Planning a busy day
By seaburngirl
The alarm went off at 5.30 but as hubby got up I turned over and snuggled down again. He is out for the day so I started planning my day. Next thing I know it is 7.15 and this is my view today. Wonderful for the last day of October
I then looked down and realised we have had a decent frost.
So a brilliant blue sky, cold and clear. Whilst the kettle was boiling I nipped out to take some photos.
The reflection in the pond is lovely
This self sown cotoneaster by the greenhouse is putting on its autumn colours.
I have noticed I have some self sown ferns in the retaining wall that supports the green house. But why are they not on the prettier walls nearer the house??? Answer to that is hubby regularly power washes them.
Other things in flower or putting on new leaves are as follows.
This is a lovely dark leafed Dahlia possibly Roxie
This Hosta ‘August Moon’ is putting on new growth.
This is a lovely large flowered Fuchsia but I don’t know which one it is.
I adore cyclamen and although these are not fully hardy they do add a bit of colour in troughs.
Other plans for the day include: tidy the linen cupboard, [done] write this blog [done] then change the beds, iron and put away the clothes [that is the worst bit of laundry], bake a couple of cakes, go to Zumba and then cook a lamb hotpot.
And if I get time after all that I might just start tidying the greenhouse. Well its 9.30 so time for Coffee
31 Oct, 2018
Previous post: I wondered why this aster had died.
Next post: It's about knowing the right people to ask.
It's good that you have sunshine for doing your chores.
I enjoy ironing. I find it a relaxing thing to do ...
Nice to see the colours of autumn in your garden :)
31 Oct, 2018
My goodness SBG such a busy day, hope you manage to put your feet up at some stage! Still lots of colour in your garden to enjoy.
31 Oct, 2018
Thank you Brentsa.
I am absolutely shattered after Zumba so not put the ironing away [pity you live so far away Hywel or I would ask you to be my ironing friend :o) ]. In the past ironing was a good way of releasing stress unless it had to be done eg school uniforms. Clearly not up to the same fitness level before my op 6 weeks ago as I dozed off this afternoon waddy.haha.
Didn't get out into the greenhouse but everything else is done.
31 Oct, 2018
Lovely photos Eileen. And what a satisfying day . . . all I did was pot up some Salvia turkestanica in the greenhouse, entertain a friend to tea, visit the library and forget to do the ironing!
31 Oct, 2018
Hi Eileen, your garden is looking good, sorry I can't help with id, there are 100 species, and over 8000 hybrids and cultivars, many with only very slight variations, so if you don't know, I've no chance 😊😊😊, Derek.
31 Oct, 2018
WOW! What a view from your bedroom window! Those trees look tremendous with their autumn colours now in full flow!
The reflection in the pool was a nice surprise as it looks so clear & transparent!
The Fuchsia is looking lovely, too! I have had little luck in the last few years with Fuchsias, between VWs & a very hot, sunny summer I've only managed to keep 2 varieties alive from one year to the next. They are the climbing Fuchsia:'Lady Boothby' & a bush type called 'Beacon'. The two that were given to me this year, by Dick from church, are still alive - just! I hope I can bring them through the winter.
31 Oct, 2018
SBG: I had to have a lie-down after reading about your busy day. Feel really guilty now.
I took some images of the front garden yesterday as the sunshine looked so wonderful on the tree trunks. The photos didn't really do the view justice. Maybe it's because I still haven't found my good camera. I just hope I didn't give it away accidentally when I was clearing clutter. :O(
31 Oct, 2018
What is Zumba ?
2 Nov, 2018
Zumba is a type of exercise fitness thing based on a style of music Diane. The definition I found is:
'Zumba is an exercise fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Perez during the 1990s.'
Depending on the age of the group there is Zumba gold which is what I do as it is geared for the over 55's.
2 Nov, 2018
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Oh stunning !
31 Oct, 2018