A feathered friend or two
By seaburngirl
We have a pair of robins nesting close by. I did spot them mating in the beech tree and they have been feeding each other for months now.
As I have been weeding and emptying compost heaps they have been in close proximity.
They had me surrounded!
This one in the one of the shrubs about 5ft away.
The other half of the pair on the gate also about 5ft away.
As I turned up small worms I threw them towards them. They sometimes came within a foot or so to take other inverts that I turned up either in the soil or in the [homemade] compost I was spreading.
When Oh started tidying up at the back and I was summoned to help they came with me.
Lots of spiders in there? [Yes and OH is under strict instructions to check for birds before he shuts the garage up on an evening]
And what is lurking around these bricks, blocks and trays?
OH lifted an old rotten pallet that had lots of leaf litter and other plant debris and they were both in, in a flash.
However the worms were not suitable.
I hear you asking why?
To give you an idea my hand from wrist to tip of middle finger is 7 1/2". The biggest one was fatter than my little finger.
The worms were duly lifted and put on the flower bed for safety. Even the blackbirds left them alone!
29 Apr, 2018
Previous post: Mid April
Next post: A very good day
The robins are great! But how on earth do you manage to do all your gardening and keep your nails like that?
29 Apr, 2018
That's brilliant, they must have lots of moths to feed. We don’t have any at the moment, last year they were constantly collecting meals worms I soaked in hot water to make them soft and tasty from the window feeder.
Maybe I should be getting my compost out of the bins too, I will add to my job list. I’m envious of your nails:-)
30 Apr, 2018
I am hoping to see the babies too. Every year we have tits and blackbird youngsters. We have nesting wrens too.
As for my nails I don't really know, I drink plenty of milk. They are very flexible so tend to bend rather than break. I often run my nails over a bar of soap before gardening so they don't tend to get too much muck under them.
There were juvenile earthworms in the pile too. The really big ones were the genuine common earthworm Lumbricus terrestris. So I was pleased by having my old friend from school days. [Dissected quite a few of them over the years, fascinating anatomy]
30 Apr, 2018
Precocious little birds Robins, do anything for a tasty morsel. Hope they don't start making a nest in the garage. What wonderful worms and nails!
30 Apr, 2018
I used to have robins every year and they often nested in the shed but not for the last 2 years. The blackbirds too, have vanished, and so have the wrens that nested in the ivy on the back fence. There are fewer bluetits about and none of my nest boxes is occupied this spring.It's a serious concern. I wonder if it is due to the huge amount of building that is going on around here. I'm so pleased to hear that the robins are thriving in your garden!
30 Apr, 2018
Hi Penny....I bet it is the building work. Once that's over they will probably return. I hope so anyway. :)
30 Apr, 2018
I have a pair of robins in my garden. In the morning, just before we all start work, the three of us sit in the conservatory with a cup of tea and have what we grandly call a meeting. The robins sit on the shrubs, looking in and Tim calls them, my little gardening friends. He says they are nagging me to get to work in the garden to find them some worms. They come ever so close but Shadow is getting jealous of them and if he feels they are too close, bouncies at them. He is a real mommy's boy and rightly named my Shadow. Great photoes of yours. ?
30 Apr, 2018
Oh, isn't it lovely having the Robins around. I usually have a Robin and a Blackbird following me around. Or a Robin and 2 bluetits.
30 Apr, 2018
Awe lovely to have Robins your going to be so lucky.
30 Apr, 2018
Wonderful to have the robins close by. I hope they found lots of worms ... bite size ones !
30 Apr, 2018
We have a pair and a friend........here at least three times a day, love watching them, very partial to cheese!
30 Apr, 2018
Cheeky little birds aren't they :)
30 Apr, 2018
I've noticed that the black birds 'cut' up big worms into about 1" lengths. I guess it is still a hefty mouth full.
30 Apr, 2018
Weeks ago we saw a robin feeding a young one. Then nothing seemed to happen nest-wise. Our boxes are empty for the first time for years. Young blackbird is being fed. It's quite big for a youngster and has flown into one of our back windows and one at the front. Makes quite a thump but, fortunately, doesn't seem to have suffered! Kept the cat indoors to be sure.
OH has seen a wren but I keep missing it. Years ago one used to roost inside our bedroom window, behind the curtain.
Heard the cuckoo three days ago!
1 May, 2018
I'm on catchup again.....Lovely blog Seaburn and delightful photo's, I love it when my feathered friends join me, they always seem to know when I am tending to the compost bins and sit in the trees above me, singing away and I think telling me to hurry up, lol, they get very close at times and the cheeky robins have been known to sit on the gardening tools. the blackbirds are just the same and never very far away when I'm gardening, my little wrens nest isn't under the waterfall this year, all Harriets fault as she is a toe-rag and insists on going under the juniper, little devil is fascinated by the frogs, as you can imagine they have been very active for a few weeks now, hard for a little Westie to ignore, however I did spot the wrens going into my stone well a few weeks back, its full of ivy, haven't interfered at all as I didn't want to disturb them but I am hopeful. ...
8 May, 2018
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gosh, they are some big worms! How lovely to have Robins nesting nearby. I hope we see the youngsters later! :)
29 Apr, 2018