The veg patch.
By seaburngirl
You may remember that my ‘beloved’ OH re did the fruit cage so I had a veg cage instead. [keeps the squirrels out]
Freshly creosoted and soil ready to sort
A path down the middle to make weeding less of a problem and to save paddling mud about.
Planted up with broccoli, onions leeks etc.
Last year I also grew parsnips, carrots and leeks. The carrots were ok and the leeks were not too shabby either.
the parsnips I lifted for Christmas were a little small.
today I lifted 3 parsnips.
the knife is to reference their size.
the first 2 came out like this: still tasty.
This was the third one and it is a whopper. If only they were all this size.
They have been eaten and are very sweet.
I have put onions, shallots and leeks in again this year. But as is the rule of good horticulture they are in a different part of the cage. Broad beans will go in where the onions were and the parsnips and carrots will go in another bit.
I will still grow runner beans in pots in front of the greenhouse.
21 Jan, 2018
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Hi Sbg, apparently parsnips are not the easiest root veg to grow, [never tried], so you've done quite well to get them to grow at all, Derek.
21 Jan, 2018
I am suffering from cage envy - enjoy! You'll have no worries about caterpillars on the brassicas now!
21 Jan, 2018
parsnip seed is notorious for germination failure and the seed only lasts for a short time, so new seed every year Derek.
The butterflies still get through the chicken wire, so caterpillar checking is still necessary Stera.
21 Jan, 2018
That's good Seaburngirl :)
21 Jan, 2018
That looks professional, SB. Are you going to try companion growing? Have just read that parsnips will do well planted near: Peas. Bush beans. Peppers. Tomatoes. Lettuce. Rosemary. Sage.
Caterpillars and snails get everywhere! :O(
22 Jan, 2018
A very smart structure! It will be so useful.
I do like parsnips but we have never grown any ourselves! Do show us more of your successes.
22 Jan, 2018
apart from the parsnips all the others have already been eaten through the summer and autumn. :o)
22 Jan, 2018
Nice to see some results from your veg garden! ?
When I had my allotment I grew some Parsnips & I seem to remember they were enormous - it was the first & only time I've ever grown them!
22 Jan, 2018
My Dad grew fantastic crops, years of working the soil with lots of well rotted manure I guess and dedication of course. Enjoy your plot, nothing like home grown.
22 Jan, 2018
Well done your OH looks very smart nice to see your veg growing well.
22 Jan, 2018
Good on you, a great idea to make use of the old fruit cage nothing can beat a homegrown vegetable......
23 Jan, 2018
I'd love a much big plot but the back garden gets very little sun due to all the trees. Whilst the front garden gets sun most of the day I don't intend to do a 'Tom and Barbara'. [The Good Life in case you don't recognise the names].
There are not any allotments locally either.
24 Jan, 2018
We never missed an episode, we were likened to Tom and Barbara many moons ago......
24 Jan, 2018
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That looks great Sbg..a brilliant use of a former fruit cage..well done to your'beloved' husband :o)..and well done to you too,with your successful planting..and lots more to enjoy this coming year ,,
21 Jan, 2018