricks to find a snail roost, fifty+ all huddled together. All gathered in and shells cracked so the thrushes can have an easy feast. :-}
16 Feb, 2009
I'm also going to try used coffee as an anti slugs/snails device.
I tried it a little last year.
Have you ever sprinkled coffee around plants ?
16 Feb, 2009
no terratoonie, I drink the coffee that gives me the buzz to go snail hunting! only have instant as I am the only coffee drinker and i'm too impatient to wait for it to perk.
16 Feb, 2009
It sure is satisfying to have a good day in the garden! You got a lot done and I hope you enjoyed your bath!
16 Feb, 2009
sure did enjoy my soak. just have to find a needle to remove the spelks [splinters/thorns] then find the hand cream. should wear gloves but cant feel what i am doing. nails surprisingly long and in good form much to eldest daughter's annoyance.
16 Feb, 2009
Good when one can spend that long in the garden again and very satisfying to find new growth to transplant,its grand when our feathered friends come to join in it proves they trust you.........
16 Feb, 2009
Try some lavevder essential oil in the bath. It's wonderful .
16 Feb, 2009
Well done i've just spent all afternoon in my garden, know the feeling of back ache
17 Feb, 2009
well done seaburn your putting us to shame with all that hard graft!!!
17 Feb, 2009
Love your blogs and profile - look forward to seeing some photos of garden and planting.
Jo x
23 Feb, 2009
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16 Feb, 2009
Well done on lots of work and I hope you enjoyed a relaxing bath :o)
Do you need to protect lupin seedlings from slugs and snails?
I've experience of young lupins being chewed away to nothing. :o(
16 Feb, 2009